810 R.I. Code R. 810-RICR-00-00-5.10

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 810-RICR-00-00-5.10 - Abbreviated Filing Requirements for Non-Investor-Owned Utilities
A. Availability. A non-investor-owned utility may receive a limited revenue increase through an abbreviated filing process requiring submission of less data than would otherwise be required under §§ 5.5, 5.6, and 5.9 of this Part. Information required of water utilities pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 39-3-12.1 must be filed.
B. Limitation on Revenue Increase. The allowable revenue increase will be limited to twenty-five (25%) percent over a normalized test year period. Increases to test year amounts will be allowed for known and measurable changes to:
1. debt service requirements;
2. salaries, wages, and employee benefits;
3. property taxes;
4. chemicals;
5. insurance;
6. infrastructure replacement program funding; and
7. purchased water.
C. For other accounts, increases from test year amounts for known and measurable changes will be allowed only when the proforma amount is at least ten (10%) percent greater than the test year. Account increases utilizing a general attrition or inflation factor will not be permitted.
D. Restrictions on Abbreviated Filing. The abbreviated filing procedure is not available to a utility in the following instances:
1. if a net utility operating loss has occurred for the prior two fiscal years;
2. if a general rate order has not been issued during the preceding five years;
3. if the utility proposes a significant change in revenue recovery among rate classes;
4. if the utility has not filed all annual reports to the Commission;
5. if the utility has not complied with directives of prior Commission orders.
E. Filing Requirements. §§ 5.5(A)(3) and 5.9 of this Part are superseded by the following requirements:
1. Cost of service schedules for the test year and the proposed rate year; a balance sheet for the test year.
2. Supporting calculations and data for known and measurable changes allowed per § 5.10(B) of this Part.
3. A comparative statement of revenues and expenditures for the past three (3) fiscal years.
4. Workpapers detailing the test year revenues by source, tariff, rate class, etc. The sales volumes/quantities and customer counts by rate class shall be presented.
5. A schedule presenting the principal and interest amounts paid on long term and short-term debt service for the test year and the amounts projected for the rate year. Schedule amounts by bond issue, note/mortgage loan, etc. as appropriate. Provide a description of each issue to include: source of funding, amount of original issue, date, interest rate, repayment terms, security pledged on borrowing, and other pertinent information.
6. For rate filings requesting an increase in debt service requirements:
a. a capital program in support of the debt service requested;
b. evidence of voter/board approval for the debt issuance; and
c. a summary of debt issuance costs.
7. A summary of expenses incurred and projected to be incurred related to the instant rate case filing, and a schedule showing any unamortized amounts from prior rate filings. This schedule shall reconcile the total amount of expense allowed in the last order, the recovery or amortization of expense through the test year, and the projected balance of any unrecovered or unamortized amount at the beginning of the rate year.
8. A summary on the status of compliance and reporting required by prior Commission orders.
9. An accounting summary of restricted accounts to provide the funding, interest accrual, and expenditures of each restricted account since the date of the last rate order.
F. Representation by Counsel. A filing under this section may be made without the assistance of any attorney. However, if the matter results in a contested hearing, the utility must be represented by counsel as directed under § 1.5(A)(1) of this Subchapter, the Commission's Rules of Practice & Procedure.

810 R.I. Code R. 810-RICR-00-00-5.10