A. Pilots and Pilot Boats, Exception to Rules In the case of an emergency or due to conditions beyond the control of the pilot, or the owner or operator of a pilot boat where Rhode Island State Pilotage Commission Rules and Regulations cannot be observed, said pilot, owner or operator of said pilot boat shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of reaching shore, make a preliminary report to the Pilotage Commission and may be required to give a detailed written report and appear before the Commission in person.
B. Records to be Kept by Pilots or their Agent: Report to Commission The pilot or pilot's agent, shall maintain records and shall when requested, report to the Commission at the office of the Commission every vessel piloted by him or her, specifying the name, draft, nationality, where boarded, destination, time of boarding if inward bound, time of leaving if outward bound or transported, extra services rendered, the length of any detention of the pilot on board at an anchorage or elsewhere, the name of any pilot apprentice or other person accompanying him or her. Such reports shall be made at such time as the Commission may require. The pilots shall also keep records, which at all times shall be open to the Commission and to the personnel of the Commission. If the records so kept do not contain information, which the Commission may think necessary, the Commission shall direct the pilots to keep their records in such manner, as the Commission may think requisite.
C. Absence of Pilot from Duty: Active and Inactive Status: Notification to Commission: Refresher Pages 1. Whenever any pilot is absent from duty for any cause, whatsoever, for more than sixty (60) days, he or she shall inform the Commission in writing, or cause them to be informed, as to the reason for, and the probable length of his or her absence from duty.2. However, any pilot who has been away from duty for a period of six (6) months or longer, or has not completed a passage through the waters of his or her commission during this period shall be placed on inactive status and shall complete at two (2) round-trip passages over each route for which that pilot is licensed by the Commission before resuming his or her pilotage duties as an active status pilot. One (1) of the required round trip passages shall be completed during the night time. The refresher passages shall be made as an observer in the company of an active pilot who is licensed by the Commission in the same or higher grade.3. Furthermore, such pilot, before resuming his or her pilotage duties, shall submit to the Commission a list of completed refresher passages including the name, gross tons and draft of each ship involved, a description and date of each passage, and the name of the attending pilot. In addition, such pilot may be required to appear before the Commission prior to resumption of his or her piloting duties.4. The Commission at its discretion may require that the pilot present evidence demonstrating that he or she has successfully completed pilot simulation training as designated by the Commission prior to being authorized to return to active status.D. Vessels Going Aground or Other Accident to be Reported to Commission by Pilot: Fine for Violation In the event of a vessel going aground or meeting with any accident while a pilot is in charge, the pilot or the pilot's agent shall cause the Commission to be notified of the circumstances of said accident or grounding as soon as practical, and not later than two (2) hours following the incident. Further, the pilot shall provide to the Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident with a written report of the circumstances specifying the location and exact time of such grounding or accident and the nature and cause thereof. Every violation of this Part shall be punishable by a fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
E. Duty of Master of Vessel-Safety of Pilot: Damages-Penalty Whenever a vessel is receiving or discharging a pilot, the master of the vessel shall, at the time of boarding, make a lee for the pilot boat and bring his or her vessel to a full stop or to a speed as directed by the pilot boat, and shall supply a suitable ladder, in safe condition, properly placed and secured over the side to enable the pilot to board or leave the vessel safely. In addition to any damages which may be awarded to a pilot against any vessel or their owners or agents for failing to provide the pilot with a safe means of boarding or leaving the vessel, the owners or agents of any vessel failing to comply with this Regulation shall be subject to a penalty of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
F. Pilots Use of Certified Pilot Boat Every Rhode Island State licensed pilot when boarding or disembarking any vessel under registry within the waters of Rhode Island Sound, Block Island Sound or in the waters of Narragansett Bay south of the Newport and Jamestown Bridges, shall use only pilot boats which hold a valid Certificate of Compliance issued by the Rhode Island State Pilotage Commission and which shall be conspicuously displayed in said pilot boats.
