435 R.I. Code R. 435-RICR-00-00-1.9

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 435-RICR-00-00-1.9 - Procedural and Technical Standards

Surveys shall conform to the Procedural and Technical Standards set forth in § 1.9 of this Part.

1.9.1Types of Surveys
A. General
1. The type of survey identifies the purpose and the content of the survey. The selection of a type of survey is made based on the reason for conducting the surveying services and/or for developing the final mapping products.
2. The class of survey identifies the measurement standards employed to collect data in the field. The class of survey (e.g. the measurement standards of precision, accuracy, methods and instrumentation employed) shall be consistent with the type of survey conducted.
B. Types of Surveys. Types of surveys include Boundary Surveys, Data Accumulation Surveys, Construction Surveys, Control Surveys and Compilation Plans. Types are defined and described in §§ 1.9.2 through 1.9.6 of this Part.
1.9.2Boundary Surveys
A. Comprehensive Boundary Surveys
1. General. A comprehensive boundary survey is a type of survey that formulates a professional opinion and reports the position of boundaries with respect to:
a. substantial physical improvements and features, including buildings;
b. recorded easements and observed evidence of their use;
c. recorded and observed means of ingress and egress; and
d. lines of physical occupation, including fences, walls, hedges and other such features.
2. A plan which summarizes the results of a comprehensive boundary survey shall depict or note:
a. conflicts with recorded deed descriptions and/or plans;
b. observed encroachments; and
c. monuments recovered and/or set.
3. Procedural Standards for Comprehensive Boundary Surveys
a. Research and Preliminary Analysis. The Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) shall:
(1) Review legal description(s) of the property to be surveyed.
(2) Review legal descriptions of abutting properties.
(3) Where appropriate, conduct records research to analyze related senior and junior rights.
(4) Review recorded (land evidence) documents affecting the survey.
(5) Where appropriate, search for unrecorded survey information.
(6) Review plans, documents and field notes affecting the survey that may be available from utility companies, State and municipal agencies, and other relevant private and public sources.
(7) Where applicable, review state and municipal ordinances which pertain to the survey.
(8) Evaluate and analyze the data.
(9) Form preliminary conclusions as to the completeness of data and identify inconsistencies in the record information.
(10) Formulate procedure for performing the field investigations and field data collection.
b. Field Investigation. The PLS shall:
(1) Search for and locate physical evidence and monuments and weigh their reliability.
(2) Investigate parole and written evidence which impacts the positions of control monuments.
(3) Where feasible, the survey shall be referenced to the Rhode Island State Plane Coordinate System.
(4) Make observations and measurements to correlate existing evidence.
(5) Take sufficient check measurements to verify the observations.
(6) Locate substantial physical features, observed evidence of easements, observed means of ingress and egress, lines of physical occupation, and observed encroachments.
(7) All field notes, measurements and observations made during the course of the survey shall be recorded in an appropriate form, and in a manner that is intelligible to other surveyors. These notes should indicate site location, street names, personnel, instrument identifications, date of observations, and weather conditions affecting measurements. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of electronic data collectors for the recordation of field notes.
c. Computations, Analysis of Data and Formation of Conclusions. The PLS shall:
(1) Calculate the position of the field evidence and analyze its consistency with record evidence.
(2) In the event of substantial conflict with the work of another professional, the PLS shall make reasonable efforts to contact that professional and investigate the conflict.
(3) Evaluate the data in accordance with professional principles, the law and/or precedent, and formulate a professional opinion regarding the location of property lines.
(4) Provide monumentation of the survey on the ground in accordance with §1.9.2(A)(4) of this Part.
(5) Retain all records that may be used to substantiate conclusions.
4. Technical Standards for Comprehensive Boundary Surveys
a. Measurements
(1) Measurements shall be taken to a precision that is compatible with the relevance of the located feature to the boundary report.
(2) Measurements shall be taken with properly calibrated instruments.
(3) Any parcel of land that has an irregular boundary or a mathematically indefinable boundary shall have a closing "tie line" in the vicinity of the irregular boundary.
b. Monuments for Comprehensive Boundary Surveys
(1) Monuments shall be established at not less than seventy percent (70%) of all corners in the boundary which define a deflection angle that exceeds sixty degrees (60°), and no point on a boundary shall be located more than five hundred (500) feet from a monument.
(2) Monuments shall be established in accordance with § 1.9.8 of this Part.
c. Plans for Comprehensive Boundary Surveys. When a plan for a Comprehensive Boundary Survey is prepared, the elements identified in §§1.9.7(A) and (B) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
