Name of Landmark (control click on landmark for link to google maps) | City/town | Management Area | Latitude | Longitude |
Adams Point | Barrington | Warren River Shellfish Management Area | 41.716089 | -71.293291 |
Beavertail Point | Jamestown | Menhaden Management Area | 41.448648 | -71.399678 |
Betty Hull Point | Narragansett | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.417414 | -71.500254 |
Big Rock Point | Westerly | Winnipaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.330229 | -71.799555 |
Bonnet Point | Narragansett | Menhaden Management Area | 41.469572 | -71.420773 |
Bristol Harbor SMA Northeast Corner Coordinate | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.669666 | -71.283207 |
Bristol Harbor SMA Southeast Corner Coordinate | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.665503 | -71.282569 |
Brown Point | Little Compton | Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area | 41.519896 | -71.204959 |
Buoy G1 "Round Rock" | North Kingstown | Potowomut/High Banks Shellfish Management Area | 41.656736 | -71.390567 |
Buoy N6 | North Kingstown | High Banks SMA | 41.637323 | -71.369265 |
Carrier Pier | North Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.586068 | -71.407769 |
Carr's Point | Portsmouth | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.571210 | -71.294382 |
Castle Hill Light | Newport | N/A (Part 6 - gill net prohibition) | 41.462155 | -71.362974 |
Charlestown Beach Road Bridge | Charlestown | Greenhill Pond Shellfish Management Area; Ninigret Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.364173 | -71.625958 |
Church Point | Little Compton | N/A (Part 4 - surf clam/ocean quahaug dredge prohibition) | 41.499420 | -71.206012 |
Conanicut Point | Jamestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.573629 | -71.371660 |
Colt Drive Bridge | Bristol | Mill Gut Shellfish Management Area | 41.681840 | -71.299113 |
Concrete Stairway | Warwick | Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area | 41.684468 | -71.417575 |
CRMC Permitted Dock #419 | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.669558 | -71.288764 |
CRMC Permitted Dock #1601 | Bristol | Bristol harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.664246 | -71.290396 |
Dock at Rocky Point | Warwick | Upper Narragansett Bay MLMA | 41.688579 | -71.36442 |
Eastern Shore of the Foster Cove Channel | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.358865 | -71.676638 |
Flagpole at the Warwick Country Club | Warwick | Greenwich Bay/Potowomut Shellfish Management Area | 41.672412 | -71.389382 |
Flagpole on Conimicut Point | Warwick | Conimicut/Providence and Seekonk Rivers Shellfish Management Area | 41.717493 | -71.357820 |
Flint Point | Middletown | Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area; Part 4 - surf clam/ocean quahaug dredge prohibition | 41.486523 | -71.237974 |
Fogland Point | Tiverton | Menhaden Management Area | 41.559021 | -71.220815 |
Foster Cove Channel Southwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.358885 | -71.676872 |
Foster Cove Channel Southeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.358808 | -71.676602 |
Foster Cove Channel Northwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.360379 | -71.676221 |
Foster Cove Channel Northeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.360162 | -71.674821 |
Grassy Point | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.360107 | -71.654298 |
High Banks SMA Southeast Corner Coordinate | North Kingstown | High Banks Shellfish Management Area | 41.635211 | -71.396539 |
High Point | South Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.390058 | -71.514781 |
Hog Island Shoal Light | Bristol | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area | 41.632327 | -71.273253 |
Homestead Dock Prudence Island | Portsmouth | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area | 41.626185 | -71.308761 |
Horseshoe Point Arnold's Shore | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.367168 | -71.648903 |
Hurricane Barrier | Providence | Providence River Shellfish Management Area | 41.815785 | -71.401958 |
Jacobs Point SMA Southeast Corner Coordinate | Warren | Jacobs Point Shellfish Management Area | 41.710253 | -71.291327 |
Juncture of Second Beach and Sachuest Point | Middletown | N/A (Part 6 - gill net prohibition) | 41.480917 | -71.245584 |
Land's End | Newport | Menhaden Management Area | 41.451166 | -71.311662 |
Main Street Dam | Pawtucket | Providence River Shellfish Management Area | 41.876594 | -71.383100 |
Main Street/Route 114 Bridge at its Intersection with the Barrington River | Barrington | Warren River Shellfish Management Area | 41.736701 | -71.295451 |
Main Street/Route 114 Bridge at its Intersection with the Palmer River | Barrington | Warren River Shellfish Management Area | 41.737396 | -71.289081 |
Marsh Point | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.368785 | -71.644578 |
Marsh Neck Point | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.364201 | -71.642411 |
Matunuck Point | South Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - gill net prohibition) | 41.373337 | -71.537237 |
McCorrie Point | Portsmouth | Upper Sakonnet River Marine Life Management Area | 41.576694 | - 71.234611 |
Monahan's Dock (State Pier #5) | Narragansett | N/A (Part 6 - gill net prohibition) | 41.422466 | -71.454393 |
Mouth of Captain's Brook | South Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.393511 | -71.539928 |