G. Pilot Station 1. Brenton Reef Pilot Station (Lat. 41°-23.4'N, Long. 71°-21.2'W) is the main pilot station for the boarding of all State licensed pilots in the waters of Rhode Island Sound and Block Island Sound. Pilots shall board vessels, when practical, within the boarding area bounded by the following points: 2. Vessels bound to and from Long Island Sound ports may be boarded and disembarked at Point Judith Station, (in position Lat. 41°-17.0'N, Long. 71°-31.0'W at a position of 199°, 4.1 miles from Point Judith Light) through prior arrangement with the vessel's agents or the pilots, weather permitting.3. The Rhode Island Pilot Approach Communications System shall maintain a watch on VHF Radio Channel #16 at least two (2) hours before the vessel's E.T.A.4. It is strictly prohibited to identify, reference, or contact any vessel in any manner other than by the registered name of said vessel during any radio communication by, with, or on behalf of any pilot or pilot boat.H. Pilot Boarding, Ending of a Pilot's Services, Assisting In Docking or Undocking and Leaving Vessel Underway, Disembarking 1. Every pilot shall board incoming vessels at an adequate distance outside the waters of Rhode Island Sound, Block Island Sound, or Narragansett Bay as appropriate in order to insure that he or she has ample time in order to complete a full master pilot exchange (MPX) to review the vessel's maneuvering characteristics, draft, air draft, any limitations of the engineering plant and navigational equipment, and to assume full control of the vessels' navigation before passing inbound north of a line due east and west through a position one and one half (1 1/2) miles south of Beavertail Light if it is intended to enter Narragansett Bay.2. In addition to conducting the evaluation described above in § 9.15(H)(1) of this Part, a pilot shall, before commencing any vessel movement, consult with the master and other relevant deck officers, the vessel's proposed route, including course, speeds, squat, and unique maneuvers that may be encountered.3. If a pilot should decide on the basis of the facts determined following his or her examination conducted as required pursuant to §§ 9.15(H)(1) and/or (2) of this Part that the movement of the incoming vessel into or continuing the movement of the vessel within the waters of the State would reasonably present a hazard to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the State of Rhode Island and/or the individuals utilizing the waters of the State, the pilot should immediately contact the Commission and, if deemed necessary, prevent the vessel from entering the waters of the State, bring the vessel into safe anchorage, or return the vessel to dock or keep the vessel tied up, as may be deemed appropriate by the pilot. The pilot shall remain with the vessel until the vessel is secured.4. A pilot's services end and he or she is entitled to discharge by the master of a vessel when said pilot has brought the vessel to a safe anchorage or to a position off the pier to which the vessel is bound, unless the master shall have formally requested the pilot to assist in the docking of a vessel except in those cases in which a pilot has deemed it necessary to exercise his or her authority pursuant to § 9.15(H)(3) of this Part. Whenever formally requested by the master to do so, the pilot of a vessel may assist in either the docking or undocking as such vessel. A pilot shall not leave a vessel underway unless he or she shall have first been properly relieved. Pilots on outbound vessels shall not disembark vessel before clearing seaward of Beavertail Light.5. A pilot may only permit a master to relieve the pilot for the purposes of docking or berthing the vessel or releasing the vessel's anchor in anchorage.I. Reporting: The provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 46-9-20 and 46-9.1-8 pertaining to monthly and quarterly reports are to be strictly adhered to. In case no piloting under the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1 has been performed during a particular quarter, a negative report shall be filed.J. Annual Physical Examination - Annual Medical Certificate1. No person licensed under any provision of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1 shall perform any pilotage duties under the overall supervision of the Commission unless he or she has a current "Annual Medical Certificate."2. Every pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1, shall annually during the ninety (90) days period preceding December 31st of each year have at his or her own expense a physical examination.3. The results of such examinations on forms provided by the Commission shall be filed with the Commission. Among these forms is the examination report form which is attached hereto and designated as § 9.17 of this Part, a copy of which is available on the