510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-2.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 510-RICR-00-00-2.3 - Chapter 1: Administration
R101.1 Delete and substitute the following:
R101.1 Title.

These provisions shall be known as the Rhode Island One and Two-Family Dwelling Code SBC-2-2021 and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."

R101.2 Delete and substitute the following:
R101.2 Scope.

The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy and location of detached one-and two-family dwellings and multiple singlefamily dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories in height with a separate means of egress, and their accessory structures.

Exception: Existing one and two-family buildings undergoing a change of use shall comply with the provisions of the State Building Code SBC-1-2021(Part 1 of this Subchapter) or State Rehabilitation Code SRC-1 (Part 20 of this Subchapter) as applicable.

R101.3 Delete and substitute the following
R101.3 Intent.

The purpose of this code is to establish minimum requirements to safeguard the public safety, health and general welfare through affordability, structural strength, means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, light and ventilation, energy conservation and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment.

R102.5 Delete and substitute the following:
R102.5 Appendices

Appendices A, B, C, D, F, N, P, U and RP are informative only and not part of this code.

Appendices E, G, H, J, K, M, O, R and S apply.

Appendices I, L, and Q are deleted.

New Rhode Island Appendix AA is added.

R102.7 Delete and substitute the following:
R102.7 Existing structures.

The legal occupancy of any structure existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as specifically covered in this code or as is deemed necessary by the building official for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public.

R105.2 Delete R105.2 and substitute the following:
R105.2 Work exempt from permit.

Permits shall not be required for the following.

Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.


1. One (1) story detached accessory structures provided the floor area does not exceed two hundred (200) square feet (18.58 m2).
2. Fences not over six feet (6') (1829 mm) high.
3. Retaining walls that are not over thirty-two inches (32") in height measured from the lower finished grade to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.


1. All cast-in-place concrete retaining walls greater than twenty-four inches (24") in height shall require a permit.
2. All engineered masonry retaining wall systems shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions
3. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed five thousand (5,000) gallons (18,927 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed two to one (2 to 1).
4. Sidewalks and driveways not more than thirty inches (30") (762 mm) above adjacent grade and not over any basement or story below.
5. Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.
6. Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than twenty-four inches (24") (610 mm) deep, and man-made landscape ponds of any depth.
7. Swings and other playground equipment and play structures.
8. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall.
9. Replacement window sash installations.


Replacement window installations that include a frame and sash(es) require a permit.


Maintenance: A permit shall not be required for replacement of lamps, receptacles, devices, or fixtures, including the connection of portable electrical equipment to approved permanently installed receptacle.


Replacement of any minor part or appliance that does not alter approval of equipment or make such equipment unsafe.


1. Portable heating appliance.
2. Portable ventilation appliances.
3. Portable cooling unit.
4. Steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating or cooling equipment regulated by this code.
5. Replacement of any minor part that does not alter approval of equipment or make such equipment unsafe.
6. Portable evaporative cooler.
7. Self-contained refrigeration systems containing ten (10) pounds (4.54 kg) or less of refrigerant or that are actuated by motors of one (1) horsepower (746 W) or less.


The stopping of leaks in drains, water, soil, waste or vent pipe; provided, however, that if any concealed trap, drainpipe, water, soil, waste or vent pipe becomes defective and it becomes necessary to remove and replace the same with new material, such work shall be considered as new work and a permit shall be obtained and inspection made as provided in this code.

The clearing of stoppages or the repairing of leaks in pipes, valves or fixtures, and the removal and reinstallation of water closets, provided such repairs do not involve or require the replacement or rearrangement of valves, pipes or fixtures.

R105.3.1.1 Delete and substitute the following:
R105.3.1.1 Substantially improved or substantially damaged existing buildings or structures.

For application for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of existing buildings or structures located in an area prone to flooding as established by Table R301.2(1) and community FIRM documents, the value of the proposed work or repair shall be provided by the owner or authorized agent and reviewed by the Building Official. If the Building Official determines that the proposed work equals or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the market value of the building or structure, shall comply with the new code.

R107 Delete section R107 in its entirety and substitute the following new section R107 Fabric Structures.

Section R107 Fabric Structures

R107.1 Fabric Structures:

Fabric structures shall be located in accordance with applicable local zoning code provisions. Permits shall be required for any structure over two hundred (200) square feet in area and shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Fabric structures over two hundred (200) square feet in area but less than four hundred (400) square feet in area shall have engineered wind anchors installed to withstand design wind loads and shall not remain in place for more than six (6) months in any twelve (12) consecutive month period. All structures over four hundred (400) square feet and/or intended to be in place for more than a twelve (12) month period, shall only be approved pending a satisfactory decision by the local Building Code Board of Appeals, unless full code compliance for permanent structures in all respects is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the local building official.

R110.2 Delete R110.2 and substitute the following:
R110.2 Change of Use.

Change of use shall only be made in accordance with the provisions of the State Building Code SBC- 1 (Part 1 of this Subchapter).

Delete R110.3 #8 without substitution.

Add the following section R115:

R115 Other

R115.1 Other Administrative issues.

The Administrative provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 2327.3 are included herein into the balance of § 2.3 of this Part (Chapter 1 Administration).

Delete the following IRC 2018 sections and refer to appropriate R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-27.3:R103. 1, R103.2, R103.3, R104.6, R104.7, R104.8, R105.2.2, R105.3.1, R105.3.2, R105.4, R105.5, R105.6, R105.7, R106.3.1, R106.3.2, R106.3.3, R106.5, R107.1, R107.2, R107.3, R107.4, R108.1, R108.2, R108.3, R108.4, R108.5, R108.6, R112.1, R112.2, R112.2.1, R112.2.2, R112.3, R112.4, R113.1, R113.2, R113.3, R113.4, R114.1, R114.2.

Retain the following IRC 2018 Sections:

R101.3, R102.1, R102.2, R102.3, R102.4, R102.6, R104.10, R102.7.1, R104.1, R104.2, R104.3, R104.4, R104.5, R104.9, R104.9.1, R104.10.1, R104. 11, R104.11.1, R105.1, R105.2.1, R105.2.3, R105.3, R105.8, R106.1, R106.1.1, R106.1.2, R106.1.3, R106.2, R106.3, R106.4, R109.1, R109.1.1, R109.1.2, R109.1.3, R109.1.4, R109.1.5, R109.1.5.1, R109.1.6, R109.2, R109.3, R109.4, R110.1, R110.3, R110.4, R111.1, R111.2, R111.3.

510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-2.3

Amended effective8/1/2019
Amended effective 2/1/2022