d. Certification for Comprehensive Boundary Surveys. When a plan for a Comprehensive Boundary Survey is prepared, the certification identified in §1.9.7(C) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
B. Limited Content Boundary Surveys
1. General
a. Definition. A Limited Content Boundary Survey, as with a Comprehensive Boundary Survey, involves the process of investigating, collecting and evaluating real property evidence from recorded, field and other relevant sources in order to formulate a professional opinion regarding the location of boundaries. It differs from a Comprehensive Boundary Survey in that its scope is designed to meet a specific need of a client or regulating authority. That need can be met by a plan, report or field outcome that is less all-inclusive than would result from a Comprehensive Boundary Survey.
2. Examples of Limited Content Boundary Surveys:
a. Building Location Survey. A survey that depicts or notes the position of existing or proposed buildings on the property with respect to boundaries, record easement lines and pertinent municipal setback requirements and deed restrictions. No other improvements or features need be depicted.
b. Dimensional Conformance Survey. A survey that depicts or notes the position of existing or proposed improvements with respect to boundary lines. The purpose of this survey is to enable a determination as to the conformity with municipal dimensional requirements. Only those portions of the boundaries pertinent to the issues being addressed must be depicted. No other improvements need be depicted.
c. Feature Location Survey. A survey that depicts or notes the position, horizontally and/or vertically, between existing and proposed improvements. No other improvements or features need be depicted.
d. Easement Survey. A survey that depicts and notes the position of an existing or proposed easement with respect to:
(1) boundary monumentation found or set;
(2) physical improvements and features;
(3) other record easements and visible evidence of the use thereof;
(4) unresolved conflicts with record deed descriptions and maps;
(5) all visible encroachments; and
(6) where boundaries are intersected by the easement lines, a statement of their type and class shall be made.
e. Boundary Stake-Out Survey. A survey that marks or monuments a parcel's boundary corners or lines.
f. Perimeter Survey. A survey that maps only a strip of land along the boundaries. Within such limited area, this survey documents the boundary location and the evidence of occupation on the subject parcel (and where practical on adjoining parcels) by depicting and noting the boundary position with respect to:
(1) substantial physical improvements and features;
(2) easements and visible evidence of the use thereof;
(3) record and apparent means of ingress and egress;
(4) lines of occupation, including fences, walls, hedges and other such features;
(5) conflicts with record deed descriptions and plans;
(6) apparent boundary encroachments; and
(7) monumentation recovered and/or set.
3. Procedural Standards for Limited Content Boundary Surveys
a. Research and Preliminary Analysis. The PLS shall:
(1) Review legal description(s) of the property to be surveyed.
(2) Review legal descriptions of all abutting properties.
(3) Where relevant, perform deed research so as to analyze related senior and junior rights for the property to be surveyed and for all abutting properties.
(4) Review copies of recorded (land evidence) documents affecting the survey.
(5) Where feasible, search for abutting/adjoining unrecorded survey information.
(6) Review from utility companies, state and municipal offices, title companies and other appropriate sources of information, including known private, and other public sources, the available plans, documents and field notes affecting the survey.
(7) Where applicable, obtain copies of the state and municipal ordinances that pertain to the area of the survey.
(8) Examine and analyze the data.
(9) Form preliminary conclusions as to the completeness of data and identify inconsistencies in the record information.
(10) Formulate procedure for performing the field investigations and field survey.
b. Field Investigation. The PLS shall:
(1) Search for and locate physical monuments and weigh their reliability.
(2) Investigate possible parole and written evidence (e.g. unrecorded deeds) supporting positions of lost control monuments.
(3) Take measurements to correlate existing evidence.
(4) Whenever feasible, connect the survey to the Rhode Island State Plane Coordinate System.
(5) Take sufficient check measurements to verify the observations.
(6) Locate physical occupation lines (e.g. fences, hedges, walls, etc.) between abutting properties. Where applicable, advise client to review with legal counsel matters pertaining to adverse possession, the laws of acquiescence and other unwritten rights.
(7) All field notes, measurements and observations made during the course of the survey shall be recorded in an appropriate form, and in a manner that is intelligible to other surveyors. These notes should indicate site location, street names, personnel, instrument identifications, date of observations, and weather conditions affecting measurements. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of electronic data collectors for the recordation of field notes.