Commission's website. In order for a physician to accomplish the annual physical examination of a licensed pilot, the pilot is obligated to provide said physician prior to commencement of the examination with a copy of § 9.17 of this Part and the physician is required to submit the form to the Commission in order for the Commission to issue the Annual Medical Certificate referenced above in § 9.15(J)(1) of this Part.4. On or before December 31st of each year, the Commission shall award said pilot satisfactorily completing the required examinations an "Annual Medical Certificate" for the following year.5. Should the examining physician consider the health or eyesight of the pilot, such as to render that pilot unfit to perform his or her required duties, the Commission shall withhold the issuance of an Annual Medical Certificate until such time after re-examination, the physician finds said pilots to be physically fit to perform their duties. The Commission may, on advice of the examining physician, issue a certificate for a shorter period of time or with limitations attached.6. The "Annual Medical Certificate" shall automatically become suspended when a pilot becomes hospitalized for any purpose for more than seven (7) days or said pilot is absent from duty for more than thirty (30) days due to an accident or any illness. Said pilot or pilot's agent shall cause the Commission to be notified of the circumstances of said hospitalization, illness, or accident and shall supply the Commission with notice from the attending physician that he or she is physically fit to perform the required duties before the Commission shall reinstate his or her Annual Medical Certificate.7. A pilot is further obligated to possess at all times a current Merchant Mariner Credential Medical Evaluation Report (CG-719 K) issued by the United States Coast Guard. A pilot is not required to submit the entire medical evaluation report that he or she submitted to the Coast Guard via CG Form 719K; Rather the Commission will deem the pilot in compliance with this subsection upon the Commission's receipt of a valid copy of a current Merchant Mariner Medical Certificate, annually.8. Any violation of the provisions of this Part shall subject said pilot to forfeit to the Commission any pilotage fees that he or she has earned while in violation of this Rule and subject said pilot to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 46-9-22 and 46-9.1-21.K. Pilotage Units 1. This Rule shall be determined by multiplying the overall length of the vessel by the extreme breadth by the depth to the uppermost continuous deck and dividing the total by ten thousand (10,000), as expressed by the following formula: Overall Length X Extreme Breadth X Depth To Uppermost continuous Deck = Pilotage Units. Upper. Pilots shall first round off any fraction of an inch to the nearest inch and change the feet and inches to feet and decimal point, using the scale below: Inches = Feet Inches = Feet: 2. In cases where vessel's particulars are listed in meters, we recommend that the use of the constant 35.314665 in the conversion, as below: LOA.Ex.Breadth.Depth.Constant/10000=Pilotage Units
(1 Meter - 3.2808399 EXACT) (3.28083993 = 35.314665)
3. In both cases, the number of pilotage units should be rounded off to the nearest hundredth or two (2) decimal points.4. All measurements shall be in feet and inches (U.S.).5. The State Pilotage Commission shall be the sole arbiter with respect to a question concerning these definitions. The decision by the Commission shall be final.6. The measurements of overall length, extreme breadth, and depth as previously defined, shall be made available to the pilot by the master or his or her agent for the computation of pilotage fees. Failure to provide the measurements so required shall subject the vessel to the maximum pilotage charge.L. Rates of pilotage fees which shall be paid to State licensed pilots in Rhode Island Waters (Narragansett and Mount Hope Bays and Tributaries). Pilotage rates per pilot unit: 1. 01/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 | $13.23 |
2. 01/1/2019 - 12/31/2019 | $13.49 |
3. Period beginning 01/1/2020 | $13.76 |
4. Period beginning 01/1/2021 | $14.03 |
5. Period beginning 01/1/2022 | $14.31 |
6. Period beginning 01/1/2023 | $14.60 |
7. Period beginning 01/1/2024 | $14.89 |
8. All vessels shall pay the yearly pilotage rate per pilotage unit with a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) units and not to exceed a maximum of five hundred (500) units. Pilotage units shall be determined by multiplying the overall length of the vessel by the extreme breadth by the depth to the uppermost continuous deck and dividing the total by ten thousand (10,000), as expressed by the following formula: LOA.Ex .Breadth.Depth/ 10,000 =Pilotage Units
All measurements shall be in feet and inches (U.S.)