Mouth of Ninigret Pond | Charlestown | Ninigret Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.354865 | -71.638536 |
Mouth of Jenny Creek | Portsmouth | Jenny Creek Shellfish Management Area | 41.629838 | -71.333696 |
Mouth of the Pettaquamscutt (Narrow) River | Narragansett | Pettaquamscutt (Narrow) River Shellfish Management Area; Part 6 - Commercial Netting Prohibition | 41.442019 | -71.440679 |
Mouth of the Point Judith Pond | Narragansett | Point Judith Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.375149 | -71.513755 |
Mouth of Quonochontaug Pond | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.330878 | -71.718764 |
Mouth of Town Pond | Portsmouth | Town Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.638944 | -71.245269 |
Mouth of Winnipaug Pond at the seaward end of the Weekapaug Breachway | Westerly | Winnipaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.327627 | -71.762913 |
Napatree Point | Westerly | Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Shellfish Management Area | 41.307135 | -71.886596 |
Nayatt Point | Barrington | Conimicut Point Shellfish Management Area; Providence and Seekonk Rivers Shellfish Management Area | 41.725121 | -71.338957 |
Ninigret Conservation Area Parking Lot | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.344726 | -71.690149 |
Ninigret Pond Narrows Northwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.355466 | -71.664404 |
Ninigret Pond Narrows Southeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.354362 | -71.664386 |
Ninigret Pond Narrows Southwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - fixed gear prohibition) | 41.359455 | -71.653072 |
Ninigret Pond SMA Sub-Area 1 Southeast Corner Coordinate located on East Beach | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.346815 | -71.683958 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-Area 1 Northeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.366086 | -71.675128 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-Area 1 Northwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.366362 | -71.676036 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-Area 1 Southeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.365690 | -71.675310 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-Area 1 Southwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.365970 | -71.676220 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-Area 2 Corner Coordinate "A" | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.363705 | -71.673512 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-area 2 Corner Coordinate "B" | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.364515 | -71.675236 |
Ninigret Pond-Foster Cove Sub-area 2 Corner Coordinate "C" | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.364330 | -71.673220 |
North Abutment of Mt. Hope Bridge | Bristol | N/A (Part 6 - trawl device prohibition) | 41.642695 | -71.259838 |
Northeastern Point Chepiwanoxet Point | Warwick | Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area | 41.674585 | -71.441152 |
Northern Tip of Hog Island | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.647959 | -71.279880 |
Narrows Northwest Corner Coordinate (Pt. Judith Pond) | South Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.418712 | -71.500254 |
Northwest corner of the Rockwell Pier municipal parking lot | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.669742 | -71.27925 |
Northwest corner of the U.S. Coast Guard station pier | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.666268 | -71.278351 |
Northwestern Point of Nope's Island | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.334528 | -71.733593 |
Nun Buoy 12 | Warren | Jacobs Point Shellfish Management Area | 41.713780 | -71.291593 |
One hundred (100) feet seaward of the mouth of Gilbert Stuart Brook | North Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.517067 | -71.447064 |
Pawcatuck Rock | Westerly | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.346051 | -71.829731 |
Pine Hill Point (Prudence Island) | Portsmouth | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area | 41.631608 | -71.347385 |
Point of Land on the Quonochontaug Pond Barrier Beach Located in a Southerly Direction from Quahaug Point | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.330564 | -71.744459 |
Point of Land on the Northern Shore of Napatree Point | Westerly | Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Shellfish Management Area | 41.310300 | -71.877500 |
Point on East Beach in a Southerly Direction from the Foster Cove Inlet | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.348614 | -71.676607 |
Point of land on the Eastern Shore at the Mouth of the Kickemuit River | Warren | Kickemuit River Shellfish Management Area | 41.699115 | -71.243342 |
Pojac Point | North Kingstown | Potowomut/High Banks Shellfish Management Area | 41.650506 | -71.408400 |
Point of land on the Quonochontaug Pond barrier beach located in a southerly direction from Quahaug Point | Charlestown | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.330564 | -71.744459 |
Poppasquash Point | Bristol | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area; Part 6 - trawl device prohibition | 41.649445 | -71.300064 |
Price's Neck | Newport | N/A (Part 6 - gill net prohibition) | 41.449516 | -71.338109 |
Quahaug Point | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area; Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition | 41.333330 | -71.744365 |
