270 R.I. Code R. 270-RICR-10-00-1.5

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 270-RICR-10-00-1.5 - Courtesy and Conduct
A. Courtesy
1. Members shall be courteous to the public. They shall be tactful in the performance of their duties, shall control their tempers, exercise the utmost patience and discretion, and shall not engage in argumentative discussions even under extreme provocation.
2. In the performance of their duties, members shall not use coarse, profane, or insolent language or gestures and shall not express any prejudice concerning race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, age, gender, gender identity, political affiliation or similar personal characteristics.
3. Members shall be dignified in appearance and conduct at all times. At times of stress or disaster, despite trying conditions, they shall maintain their composure and perform their duties in a manner which will inspire confidence and respect.
4. When performing any official duty in public or in the presence of other law enforcement officers, members shall address superior officers by rank.
5. Members of the Division will answer questions from citizens in a courteous manner and, if unable to provide an answer, will make every effort to obtain the answer for the citizen, avoiding argument and unnecessary conversation. A member will give his/her badge number in a courteous manner to any person who requests it.
B. Conduct Unbecoming

Members of the Division shall conduct themselves at all times, both on and off duty, in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the Rhode Island State Police. Conduct unbecoming shall include any action that brings or may bring the Division into disrepute, discredits the member or impairs the operation or efficiency of the Rhode Island State Police.

C. Conduct
1. Members of the Division shall perform their duties in a responsible, dignified, and professional manner.
2. Members shall maintain a level of moral conduct in their personal and business affairs that is in keeping with the highest ethical standards of the law enforcement profession. Members shall not participate in any incident or activity that impairs their ability to perform as law enforcement officers or causes the Rhode Island State Police to be brought into disrepute.
3. A member will carry himself/herself in a professional manner as befits an officer of the law.
D. Harassment and Discrimination

At no time shall members engage in conduct which has the effect of discriminating or harassing other individuals because of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, age, gender, gender identity, political affiliation or similar personal characteristics.

E. On-Duty Religious, Racial and Political Dispute

While in uniform or on duty, members shall not become publicly involved in any religious, racial, partisan, political or other controversial dispute where his/her behavior could be interpreted as the official position of the Rhode Island State Police.

F. Gratuities, Gifts, Rewards
1. Members of the Division shall not solicit or accept any gratuity or other item of value where there is any connection, however remote, between such offer or solicitation and the member's position with the Division, except as expressly approved by the Superintendent.
2. Members shall neither directly nor indirectly:
a. Solicit or accept any gratuities of merchandise, meals, beverages, or any other item of value which is intended to influence their or any other members' actions in any matter of police business, or which might cast an adverse reflection on the Division or any of its employees.
b. Solicit any discounted services or merchandise offered as a result of their employment with the Division, except as expressly approved by the Superintendent.
c. Solicit or accept any gift or gratuity from other members if such items would adversely affect the member's law enforcement duties.
d. Solicit or accept any reward for services rendered in the performance of law enforcement duties.
e. Solicit free admission to places of amusement for themselves or others, except as expressly approved by the Superintendent.
f. Identify themselves as Rhode Island State Police officers for the purpose of gaining personal advantages or avoiding the consequences of illegal acts performed by themselves or by other individuals.
G. Abuse of Position
1. Members shall not use their official position, official identification cards or badges for:
a. Personal or financial gain for themselves or others.
b. Obtaining privileges not otherwise available to them, except in the performance of duty.
c. Avoiding the consequences of illegal acts.
d. Seeking social contacts under official pretenses.
2. Members shall not lend to another person their identification cards or badges or permit them to be photographed or reproduced without the approval of the Superintendent.
3. Members shall not authorize their names, photographs, ranks or official titles that identify them as members of the Rhode Island State Police for use in connection with testimonials or advertisements of any commodity or commercial enterprise, without the approval of the Superintendent.
4. Unless expressly permitted by a superior officer, a member shall have no role in a Rhode Island State Police investigation involving a person or entity having a pending civil matter against that member.
H. Permitting Illegal Activities
1. Members of the Division shall not authorize any individual to violate any law, ordinance, or court order under any circumstance. When an individual requests permission to perform an act of questionable legality, the member shall inform the individual that he/she cannot authorize anyone to breach the law.
2. Members shall not create the impression that an individual may violate the law as long as the Division does not learn of the violation.
I. Insubordination
1. Insubordination or disrespect towards superior authority is strictly prohibited. Insubordination is defined as a failure to recognize the authority of any superior officer by disrespect or by disputing the superior officer's lawful order.
2. Members shall not publicly criticize the Division, its policies, or other employees in speech, writing, or other forms of expression. This provision is not intended to preclude the exercise of members' rights under state and/or federal law.
J. Soliciting Outside Intervention
1. Members shall not solicit the intervention or influence of persons outside the Division for the purpose of obtaining a promotion, advancement, change of assignment, or change of duty station or to avoid discipline, for themselves or any other member.
2. Any such attempt to solicit outside aid, whether for purposes of securing personal advancement or avoiding discipline, shall be considered equivalent to insubordination and shall be treated accordingly.
K. Endorsements and Referrals