c. Computations, Analysis of Data and Formation of Conclusions. The PLS shall:
(1) Calculate the position of the field evidence and analyze its consistency with record evidence.
(2) In the event of substantial conflict with the work of another professional, the surveyor shall make reasonable efforts to contact that professional and investigate the matter.
(3) Evaluate the data in accordance with professional principles, the law and/or precedent, and draw conclusions regarding the location of property lines.
(4) Retain all records that may be used to substantiate conclusions.
4. Technical Standards for Limited Content Boundary Surveys
a. Measurements
(1) Measurements shall be taken to a precision that is compatible with the relevance of the located feature to the boundary report.
(2) Measurements shall be taken with properly calibrated instruments.
(3) Any parcel of land that has an irregular boundary or a mathematically indefinable boundary shall have a closing "tie line" in the vicinity of the irregular boundary.
b. Monuments for Limited Content Boundary Surveys
(1) The density of monuments shall be consistent with the purpose of the Limited Content Boundary Survey.
(2) A sufficient number of monuments must be provided to enable the reproduction of the surveyed lines on the ground. Such monumentation shall not consist of fewer than two (2) monuments.
(3) Monuments shall be established in accordance with § 1.9.8 of this Part.
c. Plans for Limited Content Boundary Surveys. When a plan for a Limited Content Boundary Survey is prepared, the elements identified in §§1.9.7(A) and (B) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
d. Certification for Limited Content Boundary Surveys. When a plan for a Limited Content Boundary Survey is prepared, the certification identified in §1.9.7(C) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
1.9.3Data Accumulation Surveys.
A. General
1. Definition. A data accumulation survey is designed to collect measurement data by field surveys and to depict and report the relative positions of existing physical objects and existing site conditions.
2. Examples of Data Accumulation Surveys
a. A topographic survey is a survey of the natural and man-made features of a part of the earth's surface by remote sensing and/or ground measurements in order to determine horizontal and vertical spatial relations.
b. A hydrographic survey is a survey of water bodies that may include the depth of water and the configuration of the bottom, directions and force of current, heights and times and water stages, and location of fixed objects for survey and navigation purposes.
c. A planimetric survey is a survey that presents the relative horizontal positions for features only, distinguished from a topographic survey by the omission of relief or elevations.
d. An as-built survey is a survey performed to obtain horizontal and vertical dimensional data about constructed improvements in order to depict and report their positions for the record.
e. Such other surveys designed to collect and report data as may be described in a statement regarding the purpose of the data accumulation survey.
3. Property Lines. If a data accumulation survey plan depicts the location of property boundary lines or aims to show the relative positions (especially by dimensioning) between proposed or constructed improvements and boundaries, then a separate certification of the type of boundary survey shall be made.
B. Procedural Standards for Data Accumulation Surveys.
1. Research and Preliminary Analysis. The PLS shall:
a. Determine the purpose of the survey, the specific items of data to be accumulated and the degree of completeness and accuracy necessary.
b. Obtain from public agencies and utility companies, and local land evidence records copies of available deeds, maps and plans pertinent to the survey.
c. Review the available descriptions of monuments referencing the horizontal and vertical datums upon which the work is to be based.
d. Examine and analyze the data.
e. Form preliminary conclusions as to the completeness of data and identify inconsistencies in the record information.
f. Plan procedure for performing the field survey.
2. Field Investigation. The PLS shall:
a. Search for and locate and verity monuments referencing horizontal and vertical datums.
b. Establish, adjust and monument necessary control lines to which the survey is to be referenced.
c. Extend the survey a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the project to include physical characteristics that may affect the site.
d. Take sufficient check measurements to verify the observations.
e. All field notes, measurements and observations made during the course of the survey shall be recorded in an appropriate form, and in a manner that is intelligible to other surveyors. These notes should indicate site location, street names, personnel, instrument identifications, date of observations, and weather conditions affecting measurements. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of electronic data collectors for the recordation of field notes.
3. Computations, Analysis of Data and Formation of Conclusions. The PLS shall:
a. Make any reductions and compilations necessary.
b. Make necessary computations to verify correctness of measurements.
c. Evaluate and edit collected data, where applicable.
d. Prepare in an appropriate form, the results of the survey in a concise manner to minimize misinterpretation.
