Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-12.1 - Gun Handling RequirementsA. While using the target range, all users shall:1. Treat all firearms as if loaded. Keep the muzzle of the firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. Keep firearms pointed down range while on the firing line.2. Keep his/her finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.3. Keep the action open and the firearm unloaded until ready to shoot. For range purposes, muzzleloader firearms are considered unloaded when free of powder, projectile, and primer.4. Know his/her target and what is beyond.5. Know how to safely operate his/her firearm.6. Use only the correct ammunition for his/her firearm.7. Not handle firearms or stand at the firing line where firearms are present while others are down range or during any "cease fire" period.8. In the event a "cease fire" command is called by any individual on the range, immediately bench all firearms, and move to the area behind the yellow line known as the "ready line."9. In case of misfire or hang fire, point his/her firearm down range until it can be safely cleared.10. Perform aimed fire only. No uncontrolled rapid fire, shooting from the hip, "combat style" shooting, or drawing from a holster.11. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.12. Transport firearms to and from the parking lot unloaded and cased. Holstered firearms are not permitted. Upon entering the firing line, firearms must be uncased at the shooting bench with the muzzle pointed down range.13. Control his/her firearms and ammunition to prevent access by unauthorized persons.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-12.1
Adopted effective 6/28/2023