No member shall recommend or suggest in any manner, except in the transaction of personal business, the employment or procurement of a particular product, professional service or commercial service including, but not limited to, towing service which shall be done in accordance with GO 56B3 - Tow Service.

L. Conflict of Interest Statement
1. Members shall have no interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, nor shall they engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity, or incur any obligation of any nature, which is in conflict with the proper discharge of their duties in the public interest.
2. Members shall have no interest or association, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, with organized crime or any other illegal activity, or with any individual and/or business in any way associated with organized crime or any other illegal activity.
3. All members, including the Superintendent, may be required to complete, sign and file with the Office of the Superintendent, a financial statement as prescribed by the Superintendent, the contents of which shall not be in conflict with the requirements of the Rhode Island Code of Ethics Law, R.I. Gen. Laws § 36-14-16.
M. Use of Tobacco or Gum

Members may not use tobacco in any form or chew gum when performing any official duty when in contact with members of the general public. When permitted to use tobacco or gum, members must do so in a manner that will not offend others or deter from the Division's public image. The Division promotes a smoke-free workplace. Smoking in any Division facility, building, vehicle or office is prohibited.

N. Financial Responsibility
1. Members shall pay all debts when due. Members shall not undertake any financial obligations which they know or should know they will be unable to meet.
2. In instances of financial irresponsibility, bankruptcy, and/or repeated instances of financial difficulty, members may be subject to disciplinary action. Financial difficulties stemming from unforeseen medical expenses or personal disaster shall not be cause for discipline, provided that a good faith effort to settle all accounts is being undertaken.
3. Members shall not co-sign a note for any superior officer or another member unless related by blood or marriage.
O. Relations with Division Employees
1. All members shall act in a professional, respectful manner toward other sworn and civilian employees.
2. Members shall never behave disrespectfully or use threatening or insulting language toward any other employee. Members shall not draw or lift a weapon toward, offer violence against, nor strike or attempt to strike any other employee.
3. Except when recorded in accordance with laws or regulations governing body worn cameras or as permitted by the Superintendent as part of a criminal or internal investigation, Division members shall not audio or visually record any other Division personnel without their knowledge. This prohibition includes the use of personal or Division issued recording devices and cellular telephones.
4. To ensure confidentiality during internal investigations, Division members subject to interviews will not be allowed to record the interview. The investigating member may record the interview and the recording will be made available to the member and/or his/her attorney or union representation at the appropriate stage of the internal proceedings.
P. Political Activity Restrictions
1. A member in his or her capacity as a private citizen is free to hold membership in and privately support a political party, to vote as he or she chooses or to express his/her opinion on any political subject or candidate, or to maintain political neutrality, or to attend political meetings as a private citizen.
2. No member shall, directly or indirectly, solicit, receive or be in any manner concerned with giving, soliciting, or receiving any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party or political purpose.
3. No member shall, orally or by letter, solicit or in any manner be concerned in soliciting any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party purpose from any person holding a position in the Rhode Island State Police.
4. No member shall seek political office.
5. No member shall accept appointment to any public office, board, commission, tribunal or other similar body without the expressed approval of the Superintendent; nor shall any member take any part in political management of affairs or in political campaigns.
6. No member shall provide a recommendation for any candidate for the judiciary without expressed approval from the Superintendent.
Q. Subversive Organizations

No member shall aid, assist, or be a member of any organization which advocates violence, the overthrow of the government by force or which is deemed by the Superintendent to be in contradiction to the mission of the Rhode Island State Police or to the security and well-being of the State of Rhode Island or the United States of America.