C. Technical Standards for Data Accumulation Surveys
1. Measurements
a. Measurements shall be taken to a precision that is compatible with project needs and with the size and geometric shape of the parcel involved.
b. Measurements shall be taken with properly calibrated instruments.
c. Vertical
(1) Where feasible, elevations shall be referenced to the National American Vertical Datum of 1988 [NAVD 88] or other locally recognized datum.
(2) A statement shall be made on all associated mapping as to the Class Standard of the leveling survey.
(3) A minimum of two (2) project benchmarks shall be established on each site, and their locations, elevations and datum base shall be shown on the final plan. The reference benchmark upon which the project benchmarks are based shall also be indicated.
d. Topographic (manual):
(1) Measurements shall be taken with a precision compatible with the nature and specifications of the project.
(2) Vertical measurements shall be taken to the nearest hundredth of a foot when locating such "hard" features as building floor elevations, manholes, curbing, pipe inverts, pavement, etc.
(3) Vertical measurements shall be taken to the nearest tenth of a foot when locating such "soft" features as natural ground, water levels, etc.
e. Topographic (aerial):
(1) Photogrammetric surveys shall conform to the standards published by the Federal Geographic Data Committee found in "Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy" (FGDC - STD - 007.3 - 1998), as may be amended.
(2) The square root of the miles is intentionally omitted from V-3.
(3) The maximum sight distance is suggested to ensure repeatability.
2. Monuments for Data Accumulation Surveys
a. The control lines or points to which the survey is referenced shall be marked with physical monuments set in a manner providing a degree of permanence consistent with the terrain, physical features and purpose of the survey.
b. Monuments shall be established in accordance with § 1.9.8 of this Part.
3. Plans for Data Accumulation Surveys.
a. The client may be furnished the results of the survey in an appropriate form (e.g. plans, sketches, cross-sections, diagrams, tabulations, electronic files, etc.).
b. When a plan is prepared, in addition to the requirements of §1.9.7(A) of this Part, it shall include the following:
(1) A statement describing the data accumulation methods employed (e.g. field survey, aerial photogrammetry, etc.) shall be included.
(2) If a portion of the data is compiled from secondary sources, those sources must be disclosed, together with a statement clarifying the extent to which the accuracy of such data was verified. Compiled data is subject to the restrictions set forth in § 1.9.6 of this Part
(3) Identification of the horizontal and vertical datums to which the measurements are referenced.
(4) If property boundaries are shown, a statement of their Type per § 1.9.1 of this Part and their Class per § 1.9.9 of this Part shall be made.
4. Certification for Data Accumulation Surveys. When a plan for a Data Accumulation Survey is prepared, the certification identified in §1.9.7(C) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
1.9.4Construction Surveys.
A. General
1. Definition. A construction survey is a survey whereby the PLS locates and identifies the horizontal and vertical positions of proposed construction or improvement. A PLS shall approach a construction survey in the same manner as other surveys in which a high degree of positional accuracy is required.
B. Procedural Standards for Construction Surveys
1. Research and Preliminary Analysis for Construction Surveys. The PLS shall:
a. Obtain from the client the approved specifications and plans setting forth the project for which the layout survey is to be conducted.
b. Review from known private and public sources available copies of data affecting the project.
c. Determine the appropriate number of control points to be established and the relationship of said points to the proposed construction.
d. Examine and analyze the data.
e. Form preliminary conclusions as to the completeness of data and identify inconsistencies in the record information.
f. Plan the procedure for performing the construction layout.
2. Field Procedures for Construction Surveys. The PLS shall:
a. Search for, locate, and verify monuments, lines or objects indicated by the construction documents as the intended references for the project's horizontal and vertical datums.
b. When appropriate, establish, adjust and monument control points and lines required for the final layout surveys.
c. Take sufficient check measurements to verify the observations.
d. All field notes, measurements and observations made during the course of the survey shall be recorded in an appropriate form, and in a manner that is intelligible to other surveyors. These notes should indicate site location, street names, personnel, instrument identifications, date of observations, and weather conditions affecting measurements. Nothing herein shall preclude the use of electronic data collectors for the recordation of field notes.
e. Immediately bring to the attention of the client and the author of the design plan such inconsistencies as may be disclosed by examination of the plans.
3. Computations, Conclusions for Construction Surveys. The PLS shall:
a. Make necessary computations to verify the accuracy of measurements.
