290 R.I. Code R. 290-RICR-40-00-1.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 290-RICR-40-00-1.4 - General Guidelines - Nondivisible Permits
1.4.1Where to Apply

State of Rhode Island, Division of Motor Vehicles - 600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920.

1.4.2How to Apply

Applications may be accepted by mail, telephone, Transceiver East, U.S. Funds, Xero-Fax or Cummins Cash and Information Services (CCIS) (RIDOT Permit Section 401-462-1384.).

1.4.3When to Apply

Between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday through Friday except holidays as listed in § 1.4.15 of this Part.

1.4.4Fee for Permit

A trip fee of twenty dollars ($20) is charged for the movement of non-divisible vehicles or loads. A blanket fee for intrastate moves may be obtained for one hundred dollars ($100) in lieu of paying intrastate trip fees.

1.4.5Conditions for Issuance of Permit

A permit is required when any vehicles or combination of vehicles exceed the legal limits specified in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 31-25-1 through 29 (see § 1.9(D) of this Part for clarification of legal dimensions and § 1.9(A) of this Part for gross weight and axle load limits), or in accordance with the clarification of these rules and regulations.

1.4.6Application for Overweight/Oversize Permit
A. Applications for all nonreducible permits with the exception of consortium permits will require details of proposed make-up of load, overall dimensions, routing, axle spacing, number of wheels and the estimated load distribution of each axle along with additional information as required.
B. Applications for consortium permits shall require such information as object to be moved, origin and destination, multistate routing, dimensions and weight, registration information on vehicles as required weight, number of axles and such additional information as required.
C. Also, source and destination of shipment, desired route and turning radius for long loads shall be supplied. Applications for extra large vehicles or load permits shall be submitted at least five (5) days in advance to allow sufficient time for review by the Department.
1.4.7Failure to Comply with Regulations

Failure by the applicant to comply or agree with general provisions stated on a permit may be the basis for refusal to issue a permit. Violation of any provision of a permit may also be the basis for denying future permits.

1.4.8Surety Bonds

In special cases, a special surety bond is to be furnished to the Department as security in lieu of adequate liability insurance.

1.4.9Department Jurisdiction
A. Nonconsortium permits issued by the Department of Transportation will be effective only on routes and highways which are maintained by the Department.
B. To travel over bridges under the jurisdiction of the Rhode Island Bridge Authority, (Mount Hope Bridge and Newport Bridge) or local town or city streets, permits must be obtained from their responsible authorities.
1.4.10Confirmation of Permit

Any permit issued shall be displayed in the vehicle for which the permit was issued.

A. By accepting a permit, the permittee agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State, its officers and employers from all suits, actions and claims of any character brought because of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on account of the operations of the permittee.
B. The mover shall assume all responsibility for any damages to road surface, traffic lights, bridges or other structures and all liability in case of injury to person or property that may result from such transportation. Liability and property damage insurance in sufficient amounts to cover any and all claims which may arise shall be carried by the permittee, and under this coverage, the State of Rhode Island shall be saved harmless from any such claims.
C. The Department of Transportation may impose restrictions it deems necessary to prevent damage to highways or structures and to protect the traveling public. An engineering analysis may be necessary to determine appropriate protective restrictions.
D. When there is a possibility that a move may damage highway facilities, the applicant will be required to deposit a certified check or other security in an amount determined by the Department of Transportation.
1.4.12Single Trip Permits

Permits are issued for one specific move only.

