870 R.I. Code R. 870-RICR-20-00-1.8

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 870-RICR-20-00-1.8 - Community Renewables
A. Solicitations for funding:
1. All program requirements shall be available on the Corporation's website.
2. Funding will be issued in the form of grants.
B. Eligible sectors
1. National Grid customers with an A60 or A16 rate code
2. All other sectors must be approved by REF staff.
C. Eligible Technologies:
1. Solar Photovoltaic (PV).
2. All other innovative technologies must be approved administratively by the REF staff pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-26-7.
D. Minimum Submission Requirements:
1. The following requirements, at a minimum, shall be evaluated:
a. Executed agreement/contract
b. Subscriber Electricity Bill
c. A Submitted interconnection application
E. Minimum Evaluation Criteria:
1. The following criteria, at a minimum, shall be evaluated:
a. Technical Feasibility.
b. Financial Feasibility.
c. Adherence to the Minimum Technical Requirements that are periodically updated on the RICC website under the REF section.
d. The REF has the discretion to prohibit installer companies from participating in the REF programs where such companies have had a serious life safety report or have unresolved inspection deficiency issues.
F. A complete list of updated program application requirements can be found on the RICC website under the REF section.

870 R.I. Code R. 870-RICR-20-00-1.8

Amended effective 2/21/2019