b. In the event of the discovery of any discrepancies between the construction documents and the layout as surveyed, notify the client, and indicate the corrective measures that were taken, if any.
C. Technical Standards for Construction Surveys.
1. Measurements
a. Measurements shall be taken to a precision compatible with the particular problem involved and with the size and nature of the project involved.
b. All linear measurements shall be taken with a properly calibrated instrument.
2. Monuments
a. Construction layout monuments shall be of a type and character and set in a manner providing a degree of permanency consistent with the terrain, physical features and intended use.
b. Sufficient monuments and offset information shall be provided to enable the user to check the accuracy of any points or lines established therefrom.
c. Monuments shall be witnessed in a manner that shall be easily discoverable. Any stakes that show offsets and/or cut and fill data shall also show sufficient information to identify the horizontal position of the referenced point.
3. Plans for Construction Surveys.
a. The client may be furnished the results of the survey in an appropriate form (e.g. plans, sketches, diagrams, cross-sections, electronic files, etc.)
b. When a plan is prepared, in addition to the requirements of §1.9.7(A) of this Part, it shall include the following:
(1) Identification of horizontal and vertical datums to which the measurements are referenced.
(2) If property boundaries are shown, a statement of their Survey Type per § 1.9.1 of this Part and their Class per § 1.9.9 of this Part shall be made.
4. Certification for Construction Surveys. When a plan for a Construction Survey is prepared, the certification identified in §1.9.7(C) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
1.9.5Control Surveys
A. General
1. Definition. A control survey is a high-accuracy survey typically required for large-scale geodetic control networks or construction projects such as bridges, tunnels and other complex urban area improvements. Their complicated methodology and high cost are factors that generally render control surveys unnecessary for private boundary purposes.
2. Control Surveys shall conform to a Class II measurement standard.
B. Procedural Standards for Control Surveys
1. Research and Preliminary Analysis. The PLS Shall:
a. Arrive at a project scope through meetings with the client and gain an understanding of the project and the appropriate densification of monuments required to meet the client's needs.
b. Agree upon an elevation datum with the client. If a local datum is used, suggest to the client that the project be referenced to the NAVD 88 adjustment.
c. Research local National Geodetic Survey (NGS) control within and adjacent to the project area.
d. Review the project limits and design a network that is suitable.
2. Field Investigation. The PLS Shall:
a. Set out primary control monuments and tie them into a local project network using methods sufficient to meet the requirements of § 1.9.9 of this Part.
b. Prepare field sketches of the monument locations to enable future recovery of the monuments.
3. Computations, Conclusions. The PLS shall:
a. Make necessary computations to verify the accuracy of measurements.
b. In the event of the discovery of any discrepancies between the construction documents and the layout as surveyed, notify the client, and indicate the corrective measures that were taken, if any.
C. Technical Standards for Control Surveys
1. Measurements
a. Measurements shall be taken to a precision that is compatible with project needs and with the size and nature of the project involved.
b. Measurements shall be taken with properly calibrated instruments.
2. Monuments for Control Surveys
a. Monuments shall be of a type and character and set in a manner providing a degree of permanency consistent with the terrain, physical features and intended use.
b. Sufficient monuments and offset information shall be provided to enable the user to check the accuracy of any points or lines established therefrom.
c. Monuments shall be witnessed in a manner that shall be easily discoverable. Any stakes that show offsets and/or cut and fill data shall also show sufficient information to identify the horizontal position of the referenced point.
3. Plans for Control Surveys
a. The client may be furnished the results of the survey in an appropriate form (e.g. plans, sketches, cross-sections, diagrams, tabulations, electronic files, etc.).
b. When a plan is prepared, in addition to the requirements of §1.9.7(A) of this Part, it shall include the following:
(1) Identification of horizontal and vertical datums to which the measurements are referenced.
(2) If property boundaries are shown, a statement of their Type per §1.9.1(B) of this Part and their Class per § 1.9.9 of this Part shall be made.
4. Certification for Control Surveys. When a plan for a Control Survey is prepared, the certification identified in §1.9.7(C) of this Part shall be included on the plan.
1.9.6Compilation Plans
A. General
1. Definition
a. A compilation plan is a plan based upon other plans, survey maps, deeds, aerial photos, resource maps, GIS data, and other secondary sources. Such a plan may be supplemented by field investigations and measurements. A compilation plan is always subject to such changes as an authoritative field survey may disclose.
b. The accuracy of a compilation plan will vary with the quality of the data from which it has been compiled. Sources and quality of data shall be noted.