9. The foregoing rates apply to all pilotage between Rhode Island Ports except between: a. Vessels inbound from sea to any Rhode Island port shall pay full pilotage. If said vessel desires to interrupt her inbound transit and lay at any anchorage within Narragansett Bay, then an additional one half (1/2) pilotage fee shall be applicable once the vessel resumes her inbound transit.b. Vessels outbound from any Rhode Island port to sea shall pay the full pilotage rate. If said vessel desires to interrupt her outbound transit and lay at any anchorage within Narragansett Bay, then an additional one half (1/2) pilotage fee shall be applicable once the vessel resumes her outbound transit.c. Vessels inbound from sea to a port in Massachusetts District 4 shall pay full pilotage for her transit from sea to the Massachusetts District 4 boundary. If said vessel desires to interrupt her inbound transit and lay at any anchorage within Narragansett Bay, then an additional one half (1/2) pilotage fee shall be applicable once the vessel resumes her inbound transit.d. Vessels outbound from a port in Massachusetts District 4 to sea shall pay full pilotage for her transit from the Massachusetts District 4 boundary to sea. If said vessel desires to interrupt her outbound transit and lay at any anchorage within Narragansett Bay, then an additional one half (1/2) pilotage fee shall be applicable once the vessel resumes her outbound transit.e. Vessels that are bound only for any anchorage within Narragansett Bay, shall pay full pilotage for both the inbound and outbound transits.f. An inbound vessel with intentions to proceed directly to a Rhode Island port or a port in Massachusetts District 4, which is required to anchor due to unexpected reduced visibility shall not be required to pay an additional one half (1/2) pilotage fee upon resuming her transit. In this case, the pilot shall remain onboard at the discretion of the Pilot Dispatch Office, but if relieved the normal transportation fees shall be applied.g. Cruise ships bound for Goat Island anchorage shall be charged a fee of eighty-five percent (85%) of the foregoing rates.10. Surveying - the foregoing rates shall apply for vessels requiring a pilot and that are engaged in survey work in Rhode Island State waters: a. Vessels engaged in surveying shall pay the full pilotage fee for the first two (2) hours of the pilot being on board. After two (2) hours the fee, per hour, for any part of an hour shall revert to a rate of twenty-five percent (25%) of the full pilotage for each of the next four (4) hours. In the event where a pilot must remain on board after the sixth (6th) hour, an additional full pilotage fee shall be billed for the next two (2) hours. After those two (2) hours the fee, per hour for any part of an hour shall revert to a rate of twenty-five percent (25%) of the full pilotage for each of the next four (4) hours. The pilotage fee shall continue to alternate between two (2) hours at full fee and four (4) hours at twenty-five percent (25%) of the full pilotage fee for four (4) hours (as outlined above) for when a pilot is aboard the vessel.b. Vessels engaged in surevey work and which require a pilot shall submit their proposed survey plans to the Commission as soon as practicable, but in no event later then three (3) months prior to the anticipated start date for surveying.c. The Commission shall review the proposed survey plans and may place any restrictions or conditions it deems necessary or appropriate for the preservation and protection of lives, property, vessels utilizing the waters of the State, public health, safety and/or the environment.11. Any vessel that meets the following standards has been determined by the Commission not to pose a threat to the environment and as such shall receive a special exemption from the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1 and the Rules and Regulations promulgated pursuant thereto: Any vessel that is less than two hundred feet (200') LOA which is not engaged in commercial operations.M. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 46-9-20: "Accounts of Fees and Payments to State: Once every month, every pilot or pilot's agent shall render to the Commission an accurate account of all vessels subject to this Chapter piloted by him or her and of all money received by said pilot for pilotage of such vessels, and shall pay to the State of Rhode Island six percent (6%) of the amount thereof. Pilots shall add six percent (6%) to the rates established by the Commission when they perform the service of piloting any vessel subject to this chapter and collect the same in like manner as they are authorizing to collect passage fees."N. Estimated Port Disbursement Monies - Payment to Pilots 1. The master, owner, agent, or consignee of every vessel requiring a pilot pursuant to of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1, shall include any and all pilotage fees in the "Estimated Port Disbursement Monies" for said vessel, and shall make these pilotage fees available to said vessel's local agent prior to the said vessel's departure from Rhode Island State waters for timely payment to the pilots.2. All pilots licensed pursuant to of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 469.1, who