510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-2.29

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 510-RICR-00-00-2.29 - Appendix AA

Add the following new Appendix AA:

AA 101.1 General.

This appendix contains prescriptive solutions for compliance on wind path load transfer requirements and shall be used only within the limitations of section AA101.2.

AA 101.2 Conditions of use.

The prescriptive solutions specified in the following sections shall not be permitted to be used in the following conditions:

(1) Buildings and structures of any size in one hundred ten (110) MPH or one hundred twenty (120) MPH wind zones located in a V zone as determined by community FIRMS.
(2) Two (2) or more story buildings and structures of any size located in one hundred twenty (120) MPH wind zone with more than twenty percent (20%) exterior fenestration.
(3) Two (2) or more story structures with a building height greater than thirty-three feet (33') as measured from Grade Plane to the average height of the highest roof surface.
(4) Any two (2) or more-story structure or building with opening fenestration greater than forty percent (40%) on any one (1) wall.
AA 202 Roofs
AA 202.1 Scope.

The following applies to structures conventionally framed or to truss-type roofs.

AA 202.2 Roof Sheathing.

Roof sheathing shall be not less than seven sixteenths of one inch (7/16") finished thickness.

AA 202.3 Roof nailing.

Roof attachment shall be accomplished with minimum 8d ring shank nails as follows:

(1) In the four foot (4') foot perimeter edge zone along the edges: six inches (6") o/c
(2) To the intermediate supports within the four foot (4') foot perimeter edge zone: six inches (6") o/c
(3) Along the gable end wall or rake: four inches (4") o/c
(4) All other areas: six inches (6") o/c edge; twelve inches (12") o/c intermediate.

All sheathing edges within the four foot (4') perimeter edge zone shall be blocked with two (2) by three (3) minimum including the ridge line and soffit/fascia area. Provisions for ventilation air shall be maintained.

Exception: Two (2) by three (3) intermediate blocking can be eliminated provided all sheathing is five eighths of one inch (5/8") nominal tongue and groove structural panels.

AA 202.4 Ridge Straps.

Ridge straps one and one quarter inch (1 1/4") x twenty (20) gage shall be attached to each pair of opposing rafters with 5-8d nails at each end into the framing member.


1. Ridge straps are not required when collar ties of nominal one (1) by six (6) or two (2) by four (4) lumber are located within the upper third of the attic space and attached to each rafter with 3-10 d nails
2. Trusses without a framed ridge connection.
3. Plywood gussets of equivalent cross section.
4. Other engineered connections.
5. At hips, straps shall be installed so each hip jack is connected across the hip line with at least 1-8d into an opposite framing member.
AA 202.5 Rake and eave overhangs.

Overhangs shall be limited to twenty-four inches (24"). Ladder style rake overhangs attached to the gable end walls shall be limited to twelve inches (12"). Cantilevered rake overhangs at gable end walls shall be limited to twenty-four inches (24").

AA 202.6 Roof assembly to wall assembly.

See section R802.11.

Exception: Roof truss to wall connection shall be designed to withstand either the load requirements of Table R802.11 or the connection loads indicated on the truss design shop drawings, whichever is greater.

AA 203 Walls
AA 203.1 Wall sheathing.

Wall sheathing shall be a minimum seven sixteenths of one inch (7/16") structural panel. Nailing shall be in accordance with Table R602.3 (1) and the following:

At the top plate or plates, the sheathing shall extend from the top of the top plate to a minimum of sixteen inches (16") beyond the stud-to-bottom of the top plate connection. A minimum of four (4) nails shall be used at each stud fastening, and edge-nailed to each plate at six inches (6") o/c.

Alternate: prefabricated and pre-engineered connection straps approved by the Building Official.

If the studs are not continuous to the foundation plate such as at an intermediate floor, the wall sheathing shall be continuous and uninterrupted for a distance of sixteen inches (16") beyond from top of bottom wall plate to sixteen inches (16") beyond bottom of bottom wall top plate below, with a minimum of four (4) nails at each stud, and field-nailed at six inches (6") o/c to floor joist header framing.

Alternate: Prefabricated and pre-engineered connection anchors or fasteners approved by the Building Official.

At the bottom of the wall assembly to the foundation sill plate, the wall sheathing shall be continuous from a point sixteen inches (16") above the top of the bottom wall plate to the bottom of the foundation sill, with a minimum of four (4) nails at each stud, six inches (6") field nailed, and edge nailed to the foundation sill plate at six inches (6") o/c.

Alternate: Prefabricated pre-engineered connection anchors or fasteners approved by the Building Official.

AA 203.2 Shear Walls.

A four foot (4') segment of wall sheathing shall be designated as a shear wall at each corner of the structure at each floor, and no more than twenty-four feet (24') apart along a wall length. The following additional requirements apply:

1. No openings are permitted within this four foot (4') section.

Exception: Window openings are allowed no closer than two feet (2') to corner providing the length of that shear panel is increased to eight feet (8').

2. All edges shall be blocked and nailed at six inches (6") o/c, and field-nailed at six inches (6") o/c.
3. Studs shall be doubled at each end of the shear wall panel.
AA 203.2.1 Shear wall hold-downs.

First (1st) story shear walls shall be connected to the foundation below with connection anchoring capable of three thousand five hundred (3,500) lb. hold-down capacity, in addition to conventional foundation anchor bolt requirements in the remainder of the panel. The hold downs shall be fastened to each end of the shear wall at the double stud.


1. Shear wall hold-downs shall not be required in wind zones I or II (one hundred (100) mph or one hundred ten (110) mph).
2. Shear wall anchors shall not be required provided one half inch (1/2") anchor bolts at forty-eight inches (48") o/c max are installed with the top of the bolts anchored through the floor system to the bottom plate of the exterior wall frame for the entire foundation perimeter.
AA 203.3 Foundation anchor bolts.

Anchor bolts shall be installed in accordance with section R403.1.6 and the following:

1 + 2 story buildings

1/2" @ 48" o/c or

5/8" @ 72" o/c

3 story building

1/2" @ 24" o/c or

5/8" @ 36" o/c


Prefabricated and pre-engineered connections in design and quantity sufficient to equal strength of anchor bolt specification above.


See Exception #2 to AA 203.2.1 above.

203.4 Wall Framing.
AA203.4.1. Wind Zone

For wind zone 2 (one hundred ten (110) mph) and zone 3 (one hundred twenty (120) mph) the following conditions apply:

Exterior bearing and non-bearing walls greater than ten feet (10') in height shall be two (2) by six (6) at sixteen inches (16") o/c min.

Walls with a total height greater than ten feet (10') shall be permitted to use two (2) by four (4) at sixteen inches (16") o/c providing the wall is limited to ten feet (10') in length and the individual studs are not greater than nine feet (9') in length.

AA203.4.2 Garage doors.

In wind zone 3 (one hundred twenty (120) mph) garage doors shall be limited to nine feet (9') by eight feet (8') nominal.

AA 204 Deviations.
AA204.1 Deviations.

Deviations from the above prescriptive requirements shall only be permitted if stamped calculations and drawings are provided by a Rhode Island registered professional engineer for alternative connections.

510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-2.29

Adopted effective 2/1/2022