R. Associations
1. All members of the Division shall avoid regular or continuous associations or dealings with persons whom they know, or should know, are under criminal investigation or indictment, or who have a reputation in the community or the Division for present or past involvement in felonious or criminal behavior. Such associations may be permitted when necessary for the performance of official duties or where unavoidable because of family relationships with a Division member.
2. It is the duty of every member to be familiar with the activities and descriptions of prominent and habitual criminals throughout the area.
S. Visiting Prohibited Establishments

No member of the Division shall visit, enter, or frequent any establishment wherein the laws of the United States, the state, or the local jurisdiction are regularly violated or suspected by the police of being regularly violated; nor shall any member visit, enter, or frequent any establishment where persons known to be or suspected of being criminals are known to frequent, except in the performance of duty or while acting under proper and specific orders from a superior officer.

T. Loitering

A member, when on duty, shall not loiter in a public place. Members may enter a public place to conduct official business or take an approved break.

U. Entering Liquor Establishments

A member, when in uniform, shall not enter any place in which intoxicating beverages are furnished or sold, except in the performance of official duty. The provisions of this Regulation do not apply to uniformed members entering a restaurant or other food establishment that serves intoxicating beverages incidental to food services when such employees are taking an approved rest break or a meal during their tour of duty.

V. Gambling
1. No member of the Division shall participate in any form of gambling while on duty or in uniform, or while in any Rhode Island State Police post, vehicle, or other facility.
2. No member shall participate in any form of illegal gambling at any time except in the performance of duty and while acting under direct and specific orders from a superior officer.
W. Unauthorized Articles
1. Members of the Division who are on duty shall not carry or use books, magazines, newspapers, radios, televisions, packages, or any other article or electronic device which may hamper the performance of their duties, except when necessary in the performance of duty.
2. Members shall not read books, magazines, newspapers, or other materials while on duty, except as may be required in the performance of duty. Where reading such materials is required in the performance of duty, members may not read the materials while on patrol or while otherwise in public view. Members shall not engage in the unauthorized use of video/electronic devices or the Internet while on duty.
X. Reports

Members shall complete and submit all reports on time and in accordance with established Division procedures. No member shall knowingly enter or cause to be entered any inaccurate, false, or misleading information on a report.

Y. Truthfulness
1. Members of the Division will speak the truth at all times and under all circumstances. In cases in which he/she is not allowed by the Regulations of the Division to divulge facts within his/her knowledge, he/she will decline to speak on the subject. Members shall also be truthful and honest in dealing with fellow employees or members of the public.
2. Upon the order of any superior officer, members shall truthfully answer all questions asked of them that are specifically directed to the scope of employment and operations of the Division.
3. Members will truthfully state the facts in all reports as well as when he/she appears before any judicial, departmental, or other official investigation, hearing, trial, or proceeding.
Z. Interference with Discipline

No member shall exert or attempt to exert any influence on any of the participants in a Division disciplinary procedure.

AA. Testifying in Civil Cases

Members shall not testify in any civil case in which the Rhode Island State Police may have an interest without specific prior approval from the Superintendent, unless they are a party to the action or have been legally summoned to testify.

BB. Criminal Case Testimony

Members appearing for the prosecution shall not publicly discuss the testimony which they will give in any criminal court action, nor shall they sign any statements concerning any criminal case for a person not officially connected with the Division, except at the direction of official agencies such as the prosecuting official having jurisdiction of the case. Members subpoenaed by the defense in a criminal case shall contact the prosecuting attorney handling the case prior to the trial.

