250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-9.16

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-9.16 - Management Areas
A. The possession of a valid Rhode Island hunting, or combination hunting and fishing license, serves as the permit to hunt public reservations and undeveloped State parks where hunting is allowed, and Tidal Lands pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Titles 20 and 18, and R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 20-18-2 and 20-18-3.
B. Possession of a firearm or archery equipment is prohibited on public reservations, unless the person is duly licensed to hunt, is engaged in authorized hunting activity and is in possession of a firearm or archery equipment authorized pursuant to the governing Department of Environmental Management Hunting Regulations for the specific hunting activity in which the person is engaged.
C. Hunters must check in and out of State Management Area hunter check stations and present all small game harvested for inspection each day they are open during the upland game season when pursuing small game as prescribed by the DEM. Check station dates will be listed in the current Hunting Season Abstract.
1. At the discretion of the Division of Fish and Wildlife, management areas may be closed to pheasant hunting for pheasant stocking at noon until sunset on Tuesdays and Fridays from the Friday prior to the third (3rd) Saturday in October through the Friday prior to Thanksgiving Day; the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day; and Fridays in December.
D. From the period April 1 through August 15 (inclusive), annually, the following areas are closed to entry: Dyer Island, Hope Island and Gould Island. During this time period, no person is allowed to enter these areas without official written permission from the Director. During this time period, disturbing or molesting any nesting birds at these areas is prohibited.
1. All cats, dogs, and other domestic animals are prohibited at all times at Dutch Island, Dyer Island, Gould Island, Hope Island, and Patience Island; except that hunting dogs may be used at Hope Island while hunting small game or migratory birds only during the open seasons set by the Department, and hunting dogs maybe be used at Patience and Dyer Islands while hunting waterfowl only during the open seasons set by the Department.
E. No person shall engage in any activity that interferes with or interrupts lawful hunting or trapping on any lands open to public hunting and trapping.
F. All users of State Management Areas and undeveloped State Parks are required to wear solid daylight fluorescent orange during appropriate seasons, as defined within this Title.
G. A hunting license is required when training dogs on wild game on State management areas, except when participating in State-sanctioned field trials.
1. All dogs being utilized in hunting or training activities must wear a collar bearing the name and address of the owner and the handler must possess a valid dog license or tag, said license or tag does not need to be on the dog.
H. Complete dressing of game birds and mammals on State property is prohibited. Field dressing (removal of entrails only) is permitted. Head, skin, feathers, wings, tails, etc., must remain attached to the carcass. Except that, hunters wishing to quarter deer for ease of transport out of the field may do so in accordance with these Regulations.
I. Sapowet Marsh and Eight Rod Farm Management Area: Sunday hunting is permitted within Sapowet Marsh and Eight Rod Farm Management Areas. Shotgun and muzzleloader deer hunting is not permitted at Sapowet Marsh Management Area.
J. George Washington Grove: Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open to hunting.
K. Galilee Bird Sanctuary: Open to hunting. Deer hunting is limited to archery only.
L. Snake Den State Park: Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open to archery deer hunting only. All hunting must be within the boundaries marked by the Department.
M. Cocumcussoc State Park: Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open to hunting deer, turkey and small game.
N. South Shore Management Area (SSMA) Goose Hunting Cooperative: Designated as a goose hunting area. SSMA is composed of State-owned Areas 3, 4, 5 and 6, Federally-owned Area 1 and South Kingstown Land Trust owned Area 2. Hunting in addition to geese is allowed as outlined below:
1. Permits:
a. Permit required for goose hunting during the Regular Goose Season. See abstract for details.
b. SSMA permits must be carried while waterfowl hunting on the SSMA and must be shown to any DEM Environmental Police Officer or Division of Fish and Wildlife employee upon request.
c. All party members must have a permit and must be registered when reserving and hunting afield.
d. No hunting party shall exceed four (4) hunters.
e. Permittees may only hunt in the field reserved for their party.
2. Reservations required as prescribed by the DEM.
a. The Division reserves the right to close some fields for periods of time in an effort to relieve the field(s) from hunting pressure and improve hunting opportunities, and for special State sponsored hunter recruitment events.
3. Blinds:
a. Portable blinds, nets, tarps, or similar forms of concealment are permitted. The use of natural vegetation to build blinds is also permitted, however removal of stones from walls or vegetation from hedgerows is prohibited.
b. Pit Blinds: Pits may not be dug. Pit blinds are available in State-owned Areas (3, 4, 5, and 6) and Federally-owned Area 1.
c. Handicapped accessible blind is located in Field 5.
4. Decoys: A minimum of twelve (12) life size or oversize goose decoys are required on premises; however, hunters may choose to use fewer decoys while hunting.
5. Shot:
a. No person shall take waterfowl while possessing shells loaded with any shot other than steel shot, or other legally approved non-toxic shot as described in § 9.11(L) of this Part.
b. Non-toxic shot larger than BB is prohibited, including duplex loads containing shot larger than BB.
c. Non-toxic shot is required for all hunting, including doves in SSMA Area 1, owned by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service per Federal Regulations.
6. Vehicles:
a. Vehicles may park in designated areas only.
b. Overnight parking is prohibited in designated areas.
c. Vehicles may not drive into or along the edge of any field for any reason. Except in an emergency, e.g., accident or injury or as provided in § 9.16(N)(8)(b) of this Part.
