(Basic Pamphlet for Pre-Oct. 1981 Elderly/Handicapped Developments - with HUD Preferences) |
INTRODUCTION The Section 8 N ew Construction Program is designed to provide families and individuals with a safe, secure and affordable place to live. (Name of Section 8) was designed for elderly and handicapped residents. The following is a brief explanation of the application and selection process and requirements at (name of Section 8). |
ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION In order to be eligible for admission to (name of Section 8), you must: Be an "Elderly Family" as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). An "Elderly Family" is a family in which the head of the household, spouse, or sole member is 62 years of age or older, handicapped, or disabled. In determining whether you are an eligible "Elderly Family", we will apply the following definitions: "Family" is two or more persons sharing residency and (1) who are related by blood, marriage or operation of law, or (2) who demonstrate a stable relationship which has existed or which can be anticipated to exist, over a continuous period of time. "Disabled person" is a person who is under a disability as defined in the Social Security Act, or the Developmental Disabilities Services Construction Amendments of 1970. "Handicapped person" is a person having a physical or mental impairment that (a) is expected to be of long continued and indefinite duration, (b) substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently, and (c) is of such a nature that the ability to live independently could be improved by more suitable housing conditions. Have a total family income within income limits established by HUD. Demonstrate that you will be a good tenant at (name of Section 8). In determining whether you will be a good tenant, we may consider such factors as recommendations from past landlords and your rent paying history. |
APPLICATION PROCESS We will accept an application for admission from any person or family. Applications are available at the management office of (name and address of Section 8). All application must be completed in full. Applications may be submitted in person or by mail. Each applicant will receive a receipt, indicating the Official Date of Application, at the time the application is submitted. You should keep this receipt in a safe place since it is proof of the date of your application. We are required to verify the information you provided regarding income and family composition. We may ask you to assist us in documenting this information. |
NOTIFICATION TO APPLICANT You will receive written notice of our decision regarding your eligibility within 20 days of your Official Date of Application. If we determine that you are ineligible for admission, we will inform you of the specific reasons for our decision. You will have an opportunity to challenge this decision through the Review Process. You will be provided a Request for Hearing Form with the notice of ineligibility. If we determine that you are eligible for admission, you will be placed on the appropriate waiting list and will be informed of the approximate date upon which you may be assigned an apartment. |
WAITING LISTS The following waiting lists will be maintained for each bedroom size apartment at (name of Section 8): Very low-income preference. Very low-income non-preference. Lower income preference. Lower income non-preference. All eligible applicants will be placed on the appropriate waiting list for their applicant profile. The waiting lists are posted in our management office for your review. If your income is less than 50 percent of the median area income, you will be placed on the very low-income waiting list. If your income is between 50 and 80 percent of area median income, you will be placed on the lower-income waiting list. Our office can provide you with current median income figures for this area. You are entitled to be placed on the appropriate "preference" waiting list if you are: Being displaced by government action. Currently living in substandard housing. Currently paying more than 50 percent of your income for shelter (rent and utilities). You should inform us if any of these categories apply to you. |
SELECTION FOR ADMISSION Applicants for admission will be selected from the waiting lists for each apartment size according to a court-ordering formula. Selection from each waiting list will be on a first come, first served basis. In a limited number of cases where extreme hardship or exceptional circumstances produce an immediate need for housing, or where fair housing considerations require alternative admission procedures, an applicant may be granted priority admission. In those situations, the applicant may be moved to the top of the appropriate waiting list and will be assigned the next available appropriate sized apartment. |
REVIEW PROCESS If you disagree with our decision regarding your application for admission, you may request a review of our decision by Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation (RIHMFC). In order to request a review, you must mail the completed Request for Hearing form to RIHMFC within fifteen days of the date of our notice to you. You should attach a copy of our notice to the form and you should state your reasons for disagreeing with our decision. RIHMFC will contact you concerning the hearing, and will inform you in writing of its decision. |
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY It is your responsibility to keep us informed of any changes in your income or family composition which may affect your eligibility for admission, the bedroom size apartment which is appropriate for you, or your entitlement to a preference. Examples of such a change include a reduction in family income, a permanent reduction in family size, or the condemnation of your present apartment. In addition, it is your responsibility to inform us of any changes of address. This requirement is very important because we will periodically update the waiting lists. If you do not respond t our update notice, you will be removed from the waiting list and will start from the bottom of the waiting list if you reapply. ALWAYS KEEP US INFORMED OF YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS. (Modifications to Basic Pamphlet for Family Developments, Pre-Oct. 81 and Post Oct. 81, With or Without HUD Preferences.) The Section 8 N ew Construction Program is designed to provide families and individual with a safe, secure and affordable place to live. (Name of Section 8) was designed primarily for families. The following is a brief explanation of the application and selection process and requirements at (name of Section 8). |
ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION In order to be eligible for admission to (name of Section 8), you must be a "family" as defined by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In addition, individuals who live alone are considered a "family" for eligibility purposes if they are 62 years of age or older, handicapped or disabled. In determining whether you are an eligible "family" for admission, we will apply the following definitions: "Family" is two or more persons sharing residency and (1) who are related by blood, marriage or operation of law, or (2) who demonstrate a stable relationship which has existed, or which can be anticipated to exist, over a continuous period of time. "Disabled person" is a person who is under a disability as defined in the Social Security Act, or the Development Disabilities Services Construction Amendments of 1970. "Handicapped person" is a person having a physical or mental impairment that (a) is expected to be of long continued and indefinite duration, (b) substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently, (c) is of such a nature that the ability to live independently could be improved by more suitable housing conditions. Have a total family income within income limits established by HUD. Demonstrate that you will be a good tenant at (name of Section 8). In determining whether you will be a good tenant, we consider such factors as recommendations from past landlords and your rent paying history. (Modifications to Basic Pamphlet for Pre-Oct. 81 Developments, Family and Elderly/Handicapped, Without HUD Preferences.) |
MAILING LISTS The following waiting lists will be maintained for each bedroom size apartment at (name of Section 8): Very low-income. Lower income. All eligible applicants will be placed on the appropriate waiting list for their applicant profile. The waiting lists are posted in our management office for your review. If your income is less than 50 percent of the median area income, you will be placed on the very low-income waiting list. If your income is between 50 and 80 percent of area median income, you will be placed on the lower income waiting list. Our office can provide you with current median income figures for this area. |
SELECTION FOR ADMISSION Applicants for admission will be selected from the waiting lists for each apartment size according to a court-ordered formula. Selection from each waiting list will be on a first come, first served basis. In a limited number of cases where extreme hardship or exceptional circumstances produce an immediate need for housing, or where fair housing considerations produce require alternative selection procedures, an applicant may be granted priority admission. In those situations, the applicant may be moved to the top of the appropriate waiting list and will be assigned the next available appropriate sized apartment. (Modifications to Basic Pamphlet for Post-Oct. 81 Developments, Family and Elderly/Handicapped, With HUD Preferences.) |
MAILING LISTS The following waiting lists will be maintained for each bedroom size apartment at (name of Section 8): Very low-income preference Very low-income non-preference. Lower income preference. Lower income non-preference. All eligible applicants will be placed on the appropriate waiting list for their applicant profile. The waiting lists are posted in our management office for your review. If your income is less than 50 percent of the median area income, you will be placed on the very low-income waiting list. If your income is between 50 and 80 percent of area median income, you will be placed on the lower income waiting list. Our office can provide you with current median income figures for this area. You are entitled to be placed on the appropriate "preference" waiting list if you: Are being displaced by government action. Currently live in substandard housing. Currently pay more than 50 percent of your income for shelter (rent and utilities). You should inform us if any of these categories apply to you. |
SELECTION FOR ADMISSION Applicants for admission will be selected from the waiting lists for each bedroom size on a first come, first served basis. Occasionally, fair housing considerations may require alternative selection procedures. In those situations, an applicant may be given a preference and moved to the top of the appropriate waiting list. Current HUD Regulations limit admission to (name of Section 8) to very low-income applicants. Thus, if you are a lower income applicant, you will not be admitted at the present time. However, there is a chance that HUD may permit admission of some lower income applicants in the future. Therefore, we will maintain a waiting list of lower income applicants for use in the event that HUD Regulations are changed or if (name of Section 8) obtains a waiver of this requirement. (Modifications to Basic Pamphlet for Post-Oct. 81 Developments, Family and Elderly/Handicapped, With HUD Waiver for Lower Income Applicants.) |
SELECTION FOR ADMISSION Current HUD regulations generally limit admission to Section 8 D evelopments to very low-income applicants. However, (name of Section 8) has been granted a waiver of this requirement, and is authorized to admit a specified percentage of lower income applicants. Applicants for admission will be selected from the very low-income and lower income waiting lists in a proportion specified by HUD. Selection from each waiting list will be on a first come, first served basis based on the bedroom size unit available. Occasionally, fair housing considerations may require alternative selection procedures. In those situations, an applicant may be given a preference and moved to the top of the appropriate waiting list. |
825 R.I. Code R. 825-RICR-40-00-1.5