510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-1.12

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 510-RICR-00-00-1.12 - Chapter 14: Exterior Walls

Add the following new subsection to IBC section 1404.1 General:

1404.1.1 Re-siding Exterior Walls.

Materials and methods of application used for re-siding or replacing an existing wall covering shall comply with the requirements of this section. New Exterior side wall covering shall not be installed without first removing existing wall coverings when any of the following conditions occur:

1. When the existing wall or wall covering is water-soaked or has deteriorated to the point that the existing wall or wall covering is not acceptable as a base for additional covering.
2. When the existing wall has three (3) or more applications of any wall covering.

Exception: The total number of wall coverings shall not be limited when any of the existing wall coverings consists of asbestos cement board or asbestos cement shingles or any protective encapsulating or protective siding/layer immediately over the asbestos material.

3. Asbestos cement board or asbestos cement shingles and any protective encapsulating layer thereupon shall not be required to be removed unless the existing wall is unacceptable for use as a base for additional layers of wall covering.
4. Any disturbance, repair or removal of existing asbestos cement board or asbestos cement shingles shall be in accordance with all State and Federal Regulations.

Delete IBC section 1406.3 exceptions 3 and 4 and substitute as follows:

1406.3 Balconies and similar projections.

Balconies and similar projections of combustible construction, other than fire-retardant-treated wood, shall afford the fire-resistance rating required by Table 601 for floor construction or shall be of Type IV construction as described in section 602.4, and the aggregate length shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the building perimeter on each floor.


1. On buildings of Types I and II construction, three (3) stories or less in height, fire-retardant-treated wood shall be permitted for balconies, porches, decks, and exterior stairways not used as required exits.
2. Untreated wood is permitted for pickets and rails, or similar guardrail devices that are limited to forty-two inches (42") (42" = 1067 mm) in height.
3. Construction Types 3A and 5A are not required to meet the provisions of this section.
4. If the balcony is subject to deterioration as specified in section 2304.11.5, the provisions of 2304.11.2 shall prevail in lieu of this section's fire resistance requirements for Types 3, 4 and 5 constructions.

510 R.I. Code R. 510-RICR-00-00-1.12

Amended effective8/1/2019
Amended effective 2/1/2022