CC. Dissemination of Information
1. Members shall treat all business of the Rhode Island State Police as confidential.
2. Members will assist any member of the public who visits any Barracks/Bureaus/Units and requests public information. The member shall abide by GO 2E - Public Records Request Procedure/Request or Access to Law Enforcement Records and the applicable sections of the "Access to Public Records Act," R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 32-2et seq., regarding such requests.
3. Members shall not divulge the identity of persons giving confidential information except as authorized by the Superintendent.
DD. Public Speaking Engagements
1. Members of the Division must have authorization from the Superintendent or designee before engaging in public speaking on behalf of the Division. While employees of the Rhode Island State Police are encouraged to participate in community activities, including public speaking events, the Superintendent has the ultimate responsibility for formulating and interpreting Division policies and procedures in this regard. As such, members engaged in community relations activities or public speaking events, shall be responsible for accurately relating Division policy as outlined in these Rules and Regulations and other Division procedures.
2. This article shall not be interpreted to deprive members of any First Amendment rights as citizens to comment on matters of public interest.
EE. Attendance at Public Functions
1. Members are prohibited from attending public functions while on duty without prior approval of their commanding officer, unless their attendance has been requested as part of their official duties. Public functions include but are not limited to:
a. Court trials and hearings.
b. Public hearings, city/town council meetings, legislative sessions, political events, etc.
c. Union meetings.
d. Public demonstrations.
FF. Seeking Publicity

Members shall not directly nor indirectly seek publicity for themselves through the press, radio, television, or other news media; nor shall they furnish information to same for the purpose of gaining personal recognition.

GG. Identification

Members shall carry police identification cards on their persons at all times, except when impractical, dangerous to their safety or to the success of an investigation. Members shall furnish their badge number to any person requesting that information while on duty or portraying themselves in an official capacity, except when withholding such information is necessary for the performance of police duties or is authorized by a superior officer.

HH. Expenditure of State Funds

Expenditures of money shall not be made, or liability incurred in the name of the Rhode Island State Police by a member unless previously authorized in the manner prescribed by law or Regulation.

II. Criticism of the Criminal Justice System
1. The Division shares responsibility with the judiciary, prosecutors, and other law enforcement agencies in the criminal justice system. Cooperative and harmonious working relationships are essential and may be impaired by unnecessary criticism of others.
2. Employees should be aware that comments they make might be interpreted as being critical of law enforcement, prosecuting agencies, or individual members of the judiciary.
3. This article shall not be interpreted to deprive members of any First Amendment rights as citizens to comment on matters of public interest.
JJ. Prohibited Action During Suspension

Suspended employees are subject to all of the Rules and Regulations of this Division. They shall not wear any part of the official uniform or act in the capacity of, or represent themselves as, employees of the Division in any manner.

KK. Reporting for Duty
1. Every sworn member will report for duty and be present at the time and place specified by his/her Superior Officer. The sworn member will be properly equipped with the regulation weapons, equipment, and prescribed uniform or business attire.
2. Members reporting for duty must be physically and mentally fit to perform all police duties.
LL. Security of Firearms

A sworn member is responsible for the safekeeping and security of all firearms assigned to him/her at all times. A sworn member will not leave his/her firearm unattended or unsecured. When a firearm is left in a police locker, the sworn member will ensure that the locker is properly secured.

MM. Civil Suits for Damages or Injuries

No member will prosecute or enforce any claim against any person for injuries or damages while on duty until he/she has notified the Superintendent of his/her intention. In the event of such recovery for damages claimed, the member will reimburse the State for wages and medical expenses paid by the State while he/she was in an "off-duty injured" status, in accordance with State law.

NN. Statement Concerning Liability

A member will not make any oral or written statements to anyone concerning liability in connection with the operation of police vehicles or performance of other duties, unless specifically authorized to do so by the Superintendent.

OO. Marking or Altering Division Notices

A member will not mark, alter, mar, or deface any printed, written, or electronic notice, memorandum, general order, or directive relating to police business. A member will not mark, alter, mar, or deface any written or electronic notice posted on any bulletin board or blackboard maintained by the Division or within the Division's electronic information systems. All notices of a personal nature and/or of a derogatory character regarding any member or unit of the Division are prohibited.

270 R.I. Code R. 270-RICR-10-00-1.5

Amended effective 3/12/2023