The SHPO awards funds on a competitive basis to certified local governments based on program goals and priorities distributed with the application form. Priority will be given to projects that increase the capability and effectiveness of local governments to address historic preservation needs and issues. Basic funding goals will be identification, evaluation, nomination, and protection of historic resources. These may be accomplished through survey, nomination of properties to the National Register, establishment of local historic district(s), public education programs, planning studies, local historic preservation commission education and staffing, and development of comprehensive community-wide historic preservation plans, stabilization and weatherization of historic buildings, and similar preservation efforts. An effort will be made to distribute funds to a maximum number of eligible applicants and in as many areas, rural as well as urban, in the state as possible. The state shall make every effort to ensure that no CLG will receive a disproportionate share of the allocation. The requirement that tangible results be produced with HPF funds awarded cannot be waived. Rationale for applicants selected and amounts awarded will be made available to the public on request.
S.C. Code Regs. § 12-106