870 R.I. Code R. 870-RICR-20-00-5.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 870-RICR-20-00-5.7 - Technical Assistance Grant Application
A. An Applicant for a Technical Assistance Grant shall file a Technical Assistance Grant Application in the form prescribed by the Corporation and available on the Corporation's website. The Technical Assistance Grant Application shall require, at a minimum, that the Applicant provide the following information:
1. the name of the Applicant and contact information for the individual(s) primarily responsible for oversight and management of the Technical Assistance Grant Application;
2. the Applicant's federal and State tax identification numbers;
3. the requested Technical Assistance Grant amount;
4. a description of the relevant Cluster, a demonstration of its importance to the State's economy, and description of the geography in which the Cluster operates;
5. a cluster diagram schematically depicting the Cluster served, showing current businesses, suppliers, markets, and supporting institutions and organizations that compromise the Cluster; the current state of collaboration within the Cluster; any new collaboration or other linkages that will result from receipt of a Technical Assistance Grant;
6. a description of the project for which the Applicant seeks a Technical Assistance Grant, including a description of the need that the project seeks to address; the intended result of the project; and a discussion of the project's importance to the Cluster and how the entities operating within the Cluster will benefit from the project;
7. a statement of the work for the project for which the Applicant seeks a Technical Assistance Grant, including a detailed discussion of the approach to the project and an identification of project deliverable, milestones, and timelines;
8. a financial narrative that explains why the requested Technical Assistance Grant is necessary and a description of a plan for securing additional funds necessary to complete the project (if necessary) and for sustaining the impact of the project after the Grant is exhausted;
9. biographies of key individuals who will implement the Project for which the Technical Assistance Grant is sought, including a description of any relevant experience;
10. descriptions of any external organizations or industry participants that will participate in the project for which it seeks a Technical Assistance Grant, including a description of the commitment made by the external entity or entities and any relevant expertise contributed by the external entity or entities;
11. letters of support for the project from businesses operating in the Cluster;
12. a description of how the Applicant will monitor the effectiveness and impact of the project;
13. a delineation of any other federal, State or municipal incentives, grants, tax credits, or other aid that will or may be received or requested by the Applicant in relation to the Project;
14. and such other information as the Corporation deems appropriate.
B. An Applicant may be charged a one-time, non-refundable application fee by the Corporation. The Corporation shall annually publish a fee schedule on its website commencing on or before December 31, 2015.

870 R.I. Code R. 870-RICR-20-00-5.7