c. A compilation plan is not a boundary survey, and is never suitable for use in the conveyancing of land. Such plans are used for conceptual design, tax maps, overlay maps, mortgage loan inspections, geographic information systems (GIS) databases, or similar presentations of information which are derived from secondary sources, and which are not the result of a boundary or other authoritative field survey.
d. In addition to the required elements outlined in §1.9.7(A) of this Part, a compilation plan shall prominently display the following disclaimer within the plan certification:
(1) "This compilation plan has been prepared from sources of information and data whose positional accuracy and reliability has not been verified. The property lines depicted hereon do not represent a boundary opinion, and other information depicted is subject to such changes as an authoritative field survey may disclose."
1.9.7Plan Requirements, Certifications, and Seals
A. General. Whenever a plan for any type of survey is prepared, it shall include the following:
1. A title block containing the type of survey, the location (Assessors Plat and Parcel Number, street name, town/city) of the parcel surveyed, month/day/year, scale, graphic scale and name and address of the firm or surveyor responsible for the survey. Revisions shall be noted near the title block with date and description.
2. All lines and lettering sizes for plans shall be of such dimension and width as to be clear and legible when the plan is reproduced at one-half size.
3. A vicinity map.
4. North arrow and notation as to its reference (e.g. State Plane Coordinates, Magnetic or Assumed) shall be shown on each sheet. Magnetic bearings shall show the date of the observation.
5. A legend indicating the definitions of all abbreviations and symbols used.
6. Streets, roads, easements of record and/or usage (e.g. public, private or right-of-way). Names and route numbers of streets and ways within the plan area shall be indicated. References to State Highway Plats shall be included, where applicable. Stationing and offset ties shall be shown, where applicable.
7. Location of buildings and other substantial physical features, as appropriate.
8. Observed cemeteries and burial grounds.
9. Classifications for both horizontal and vertical measurements shall be indicated. The seal, certification, and signature of the PLS in Responsible Charge shall appear on every plan.
B. Comprehensive Boundary Surveys and Limited Content Boundary Surveys. In addition to those elements in §1.9.7(A) of this Part, when a plan for a Boundary Survey is prepared, it shall include the following:
1. All pertinent bearings or angles, linear dimensions and areas shall be indicated to the accuracy of the measurements observed. At least one course of the survey shall be represented with a bearing referenced to the meridian.
2. The minimum data for all curve segments along the perimeter of the parcel is: central angle, radius, and the arc length. When lines are not radial or not tangent, the angle-to-chord or chord bearing and the chord dimension shall be shown.
3. Sufficient data to allow the retracement of all lines and points.
4. Name(s) of record property owner, and names of record abutting property owners. Abutting property identification shall include tax assessor's plat and parcel number and subdivision parcel number, where applicable.
5. When a planimetric or topographic feature controls the location of a line or position, the relationship of the feature to the line or position shall be shown. Benchmarks and datum shall be indicated when vertical control is required or stated.
6. Maps shall mathematically close within acceptable tolerance of rounding errors.
7. Any parcel of land that has an irregular boundary shall have a closing "tie line" in the general vicinity of said irregular boundary. The closing tie line shall be provided with all angular and linear dimensions required to mathematically close the survey.
8. Significant discrepancies between measured or calculated data and record data shall be disclosed on the plan. The plan shall state which of these values has been utilized in the resolution of the conflict.
9. Monumentation of the parcel being surveyed and monumentation of public ways that provide useful reference orientation shall be indicated. External reference monumentation utilized in conducting the survey shall be indicated. Monument notations shall include the character, type and condition of the monument and shall indicate whether the monument was "found" or "set". If known, the origin of found monuments shall be shown.
10. Observed encroachments and record evidence of easements.
11. Substantial physical improvements and features,
12. Lines of physical occupation and evidence of fences, walls, hedges, etc. that appear to indicate a boundary or corner. This evidence may be dimensioned using offset lines from the property line.
13. Recorded and observed means of ingress and egress.
14. Where appropriate and feasible, the corners of the parcel shall be referenced to the Rhode Island State Plane Coordinate System.
15. The area of the parcel(s) shall be shown.
16. The PLS shall recommend that the client file the plan in the Land Evidence Records of the Town or City in which the property is located.
C. Certification. All plans, reports or other products prepared by the PLS shall bear a certification which complies with the following form:


This survey has been conducted and the plan has been prepared pursuant to 435-RICR- 00-00-1.9 of the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Rhode Island State Board of Registration for Professional Land Surveyors on _________________, 20___, as follows:


Type of Boundary Survey:

Measurement Specification

Insert One:

Comprehensive Boundary Survey


Limited Content Boundary Survey


If neither, insert:

Not a Boundary Survey


Other Type of Survey:

Insert as Applicable:

Data Accumulation Survey *


Construction Survey*

I or II

Control Survey

I or II

Compilation Plan**


*Where applicable, also insert:

Vertical Control Standard (§1.9.9(C))

Topographic Survey Accuracy (§1.9.9(D))

** In all cases, insert:

Compilation Plan Disclaimer (§1.9.6(A)(1)(d)).

3. Insert Detailed Explanation

Statement of Purpose - The purpose for the conduct of the survey and for the preparation of the plan is as follows:

By: _______________________ [Insert PLS Signature]

_______________________ [Insert Printed PLS Name and License No.]

_______________________ [Insert COA No.]

[Insert Approved Seal]

D. It is presumed that multiple types of surveys, measurement classes, and purposes may be involved in the same survey plan or report. All shall be disclosed in the certification, and the respective content differentiated as appropriate.
A. General
1. Monuments are physical objects of reasonable longevity and permanence such as:
a. Stone or concrete bounds with minimum dimensions of four (4) inches square by thirty (30) inches long, with drill holes, crosses or disks marking the point;
b. Metallic disks, marked with a cross or punch hole, cemented firmly into an immovable object not subject to short-term deterioration. The disk shall be produced from a material that will not rust or deteriorate from oxidation or atmospheric pollution;
c. Drill holes of sufficient depth placed in sound, immovable objects;
d. Iron pipes or solid rods produced from ferrous or non-ferrous metals/materials; pipes and rods shall be marked with a cap or tag which identifies the PLS or the firm;
e. Foundation and building corners of stone, granite, brick, concrete or similar materials not subject to change or renovation, used as offsets.
B. Markers include nails, wooden and plastic stakes and other materials possessing a similarly limited life span.
C. In general, a sufficient number of monuments shall be placed that will allow for the convenient and accurate reproduction of the survey.
D. Streets and lots created in accordance with subdivision regulations shall be monumented in accordance with state and municipal regulations. At a minimum, monuments shall be established at the point of curvature (PC) and point of tangency (PT) of new street lines and at intersections and/or angle points along the boundary of the highway. No point along a highway boundary shall be located more than five hundred (500) feet from a monument.
E. It is not the intent of these standards to mandate the placement of required subdivision monuments by the PLS if the owner/developer defaults on its contractual obligations with the surveyor.
F. Markers may be set at any point not requiring a monument. Markers may be set in place of monuments where transitional site conditions dictate these as appropriate.
G. When a survey is performed which is based on non-record monuments, lines of possession, or other evidence which renders the locations of boundaries uncertain, the surveyor shall inform the client, and shall prepare a plan in accordance with §1.9.7(A) of this Part which indicates the basis of the boundary opinion.
H. When conditions require installation of a monument on an offset rather than at the true corner, the surveyor shall prepare a plan in accordance with §1.9.7(A) of this Part.
I. In the event that monuments are not found/set at property corners or angle points, the surveyor shall prepare a plan in accordance with §1.9.7(A) of this Part showing the control monuments which reference the boundary location.
J. Monuments shall be witnessed in such a manner as to be easily discoverable, and may have the name of the firm or the surveyor responsible for the survey affixed thereto.
1.9.9Measurement Specifications for Surveys
A. General
1. A Class I measurement standard is appropriate to collect and report data to a high degree of positional accuracy. It results from the use of equipment and procedures that meet or exceed the tolerances listed in §1.9.9(B) of this Part. Boundary surveys, subdivisions of land, title surveys, and many construction projects require this level of positional accuracy.
2. A Class II measurement standard is appropriate when an extremely high degree of positional accuracy is required. Given the complexity and associated costs of obtaining such results, this standard is typically employed for large-scale geodetic control surveys and large-scale highway, bridge and tunnel projects.
3. A Class III measurement standard is appropriate where a moderate positional accuracy is required. This standard is used for surveys designed to collect and report physical location data, typically for the purpose of evaluating existing conditions and/or the design of proposed improvements. Such surveys and plans tend to measure and depict the relative positions of physical features to a scale that is adequate to meet the purposes for which the survey is designed. If boundaries are depicted, they are not to be regarded as reliable unless the plan is also certified to an appropriate boundary standard.
4. A Class IV standard indicates that data is depicted or reported from plans, survey maps, deeds, and other secondary sources, and is not necessarily the product of a field survey. This standard is never suitable for a boundary survey, but may be used for compilation plans, conceptual design plans, tax maps, overlay maps, mortgage loan inspections, geographic information system (GIS) and other presentations of information which have not been verified by an authoritative field survey. All plans prepared to this standard must prominently display the disclaimer listed in §1.9.6(A)(1)(d) of this Part within the certification language.
B. Specifications for Horizontal Measurements.

DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: It shall be the responsibility of the Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) in Responsible Charge to design specifications for field survey procedures sufficient to satisfy the positional accuracy standards for distance and angular measurements for the designated Class of Survey in order to assure that the required nominal positional accuracy (Pn) will be achieved. The specifications shall include the selection of appropriate instrumentation and field observation procedures to be employed. Tables I, II and III are to be used in conjunction with the various positional accuracy standards that may change from time to time such as those prepared by the Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee entitled "Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks" and "Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques". It shall be the responsibility of the PLS to be informed on measurement technologies and methods for achieving repeatable positions within the tolerances stated herein.




Nominal Positional Accuracy (Pn) Expressed as Ratio

Allowable Precision For Discrete Direct Measurements

Linear Precision

(Ed) 1

Directional Precision

(Ea) 2



+/- 0.01 FT

+/- 10"



+/- 0.01 FT

+/- 05"



+/- 1 FT

+/- 15'


Compilation of Existing Data - Not a Product of Field Survey.


1. Ed may exceed tabular value for linear precision provided s/Ed expressed as ratio is greater than required nominal positional accuracy (Pn) for class of survey.

2. The tabular values for Ea are sufficient to satisfy the required directional element for the nominal positional accuracy (Pn) for each class of survey. The above not withstanding it is recommended that Ea be kept in balance with Ed to avoid unnecessary degradation of actual positional accuracy.

3. This standard provides for the same allowable precision for measurements in a traverse circuit (either open or closed) and also any associated side shots.

C. Specifications for Vertical Measurements.




Level Loop Closure

Maximum Sight Distance



300 FEET (See Note 3)



250 FEET (See Note 3)


+/- 0.020' (For local project control where the level loop is less than 1 mile.)

300 FEET (See Note 2 & 3)


Photogrammetric Control (See Note 1)


1. Photogrammetric surveys shall conform to the standards published by the Federal Geographic Data Committee found in "Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy" (FGDC - STD - 007.3 - 1998), as may be amended.

2. The square root of the miles is intentionally omitted from V-3

3. The maximum sight distance is suggested to ensure repeatability.

D. Specifications for Topographic Surveys




Contour Interval Test


90% within 1/2 contour interval


80% within 1/2 contour interval


This class of topographic map applies to photogrammetric maps for which the PLS provides the horizontal and vertical control. See § 1.9.3 of this Part for photogrammetric mapping standards.


The topographical information shown on a T-4 plan has been prepared from sources of information and data whose positional accuracy and reliability has not been verified. The data depicted on a T-4 plan is subject to such changes as an authoritative field survey may disclose.


1. In using Topographic Accuracy Class T-1 or T-2, the PLS is expressing confidence that, should a test profile be run in the field, a plotted comparison with a profile scaled from the map shall be in agreement with the above criteria and the remainder shall be within the contour interval.

2. In using Topographic Accuracy Class T-1 or T-2, the horizontal position of features shall conform to Class III Accuracy.

E. Record of Measurement Data & Evaluation
1. The Entity holding the COA ("COA Holder") issued by the Board shall maintain records of field measurements. Examples include: field notebooks, data collector raw files, electronic field book files, etc.
2. The COA Holder shall maintain records of the methods used to evaluate accuracy of the measurement evidence. Examples include: statistical testing, compass rule adjustment results, transit rule adjustment results, least squares adjustment results, comparison with values of higher accuracy, repeat measurements, estimation, etc.
3. The COA Holder shall maintain all contractual documentation, research materials, field notes, computation data, data files, original maps, and reports as a permanent record.
1.9.10Deviation From Published Standards

Nothing contained in these Standards shall prohibit reasonable deviations from the specific requirements of a particular Section when, in the prudent professional opinion of the Professional Land Surveyor in Responsible Charge, an alternative approach or methodology will yield equal or better results, or is dictated by the particular circumstances of the survey activity involved, provided that such alternative approach or methodology shall comply with the overall intent of the procedural and technical standards as outlined herein.

435 R.I. Code R. 435-RICR-00-00-1.9