1.4.13Blanket Permits
A. Blanket permits may be issued for the intrastate movement of nonreducible loads for a three- or six-month period as determined by the Department of Transportation up to an overall length of seventy-five (75) feet and width of eleven (11) feet, eleven (11) inches. All other moves require an individual special permit. These applications must be in writing to the Department of Transportation, 600 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920. Prior to the expiration date of the Blanket Permit, a new letter shall be submitted for the reissuance of the permit to this Department.
B. The Department will not automatically issue a Blanket Permit after the expiration date.
1.4.14Emergency Moves
A. Requests for emergency moves shall be considered very carefully. Emergency permits are issued only for a calamity caused by fire, flood, riot, windstorm, explosion and oil slick which requires immediate remedial action to protect life or property.
B. The fact that a contractor or mover is being delayed in the prosecution of a job or contract, or has a crew of men waiting for a piece of equipment is not considered an emergency.
C. As declared by the President of the United States or by the Governor of the State or the Governors designee in which any emergency arises, any agency requesting such a move will contact the State with authorization for such companies.
1.4.15Holidays and Restrictions in Rhode Island
A. No moves are authorized unless otherwise noted from sunset on Friday to sunrise on Monday or the following holidays:
1. New Years Day - January 1
2. *Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday - Third Monday of January
3. Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
4. Independence Day - July 4
5. Victory Day - Second Monday in August
6. Labor Day - First Monday in September
7. Columbus Day - Second Monday in October
8. *Election Day - Tuesday after the First Monday in November (even years)
9. Veterans Day - November 11
10. Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November
11. Christmas Day - December 25
a. *Moves are allowed - State Offices are closed
B. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is also restricted as a holiday; and if the holiday falls on Saturday, the previous Friday is restricted as a holiday after 12:00 noon.
C. If a holiday falls during the week, travel is allowed up to 12:00 noon on the day before the holiday
A. The permit applicant in applying for nonconsortium permits must be responsible for coordinating his desired routings. After review, if it is not approved by our Department, he must coordinate another routing providing the necessary information and submit it to the Permit Section of the Division of Motor Vehicles for further checking. Analysis of routes, bridges, paving materials, etc. shall be checked for extra large vehicles or loads.
B. Application to transport extra large vehicles or loads shall be submitted at least five (5) working days to allow our engineers to check routes submitted, overhead clearances, etc.
1.4.17National Defense and Military Convoys
A. The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles will permit highway movements in excess of legal limits which are essential to National Defense.
B. Authorized military representatives will, when applying to the Rhode Island Department of Transportation for permits for oversized, overweight, or other special vehicular movements, furnish such information as may be necessary to enable this Department to make a reasonable evaluation of the effects of the movements on the highway facilities and traffic involved.
A. The applicant must conform to the following:
1. Applicant must apply to the Permit Section, Division of Motor Vehicles at least seven (7) days before moving.
2. Applicant must submit a building permit from the city or town plus the approval of any removal of overhead signs, lights, trees or limbs that may require cutting, guard rails or fence removals.
3. Confirmation from the local or state police, who will be in attendance for escorting move, for the safeguarding of traffic while building is being moved.
4. The applicant must notify utility companies if necessary.
5. Applicant must furnish routes to be taken, estimated time on state highways and the approximate miles on state highways.
6. The applicant must also submit the location of overhead signs, lights, trees or limbs that may require cutting, guardrails or fence removals.
7. Locations of bridges on routes to be taken must be supplied.
8. Two-way traffic must be maintained at all times with certain exceptions made by the Chief Engineer.
9. Replacements and removal of guardrails, fences, etc., supervised or removed or replaced by our Maintenance Division shall be billed for the time consumed to the applicant.
10. The applicant must furnish the Department of Transportation with a Certificate of Liability Insurance, an acceptable bond or other security to cover damages that may occur to roads, bridges or other structures.
11. Travel shall be at a safe rate of speed. Where possible, every effort should be made not to obstruct the flow of traffic proceeding at different speeds. In no event may a vehicle exceed posted speeds.
12. If city or town roads are to be used, an individual permit from either the city or town is required.
13. Buildings are allowed to be moved Tuesday through Thursdays only.
1.4.19Mobile and Modular Homes
A. Legal Width - eight (8) feet, six (6) inches
B. Legal Length - sixty (60) feet
C. Legal Height - thirteen (13) feet, six (6) inches
D. Over the above dimensions require a special permit.
E. Permits for interstate travel may be obtained through the guidelines adopted in § 1.6 of this Part.
F. Escorts- See § 1.5.4 of this Part.
G. Flags- See § 1.5.1 of this Part.
H. Signs- See § 1.5.2 of this Part.
I. Flashing Lights- See § 1.5.3 of this Part.
J. Routings
1. The applicant shall be responsible for coordinating his desired routings. If it is not approved by this Department, he must coordinate another routing and provide the necessary information for checking same. Issuance of consortium permits shall be restricted to designated routes established by the consortium.
K. Speed- See § 1.5.6 of this Part.
1.4.20Construction Equipment
A. Escorts- See § 1.5.4 of this Part.
B. Overhang
1. Along with the above escort requirements, see § 1.5.1 of this Part for flag requirements.
C. Bridge Clearances
1. The applicant requesting a permit must check the routes to be traveled for bridge clearances.
D. Running Engine on Vehicle
1. A running engine will not be allowed on the loaded vehicle while traveling on any highway.
E. Properly Mounted Load
1. The load shall be properly secured as to prevent it from dropping or shifting.
F. Speed- See § 1.5.6 of this Part.
G. Weather Conditions- See § 1.5.9 of this Part.
1.4.21Cranes - Own Power
A. Prior to May 1, 1989 blanket nondivisible load permits will be issued for the movement of cranes without restricting movement other than requiring cranes to abide by posted bridge limits.
B. As of May 1, 1989, annual blanket permits will be available for intrastate movement of cranes that do not exceed the following dimensions and/or weights:
1. 12' width
2. 13'6" height
3. 95' length
4. 130,000 weight
C. The blanket permits are restricted to a designated network that will be established by the Department of Transportation and disseminated to the trucking industry.
D. As of May 1, 1989, all cranes that exceed the above weight and/or dimensions are required to obtain trip permits.
1.4.22Special Requirements for the Jamestown Bridge
A. Because of its narrow width (twenty-two (22) feet zero (0) inches curb to curb), a request for an overwidth permit to travel across the Jamestown Bridge will be carefully scrutinized before it is issued.
B. For vehicles over nine (9) feet wide which receive a permit, the owner must arrange with police officials to halt traffic on one end of the bridge before proceeding across the bridge.

290 R.I. Code R. 290-RICR-40-00-1.4