250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-1.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-90-00-1.4 - Quota Management
A. Modification of sub-period allocations based on under/over-harvest:
1. Under-harvest: Any un-harvested quota from a sub-period allocation will be equally distributed to the allocations of the remaining sub-periods in the same calendar year.
2. Over-harvest:
a. Any over-harvest of a sub-period allocation will be deducted from the allocations of the remaining sub-periods in the same calendar year.
b. Any over-harvest from the previous year will be deducted from the entire State allocation of the current year before redistributing according to the species-specific management plan.
B. Modifications of allocations, seasons and possession limits: For quota managed species, in order to maintain compliance with a Federal or regional fisheries management plan (FMP), the DEM has the authority to distribute allocations, including the distribution of allocations among the various gear types, modify possession limits, and change seasons, unless specifically prohibited by the Secretary of Commerce or the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), in the following manner:
1. Allocation changes: If DEM projects that an allocation assigned for a sub-period, or assigned to be available for taking by a particular gear type during that sub-period, may be exhausted prior to the end of the sub-period, or may not be met for a sub-period, DEM may modify the allocation.
2. Possession limit changes: If DEM projects that the allocation for a given species may be exhausted prior to the end of a sub-period or may not be met for a sub-period, DEM may modify the possession limit.
3. If the quota for a sub-period allocation is fully harvested prior to the end of the sub-period, the DEM will close the fishery for the remainder of the sub-period.
4. Notification of modifications to possession limits and/or seasons for marine species regulated under quota: Such notification shall take place in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-1-12.1, and be provided to the public via the Marine Fisheries listserve, dedicated phone line (401-423-1920) and webpage. It is the responsibility of the licensed fishermen to know and abide by all possession limits and seasons.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-1.4

Amended effective 12/6/2018
Amended effective 1/23/2020
Amended effective 5/14/2020
Amended effective 8/20/2020
Amended effective 3/10/2021
Amended effective 4/30/2023
Amended effective 1/8/2024
Amended effective 7/20/2024
Amended effective 11/18/2024