7. Accessibility program for waterfowl hunters who are handicapped:
a. Upon request, Area 5 will have an accessible above-ground blind. The blind will be established by the Division in either a hedgerow or within standing crop rows (i.e., standing corn).
b. Vehicles may be driven into the field to transport a handicapped hunter and their equipment only when field conditions are conducive (i.e., not during and after heavy rain when the field conditions are very muddy).
c. Goose hunters applying for the accessibility program must provide a statement signed by a medical doctor stating that the handicap meets the following definition: a person temporarily or permanently handicapped (i.e., unable to walk without the assistance of crutches or wheelchair or with a chronic medical condition).
d. All Regulations for hunting geese in the SSMA shall apply.
8. Prohibited: littering; fires; destruction of fencing, equipment, farm property, or standing crops; possession or use of alcoholic beverages; shooting within five hundred feet (500') of an occupied building; shooting near or otherwise disturbing persons working in the area; urinating or defecating in pit blinds.
9. Additional Hunting Regulations:
a. Dove hunting is allowed in Area 1, 3, 5, and 6, except during the regular goose season. Doves may be taken by permitted goose hunters while goose hunting when the blind reservation system is in place during the open mourning dove season. Possession of lead shot for taking doves when goose hunting is prohibited and prohibited at all times in Area 1 per § 9.16(N)(6)(c) of this Part.
b. Small game and upland bird hunting is allowed only in Areas 5 and 6 during the upland game season except during the regular Canada Goose season.
c. All small game and upland bird hunting is prohibited during the regular Canada Goose season, including during Youth Waterfowl Hunting Days (last full weekend in October, Saturday/Sunday) except as provided for in 9.a of this part.
d. Waterfowl hunting is allowed outside of the regular Canada Goose season but within legal waterfowl seasons without special hunting permits, reservations, or decoy restrictions, once fields are harvested.
e. The taking of ducks during the legal duck seasons is permitted while goose hunting under the Regulations.
f. Deer and turkey hunting is allowed as follows, but discharge of firearms and archery equipment are only allowed within in the wooded section of the Areas; however, deer and turkey may be in the field when harvested.
1. Deer hunting during the archery season is allowed only in Areas 3, 5, and 6, including during the regular Canada Goose season when the field reservation system is occurring.
2. Deer hunting during the muzzleloader season is allowed in Areas 5 and 6, except during the regular Canada Goose season when the blind reservation system is occurring.
3. Turkey hunting is allowed in Areas 3, 5 and 6 during the spring and fall turkey seasons.
10. Violations of any Regulations, State management area Regulations, and/or any State or Federal hunting laws will result in loss of hunting privileges on the SSMA for a period of one (1) year, beginning from the date of the violation.
O. Burlingame State Park North Camp
1. Burlingame State Park "North Camp" hunting area is defined as the area bounded by Poquiant Brook, Watchaug Pond, Buckeye Brook Road and Kings Factory Road.
2. No special permit is required.
3. Hunting for deer and wild turkey only is permitted. All other deer and turkey hunting Regulations apply.
P. John L. Curran State Park
1. Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open to hunting. All hunting shall be within the inner boundaries of the buffer zones marked as posted by the RIDEM.
2. Only shotguns and archery equipment may be possessed or used while hunting.
3. The hunting of and/or possession of mourning dove or wild pigeons (Rock Dove) is prohibited.
Q. Ninigret Conservation Area/East Beach: Designated as an undeveloped State Park and is open for small game and archery deer hunting only.
R. Simmons Mill Pond Management Area: Deer hunting using archery, muzzleloader and shotgun is permitted while hunting within the Simmons Mill Pond Management Area in Little Compton. Sunday hunting is permitted.
S. Hillsdale Management Area: Hunting is prohibited.
T. Dog Training Areas
1. Dog training shall be allowed on designated areas only, between January 1st and September 30th. During this period, dogs may run freely provided they are under the command of the trainer by voice, training collar, or check cord.
a. Areas designated for training dogs are: the Black Farm Management Area: the Nicholas Farm Management Area north of the Trestle Train; and the Arcadia Midway Trail Area confined to the developed field complex east of Brook Trail, south of Austin Farm Road and west of the established field edges comprising the Midway fields area.
b. Training hours shall be sunrise to sunset.
c. All persons using areas for dog training shall possess a valid hunting license.
d. All dogs using areas shall be licensed and have proof of rabies vaccinations and all dogs being utilized in hunting or training activities must wear a collar bearing the name and address of the owner and handler must possess a valid dog license tag.
e. Training with live birds is permitted provided the bird is released unharmed.
f. Shooting of live birds for training purposes is prohibited.
g. Sanctioned field trail events may be held at the following locations by requesting a Special Use Permit application from the State Lands Management Council: Arcadia, Carolina, Durfee Hill Marsh, and Burlingame (Durfee) Pond, and Nicholas Farm.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-9.16

Amended effective 7/31/2019
Amended effective 8/2/2020
Amended effective 7/31/2021
Amended Effective 11/17/2021
Amended effective 7/31/2022
Amended effective 6/28/2023
Amended effective 8/2/2023
Amended effective 8/8/2024