35% 1. Demonstrated knowledge of business practices: bookkeeping and record keeping (5 points), purchasing and inventory control (11 points), sales promotion and display (4 points), restaurant and food equipment and vending machines (4 points), sales and profit margins (11 points).
25% 2. Work habits: reporting to work on time and attendance record (7 points), cleanliness and sanitation of the vending facility (10 points), personal hygiene (3 points), submission of Monthly Stand Reports on time (5 points).
25% 3. Work attitudes: good working relationship and positive attitude toward customers (10 points), salesmen, repair personnel, building management personnel, and agency staff (7 points), written complaints (4 points), attendance at the Annual BEP Vendors Meeting (2 points), hiring of a blind assistant (2 points).
5% 4. Demonstrated ability to handle the physical demands of the vending facility in question, including health (2 points) and mobility (3 points).
10% 5. Seniority (10 points): Seniority will begin on the first day a certified Blind Licensed Vendor begins operating a vending facility in South Carolina. Seniority is counted only for the years of service as a Stand Manager being certified and operating a vending facility under the Randolph-Sheppard program in South Carolina. (Blind Licensed Vendors who have been certified through the Training Center will receive one-half time credit for seniority as Blind Licensed Vendor Assistants. Work as a Blind Licensed Vendor Assistant must be verified by the Blind Licensed Vendor for whom the assistant worked.) A person who resigns or retires from a vending facility in South Carolina will lose all seniority, except in extreme circumstances such as drastic loss of sales and earnings through no fault of the Blind Licensed Vendor, or because of health reasons. Upon satisfactory improvement in health, with a Physician's certification, a Blind Licensed Vendor would retain all seniority. Seniority Verification Forms will be on file in the BEP Director's office for the use of Seniority Verification. (See exhibit...Seniority Verification Form in back of Manual). The Agency Selection Committee will have the authority to decide which facility the Blind Licensed Vendor will receive if he or she is the most qualified applicant for two or more facilities.
S.C. Code Regs. § 18-5