Quonochontaug Pond SMA Sub-Area 1 Southeast Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.330564 | -71.744459 |
Quonochontaug Pond SMA Sub-Area 2 Southwest Corner Coordinate | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.344710 | -71.712336 |
QYC stone pier | Charlestown | Quonochontaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.350312 | -71.709292 |
Reeds Point | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.352794 | -71.694621 |
Rocky Point | Warwick | Menhaden Management Area | 41.691837 | -71.363075 |
Rome point | North Kingstown | Bissel Cove/Fox Island Shellfish Management Area | 41.548853 | -71.423836 |
Route 1/Broad Street Bridge | Westerly | Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Shellfish Management Area | 41.377688 | -71.831481 |
Sachuest Point | Middletown | Menhaden Management Area/Part 6 - gill net prohibition | 41.472362 | -71.247257 |
Sakonnet Light | Little Compton | Menhaden Management Area/ Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area | 41.453130 | -71.202434 |
Sakonnet Point | Little Compton | Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area | 41.454587 | -71.195124 |
Sakonnet River Bridge (Rt. 24) | Portsmouth/Tiverton | Upper Sakonnet River Marine Life Management Area/Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition | 41.638128 | -71.213601 |
Sakonnet River SMA Northwest Corner Coordinate | Portsmouth | Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area | 41.519498 | -71.230893 |
Sakonnet River SMA Western Shore Coordinate | Middletown | Sakonnet River Shellfish Management Area | 41.504347 | -71.239782 |
Sally Rock Point | Warwick | Greenwich Bay (GB) Shellfish Management Area | 41.671413 | -71.425511 |
Sandy Point | Warwick | Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area; Potowomut Shellfish Management Area | 41.662997 | 71.408568 |
Sandy Point Beach | Portsmouth | Menhaden Management Area | 41.552907 | -71.233762 |
Sandy Point Island Rhode Island/Connecticut border | Westerly | Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Shellfish Management Area | 41.329406 | -71.892302 |
Seaward End of Bay Road | Barrington | Conimicut Point Shellfish Management Area | 41.722546 | -71.309105 |
Seaward End of Narrows Road | Bristol | Kickemuit River Shellfish Management Area | 41.696927 | -71.246322 |
Seaward End of Pettee Street | North Kingstown | High Banks Shellfish Management Area | 41.634401 | -71.407115 |
Seaward End of Samuel Gorton Avenue | Warwick | Conimicut Point Shellfish Management Area | 41.703781 | -71.365120 |
Short Point | South Kingstown | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.418712 | -71.500135 |
Southern End of Larkin's Island | Westerly | Winnapaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.331958 | -71.784941 |
Southern End of Sandy Point Island | Westerly | Little Narragansett Bay and Pawcatuck River Shellfish Management Area | 41.321703 | -71.878691 |
Southern Tip of Prudence Island | Portsmouth | N/A (Part 6 - otter trawl prohibition) | 41.578707 | -71.325772 |
Southwestern-Most Point of Fox Island | North Kingstown | Bissel Cove/Fox Island Shellfish Management Area | 41.553236 | -71.419937 |
Southwest Corner Ninigret Landing Marina parking lot | Charlestown | Ninigret (Charlestown) Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.358561 | -71.689409 |
Southwestern Point of Jacks Island | Portsmouth | Upper Sakonnet River Marine Life Management Area | 41.593224 | -71.209866 |
Spink Neck | North Kingstown | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area | 41.620968 | -71.407871 |
Sprague Bridge (south side) | Narragansett | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.449093 | -71.449549 |
Strawberry Hill Point | Narragansett | N/A (Part 6 - comm. net prohibition) | 41.390894 | -71.509603 |
Succotash Road Bridge | South Kingstown | Point Judith Pond Shellfish Management Area; Potter Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.386004 | -71.526019 |
Sycamore Cove Southeast Corner Coordinate | South Kingstown | Potter Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.383661 | -71.533286 |
Sycamore Cove Southwest Corner Coordinate | South Kingstown | Potter Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.383435 | -71.537009 |
Thompson Point | Westerly | N/A (Part 6 - commercial net prohibition) | 41.346129 | -71.829238 |
Utility Pole #20 on Poppasquash Road | Bristol | Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Area | 41.682529 | -71.285175 |
Waldron and Seaview Avenue intersection | North Kingstown | Bissel Cove/Fox Island Shellfish Management Area | 41.553567 | -71.429705 |
Warren River SMA Southeast Corner Coordinate | Warren | Warren River/Jacobs Point Shellfish Management Area | 41.714306 | -71.286673 |
Warwick Lighthouse | Warwick | Potowomut Shellfish Management Area | 41.667124 | -71.378385 |
Warwick Point | Warwick | Upper Narragansett Bay Marine Life Management Area | 41.666588 | -71.378804 |
Northwestern End of Sandy Point Island | Connecticut | N/A (Part 3 - Winter flounder prohibition) | 41.332337 | -71.897469 |
Winnipaug Pond SMA Sub-Area 1 Northeast Corner Coordinate | Westerly | Winnipaug Pond Shellfish Management Area | 41.332611 | -71.786066 |
250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-90-00-1.13
Amended effective 3/10/2021
Amended effective 4/30/2023
Amended effective 1/8/2024
Amended effective 7/20/2024
Amended effective 11/18/2024