S.C. Code Regs. § § 19-450.7

Current through Register Vol. 48, 12, December 27, 2024
Section 19-450.7 - Procedure if Agency Objects to Activity Requiring State Permit
A. Conciliation of Agency Objections
1. Within thirty (30) days of notification of a permit application, or any extension thereof, an agency objecting to or intending to object to a projected activity shall notify the Department and the applicant of the specific objection(s) of the agency, the reasons for the objection and the supporting grounds for the objection. When the permit application raises complex issues or more than one agency objects, the Department shall coordinate the conciliation process. If only one agency objects, the Department shall inform the applicant that he is responsible for meeting with the agency and considering how the objection might be reconciled. The applicant and the objecting agency are primarily responsible for the conciliation process, but the Department may support and assist their efforts to conciliate and resolve their differences.
2. In the reconciliation process, the agency and the applicant shall consider how the objections might be reconciled by: (a) avoiding the adverse impact by not taking a certain action or parts thereof; (b) minimizing the adverse impact by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action or its implementation; (c) rectifying the objection by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected area; and (d) reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the permitted activity. The applicant shall provide any additional information reasonably necessary to resolve the objections.
B. Notice of failure of Conciliation; Joint Statement of Objections. The Department will not take action on a permit application upon which an objection has been made until it has received notice that the objection has been resolved, or that in the opinion of either the applicant or agency that all efforts to resolve the objection have failed and that further negotiation will be of no benefit. Within fifteen days after notice that reconciliation efforts have failed, the applicant and each agency with an unreconcilable objection shall submit to the Department a short and plain statement of the matter in dispute, the position of the agency, the position of the applicant, supported by such facts and information as are relevant. The parties should identify and clarify those issues that prevented reconciliation. If possible the parties should prepare a joint statement so as to expedite the permitting process.
C. Objections that the Proposed Activity Violates The Coastal Zone Management Plan or Water Classifications and Standards System
1. In those applications involving activity within the Coastal Zone where the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management has determined, after efforts to conciliate the objection have failed, that the projected activity contravenes the Coastal Management Plan, a Notice of Proposed Decision proposing to deny the project will be issued. This Notice of Proposed Decision will allow fifteen (15) days for appeal of the decision.
2. In those applications where the Department has determined that the projected activity violates Water Classifications and Standards or endangers the public health, and all efforts to resolve the objection have failed, a Notice of Proposed Decision proposing to deny the project will be issued. This Notice of Proposed Decision will allow fifteen (15) days for appeal of the decision.

S.C. Code Regs. § 19-450.7

Added by State Register Volume 10, Issue No. 6, eff June 27, 1986. Amended by State Register Volume 19, Issue No. 6, eff June 23, 1995.