845 R.I. Code R. 845-RICR-00-00-4.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 845-RICR-00-00-4.4 - Definitions

"Annual tonnage disposal target" means the target sum of solid waste tons received for disposal by RIRRC for both the commercial and the municipal sectors as projected in its Five-Year Financial forecast prepared by October 1st of each year as per R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-19-37.

"Capital" means funds used to acquire or upgrade business assets with a value over $10,000 and a useful life greater than one year.

"Cash surplus" means when the cash balance of the Corporation exceeds "minimum cash balance requirements".

"Cash deficit" means when the cash balance of the Corporation is below "minimum cash balance requirements".

"Cash from operations" means net income plus depreciation and closure post-closure costs.

"Capping costs" means expenses required to cover the landfill when an active area is filled and can no longer accept solid waste for disposal.

"Debt service cost" means payments of principal and interest on debt.

"Disposal" means depositing, casting, throwing, leaving or abandoning materials that are no longer wanted, needed, or have reached the end of their useful life, which need to be further managed.

"Disposal fee" means the price charged to the customer for the proper disposition of an item or items of solid waste.

"Extraordinary expenses" means cash outlays for non-recurring or non-operation expenses, such as remediation of regulatory issues, legal settlements and funding the landfill closure/post-closure trust, that are not included in operating cash expenses, debt service, or normalized capital and closure expenses.

"Equipment use fee" means the fee assessed to customers when assistance from the Corporation is needed, and the use of Corporation equipment is required. Such equipment may include a loader, bulldozer, roll-off container, or tow line.

"Fiscal year" means the period beginning July 1 and ending the following June 30.

"May" means permissive or discretionary.

"Minimum cash balance requirements" means the cash on hand needed for emergencies, pay ongoing operating expenses, comply with bond covenants and fund authorized reserves as determined by the RIRRC Board of Commissioners.

"MRF" means Materials Recycling Facility, specifically the facility located at 33 Shun Pike, Johnston, Rhode Island.

"Municipal disposal fee" means the fee, defined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-19-13(g)(1), charged by the Corporation to municipalities for with which it has a long-term contract for the disposal of solid waste. This rule shall not supersede R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-19-13(g)(3).

"Municipal solid waste", or "MSW", means that solid waste generated by the residents of a municipality in the course of their daily living, the disposal of which the governing body of that municipality has undertaken in the discharge of its duties to protect the health of the municipality. Municipal solid waste does not include solid waste generated by residents of a municipality in the course of their employment or that generated by any manufacturing or commercial enterprise, nor does it include hazardous waste as defined in R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-19.1-4(4).

"Normalized capital and capping" means the arithmetic average of the five years of projected annual capitalized expenditures and capping costs.

"Operating cash expenses" means all operating expenses as included in the audited financial statements except for depreciation and closure/post-closure.

"Recycling cash revenue" means RIRRC revenues projected for the processing and sale of materials segregated from the waste and generated by MRF, Composting, and Tipping Facility operations.

"RIRRC" or "Corporation" means Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation.

"Shall" means mandatory.

"Solid waste" means garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and other discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material generated by residential, institutional, commercial, industrial, and agricultural sources but does not include solids or dissolved materials in domestic sewage.

845 R.I. Code R. 845-RICR-00-00-4.4