650 R.I. Code R. 650-RICR-20-00-7.1

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 650-RICR-20-00-7.1 - Authority, Intent and Purpose (formerly section 120)
A. Pursuant to the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 through 1466) and R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-23 the Coastal Resources Management Council is authorized to develop and implement special area management plans.
B. It is the intent of the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management (CRMC) to develop and implement a Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) for the west side of Aquidneck Island and the adjacent waters that protects the ecological, economic, recreational, historic, cultural, and aesthetic values of Aquidneck Island, and is in support of the Aquidneck Island West Side Master Plan, other local plans, and all state and federal CRMC requirements. The first element of the Aquidneck Island SAMP will be achieved through the development and implementation of the Aquidneck Island coastal development (ACD) regulations to guide development along the west side shoreline.
C. The primary purpose of the ACD regulations and the Aquidneck Island SAMP is to serve as a coastal management tool to ensure consistency between municipal, state and federal polices and regulations. The ACD regulations and the Aquidneck Island SAMP will focus on achieving the following goals:
1. Increase and maintain public access to and along the shoreline:
2. Encourage marine-related and other economic development based on coastal smart growth principles;
3. Preserve and restore the aesthetic value of this west side shoreline; and
4. Ensure CRMC water type designations are consistent with the adjacent proposed land uses.
D. Federal and state legislation directs the CRMC to preserve, protect, develop, and where possible, restore the coastal natural resources of Rhode Island. Therefore, through the ACD regulations and the Aquidneck Island SAMP, the CRMC will implement actions to:
1. preserve, protect, restore, and enhance the overall quality of Narragansett Bay's coastal waters;
2. mitigate nutrients, sediment and other waterborne pollutants from surface runoff;
3. minimize flood impacts and shoreline erosion;
4. protect, preserve, enhance, and restore coastal fish and wildlife habitat;
5. preserve and enhance public experiences available along the coast, including public access to and along the shoreline;
6. achieve responsible shoreline development that will allow a mixture of desirable land uses (residential, recreational, commercial, and industrial) that orient to Aquidneck Island;
7. preserve, enhance, or create an aesthetically pleasing view from the water; and
8. maintain the accessibility and natural habitat of the Aquidneck Island regional shoreline, as well as access to established pedestrian, bicycle, and blue water trails.
E. CRMC recognizes that the vision of the Aquidneck Island West Side Master plan is that: The west side will become recognized by the citizens of Aquidneck Island as an exceptionally well-managed corridor. The associated land and water will attain a sustainable balance among complementary uses and natural resources, each contributing to the high quality of life that distinguishes the unique cultural and natural environment of Aquidneck Island.
F. In the spirit of continually striving to have one of the best coastal programs in the nation, CRMC will coordinate with local, state and federal partners to ensure that the ACD regulations and the Aquidneck Island SAMP contributes to achieving the goals identified in the legislatively-mandated and approved Marine Resources Development Plan (MRDP).The MRDP can be viewed here: http://www.crmc.ri.gov/pubs/index.html. The MRDP goals are to:
1. improve the health and functionality of Rhode Island's marine ecosystems;
2. provide for appropriate marine-related economic development; and
3. promote the use and enjoyment of Rhode Island's marine resources by the people of the state.
G. Through development and implementation of the Aquidneck Island SAMP, CRMC will apply, where appropriate, the US Environmental Protection Agency and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's adopted Waterfront and Coastal Smart Growth Elements, which are:
1. Mix land uses and ensure that working waterfronts and water-dependent uses remain a viable and stable part of this mix.
2. Take advantage of compact building design to optimize waterfront and water-based activities in targeted areas.
3. Provide a range of housing opportunities and choices to meet the needs of both seasonal and permanent residents.
4. Create walkable waterfronts and shoreline communities with visual and physical access to and along the waterfront for public use.
5. Foster distinctive, attractive, disaster-resilient communities with a strong sense of place while protecting, preserving, and enhancing waterfront and coastal heritage.
6. Preserve open space, natural beauty, coastal features and dynamic processes by protecting critical ecological systems.
7. Strengthen and direct development to existing communities and encourage suitable waterfront revitalization.
8. Provide a variety of transportation choices including ferries and other water-borne modes to complement land-based options.
9. Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost-effective through consistent policies and coordinated permitting processes.
10. Promote community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions, including stakeholders who represent the public trust legacy of coastal waters.
H. The federal Coastal Zone Management Act charges the CRMC with the following actions, and CRMC will achieve these federal mandates to the best of its abilities through the ACD regulations and the Aquidneck Island SAMP:
1. assist in the redevelopment of deteriorating waterfronts, and consider the need for economic development that is compatible with the ecological, cultural, historic, and aesthetic values of the coastal zone;
2. ensure the availability of public access points for coastal recreation;
3. consider the need for siting of facilities for national defense, energy, fisheries development, ports and transportation, as well as appropriate siting of new commercial and industrial developments;
4. timely review of projects through the streamlining of management activities; and
5. provide opportunities for public involvement in the decisions regarding coastal management.
I. The goals of the Aquidneck Island SAMP will be met through the application of the regulations herein.
J. Figure 1: Aquidneck Island Special Area Management Plan Boundary

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K. Figure 2: Aquidneck Island Special Area Management Plan Zones

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650 R.I. Code R. 650-RICR-20-00-7.1

Amended effective 12/17/2018