have not received payment for their services on the first (1st) day of the fourth (4th) month after the month of the original billing date, may charge the master, owner, agent, or consignee of the said vessel an additional fee of one and one half percent (1 1/2 %) of the uncollected monies and a said charge each first (1st) day of each month thereafter until full payment is received.3. Every pilot having uncollected fees as set forth in § 9.15(N)(2) of this Part, above of this Part shall, during the first fifteen (15) days of every month, report to the Rhode Island State Pilotage Commission such uncollected fees on forms provided by the Commission.4. Any party failing to observe the provisions of this Part shall be liable to a Civil Penalty of not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) payable to the State of Rhode Island, for each violation of this Part and also may be subject to any disciplinary action permitted by R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 and 46-9.1, and any relevant provision of the Rhode Island State Pilotage Commission Rules and Regulations.5. Additional fees payable to Pilots - Pilot Detention Feea. If a pilot is detained on a vessel at any anchorage, for any reason, a fee of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per hour or part thereof shall be paid. The Pilot Dispatch Office reserves the right to relieve a Pilot on an anchored vessel at any time, and the normal transportation fee shall be applied.b. Vessel arrivals: The order for a vessel arrival shall be placed at a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the arrival time. Six (6) hours notice is required to change the arrival time without penalty. If a vessel arrives late at any pilot station without a minimum of six (6) hours notice of change, a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) will apply for every hour that the vessel is late.c. Vessel departures: The original order for a departing vessel shall be placed at a minimum of twelve (12) hours in advance of the sailing time. Six (6) hours notice is required to change a sailing time. In the exceptional case where a request is made to change a sailing time, with less than six (6) hours notice prior to the original sailing order, and where the sailing time is between the hours of 18:00 and 07:00, a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fee for each and every change shall apply. Changes, with less than six (6) hours notice, are always subject to pilot availability. Vessels that do not sail within one (1) hour of the final sailing notification will incur a five hundred dollar ($500.00) fee. Vessels that do not sail within two (2) hours of the scheduled sailing time will automatically cancel and incur an additional five hundred ($500.00) cancelation fee. Canceled sailings require that the vessel re-schedule a sailing time and is subject to pilot availability.d. The Commission recommends that pilots follow the fatigue policy that was adopted by Northeast Marine Pilots Association in Annex C on January 15, 2016 in order to supplement Rule 19 of the Association's Rules.e. Fee for Being Carried Away to Sea: A pilot who is carried away to sea shall be paid one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day plus first class return transportation, unless the decision to carry the pilot away is a mutual decision by the pilot and the master of the vessel.f. Fee for adjusting compass and RDF calibration - each three hundred dollars ($300.00)g. Any vessel shifted within the harbor shall pay a fee of three hundred dollars ($300.00).O. Offenses Involving Narcotic Drugs Marijuana and Depressants or Stimulant Drugs or Substances 1. Every active status Rhode Island State licensed pilot shall be in compliance with 46 C.F.R. Parts 1 through 6"Chemical Testing", prescribed by the United States Coast Guard and the United States Department of Transportation Homeland Security and if not a participant in an approved Random Testing Program, shall furnish the Commission with a pre-employment Chemical Test Certificate to verify his or her compliance with 46 C.F.R. § 16.210.2. Any conviction for violating any Federal or State statute relating to using, growing, processing, manufacturing, selling, disposing, transporting, or importing of narcotic drugs, marijuana, or depressant or stimulant drugs or substance, or failure to comply with § 9.15(O)(1) of this Part is grounds for suspending or revoking any license pursuant to the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1.P. Navigational Rules of the Road Every pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 shall operate any vessel under his or her care consistent with the Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980, as applicable, ( 33 C.F.R. Part 2000 et seq.) and or the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (commonly called the 72 Col Regs.), as applicable, (hereinafter the "Federal Rules of the Road") incorporated above at § 9.2(B) of this Part. Any pilot who is found by the Commission to have operated a vessel under his or her care in violation of the Federal Rules of the Road within the jurisdiction of the Commission may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 46-9-22, 46-922.1, or 46-9.1-18.
