Section 810-RICR-20-00-2.3 - Services Available for Resale:A. All services provided at retail by Verizon, the incumbent local exchange carrier in Rhode Island, shall be presumptively available to competitive local exchange carriers for resale. Such sales shall be at a discount from the tariffed retail rate, calculated as provided elsewhere in this section.B. Services provided at retail shall include all services in the general tariff of the incumbent local exchange carrier, plus all services provided in temporary promotional tariffs in effect for 90 days or longer in any calendar year. Services provided under other tariffs may be designated as services provided at retail upon submission of evidence that the incumbent local exchange carriers has provided them to some customers who are not common carriers. Services provided under tariffs other than the general tariff, or services provided under experimental tariffs or as technical trials, may be subject to restrictions as to whether they may be available for resale, or as to the customers to which they may be resold.C. Competitive local exchange carriers may resell business services to any customer, or use them for their own internal purposes, and this includes services subject to bulk discounts, quantity discounts, or discounts related to the contract term. Competitive local exchange carriers may resell residential service only to residential customers, as defined in the tariff of the incumbent local exchange carrier. The Commission may, when appropriate, order restrictions on the resale of services to another group or class of customers that are offered only to a limited group or class of customers.D. Services that are offered only to present customers, but not to new customers, may be resold, but only to the present customers.810 R.I. Code R. 810-RICR-20-00-2.3