280 R.I. Code R. 280-RICR-30-15-10.5

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 280-RICR-30-15-10.5 - Regulations of the Board of Regents Governing Transportation of Children with Disabilities
A. Transportation
1. Responsibility
a. All children with disabilities who need special transportation as a related service and as determined by the evaluation process and described in the IEP shall be provided such service. It shall include free transportation to and from home (door to door, if necessary) to the educational program in which he/she is enrolled. It shall also include free transportation to and from clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic facilities when the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic services are necessary either to complete the child's evaluation or to provide the services required by his/her IEP.
2. Transportation Needs of Children With Disabilities
a. Children with Disabilities needing transportation as a related service are those children who need transportation to assist them to benefit from special education, that is they need special transportation to get them to the special education program in order to benefit from it. The determination as to whether their disability requires this service (special transportation) is made through the evaluative process, the requirement that the service be provided is contained in the child's individualized education program. When such transportation is provided, it must meet the requirements of the Registry of Motor Vehicles for the transportation of school children and the following regulations of the Board of Regents for the Transportation of Children With Disabilities.
(1) Seat belts or harnesses shall be used to secure the children while the vehicle is in motion.
(2) A minimum of one aide assigned to each bus. Such aide, in addition to providing general care and supervision of all children with disabilities on such bus shall also provide assistance (from street level entrance of dwelling) to such children lacking the mobility to leave the home and board transportation vehicles, and shall further assist such children in debarking the vehicle and entering the school. When children are transported to clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, determination of whether a bus aide is necessary shall be based on a judgment of the LEA Multi disciplinary Team.
(3) Hydraulic lifts or other appropriate special devices shall be provided on special buses to accommodate children with unique problems, whose lack of mobility to enter or exit vehicles would pose potential harm to themselves or those trying to help them.
(4) School districts shall provide in-service training for administrative personnel, drivers and aides affiliated with special transportation services in order that they may effectively deal with children with disabilities and understand the problems faced by the parents of such children.
(5) In order to ensure the safety and well being of all children with disabilities on any given vehicle, the transportation of children with known disruptive behavior problems shall be done in a selective manner and with sufficient assistance by aides (more than one aide, if necessary) who are appropriately trained and physically able to cope with such behavior.
(6) Scheduling of transportation vehicles shall be planned whenever possible in such a manner as to provide the least amount of travel time necessary to transport children with disabilities from home to school and back home again.
b. There is a second category of children with disabilities who require transportation to school. It is not because of their disability that these children must be transported, but rather, because of the distance between their home and school. For these children, transportation must meet the requirements of the Registry of Motor Vehicles for the transportation of school children. The Regulations of the Board of Regents for Transportation do not apply, because transportation is not provided as a related service but merely as a service provided to all children in the district who live a certain distance from the school.
c. The third category of children with disabilities includes those who do not need transportation, since their disability does not require it and since the distance from their home to school is not sufficient to require it.

280 R.I. Code R. 280-RICR-30-15-10.5

Amended effective 1/1/2019