Q. Utilization of Commission Issued Navigational Computer Equipment1. No pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 shall navigate any vessel unless he or she possesses on board said vessel a Portable Pilotage Unit ("PPU") provided by the Commission and the pilot employs said PPU throughout the vessel's journey consistent with the best practices prescribed for its utilization. The only exception to this requirement is the following: a. When a pilot is navigating a vessel that he or she knows is equipped with computer navigation equipment in whose operation the pilot has been trained and which he or she is familiar, whose capacity is either equal to or better than the computer navigation equipment provided by the Commission, and which the pilot will be afforded the opportunity to employ while navigating the vessel.2. In the event that a pilot fails or is unable for whatever reason to comply with the requirements of § 9.15(Q)(1) of this Part, the pilot shall cause the Commission to be notified of the circumstances of the incident as soon as practical, as and not later than the pilot's arrival ashore. Further, the pilot shall render to the Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of his or her arrival ashore a detailed written report describing the nature and cause of the incident. The Commission may require the pilot to appear before the Commission in person to assist the Commission in determining what penalty, if any, is to be assessed as a result of the incident.3. Any navigational computer equipment or PPU provided by the Commission for use by pilots remains the property of the State of Rhode Island and as such must be returned to the Commission or its agent by the pilot having possession thereof within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of notice from the Commission requesting its return.4. Any pilot who is found by the Commission to have operated a vessel under his or her care in violation of § 9.15(Q)(1) of this Part within the jurisdiction of the Commission, or to have failed to comply with any of these Rules and Regulations, may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 46-9-22 or 46-9-22.1, or 46-9.1-18.5. In the event that a reportable incident should occur while a pilot is charge of a vessel, the pilot shall immediately power down the PPU utilized during the incident upon being relieved by a duly licensed State pilot and provide said PPU to the Commission immediately upon returning to shore.R. Additional Reports Required to be Submitted to the Commission 1. The Northeast Marine Pilots Association or any pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 who navigates a vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall report any incident in which the vessel being navigated is involved in a grounding, the striking of a submerged object, or any unintended contact with any object or vessel. Such report shall be submitted in writing to Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.2. The Northeast Marine Pilots Association or any pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 who navigates a vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall report any incident in which the vessel being navigated experiences a loss of electrical power, loss of steering, or whose gyro does not appear to be working properly. Such report shall be submitted in writing to Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.3. The Northeast Marine Pilots Association or any pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 who navigates a vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall report any incident in which the vessel being navigated is damaged, or a dock or terminal are damaged by the vessel during the docking or undocking of the navigated vessel. Such report shall be submitted in writing to Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.4. The Northeast Marine Pilots Association or any pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 who navigates a vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall report any incident in which the vessel being navigated losses an anchor or uses the vessel's anchor in an emergency. Such report shall be submitted in writing to Commission within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident.5. The Northeast Marine Pilots Association or any pilot licensed pursuant to the provisions of the R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 46-9 or 46-9.1 who navigates a vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall report any incident in which a complaint is received alleging that a pilot navigated vessel within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commission at excessive speed, created excess wake, or that damage was caused by the navigated vessel. Such report shall be submitted in writing to Commission within twenty-four (24) hours receipt of the complaint.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-80-00-9.15
Amended effective 11/13/2018
Amended effective 8/4/2019
Amended effective 6/1/2020
Amended effective 12/23/2021