Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-60-00-1.12 - Permit CategoriesA. The Division of Fish and Wildlife may issue an annual Special Scientific Collectors Permit pursuant to authority granted to the Department in R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-1-18 to rehabilitate wild animals to persons meeting the criteria set forth in these Regulations.B. Prior to permit issuance, the Division of Fish and Wildlife shall determine that, in addition to meeting all the requirements specified in § 1.11 of these Regulations, the applicant has met the following requirements to be permitted in the categories described below.1.12.1Wildlife Rehabilitator 2A. Qualified persons are those persons: 1. Who were previously licensed as a Level 2 wildlife rehabilitator in Rhode Island, or in another State having equivalent requirements and offering reciprocal privileges to licensed rehabilitators of this State, or,2. Who previously held a Level 1 permit for a minimum of nine (9) months immediately preceding the year of application for a Level 2 permit, with a letter of recommendation from their Level 2 sponsor.B. Level 2 permittees may be authorized to rehabilitate or to possess for purposes of rehabilitation: amphibians, reptiles, mammals (except for RVS), non-migratory and migratory birds (in accordance with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Purpose Rehabilitation Permit).C. Level 2 permittees may euthanize wildlife that are injured, sick, orphaned, or not likely to function normally or survive if released.D. Level 2 permittees are permitted to supervise and receive assistance from up to seven (7) sub-permittees at the discretion of the Division and may sponsor no more than three (3) Level 1 Apprentices. Level 2 permittees are responsible for the rehabilitation activities of any sub-permittees under their supervision.E. Persons who have previously held a Level 2 or 2 X permit under these Regulations but have not renewed their permit for three (3) or more consecutive years may only reapply as a Level 1 wildlife rehabilitator (§ 1.12.4 of this Part)1.12.2Wildlife Rehabilitator 2 XA. Qualification is limited to those persons meeting Level 2 requirements in addition to the conditions and requirements as described in §§ 1.10, 1.13 and 1.14 of this Part and Part 40-05-2 of this Title, Rules and Regulations Governing the Prevention, Control, and Suppression of Rabies Within the State of Rhode Island.B. Level 2 X wildlife rehabilitators must provide proof of current rabies vaccination with a titer level of not less than one half (0.5) International Units of antibody per milliliter (> 0.5 IU/ml). Applicants for renewal of Level 2 X permit must submit proof of rabies titer level no less than every two (2) years.C. Level 2 X permittees may be authorized to rehabilitate or to possess for purposes of rehabilitation: amphibians, reptiles, mammals (including RVS), non-migratory and migratory birds (in accordance with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Purpose Rehabilitation Permit).D. Level 2 X permittees may euthanize wildlife that are injured, sick, orphaned, or not likely to function normally or survive if released.E. All Level 2 X wildlife rehabilitators must abide by the following protocols, and applicable provisions of Part 40-05-2 of this Title, Rules and Regulations Governing the Prevention, Control, and Suppression of Rabies Within the State of Rhode Island.F. Level 2 X permittees are permitted to supervise and receive assistance from up to seven (7) sub-permittees and sponsor no more than three (3) Level 1 Apprentices, provided that the sub-permittee(s) and Apprentice(s) are not directed or allowed to handle, transport, possess, or otherwise have contact with any high risk rabies vector species (RVS). Level 2 X permittees are responsible for the rehabilitation activities of any sub-permittees under their supervision.1.12.3Wildlife Rehabilitator 2 VA. Qualification is limited to veterinarians licensed in Rhode Island. Level 2 V applicants are exempt from the requirements as described in §§ 1.11(A)(4), (5), and (6) of this Part. Level 2 V permittees are subject to all other pertinent regulatory requirements of these Regulations.B. Level 2 V permittees may be authorized to rehabilitate or to possess for purposes of rehabilitation: amphibians, reptiles, mammals (including RVS), non-migratory and migratory birds (in accordance with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Purpose Rehabilitation Permit).C. Level 2 V permittees may euthanize wildlife that are injured, sick, orphaned, or not likely to function normally or survive if released.D. Level 2 V permittees are permitted to supervise and receive assistance from up to seven (7) sub-permittees and sponsor no more than three (3) Level 1 Apprentices, provided that the sub-permittee(s) and Apprentice(s) are not directed or allowed to handle, transport, possess or otherwise have contact with any RVS. Level 2 V permittees are responsible for the rehabilitation activities of any sub-permittees under their supervision.1.12.4Wildlife Rehabilitator 1, "Apprentice"A. Qualified applicants are authorized to possess, receive, rehabilitate, transport, transfer and release amphibians, reptiles, mammals (except for RVS), non-migratory and migratory birds (in accordance with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Purpose Rehabilitation Permit) and as approved by the Division.B. Level 1 Apprentice applicants must provide a written letter of agreement from a currently-licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator Level 2, 2 X, or 2 V, stating that he or she is willing to serve as the applicants sponsor for one (1) calendar year.C. Level 1 Apprentice permittees may euthanize wildlife that are injured, sick, orphaned, or not likely to function normally or survive if released.D. Level 1 Apprentice permittees are not authorized to sponsor sub-permittees.1.12.5TransporterA. Qualified persons are limited to those persons holding Level T permits at the time these Regulations were adopted and their current sub-permittees, or individuals who have attended and successfully completed a class in transporting wildlife or other relevant training provided by, or otherwise approved by, the Division.B. Transport permittees are limited to the transport of birds and small mammals (excluding RVS species) from the point of possession directly transported to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.1.12.6Sub-permitteesA. Qualified persons may perform limited wildlife rehabilitation activities as prescribed by these Regulations under the supervision of a permittee provided that: 1. The sub-permittee has passed a written examination administered by the Division with a grade of eighty percent (80%) or higher;2. The sub-permittee provides documentation that they have successfully completed six (6) hours of classroom instructional training as provided by the Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island or other equivalent training approved by the Division;3. A permittee provides the name and address of the sub-permittee(s) working under their supervision to the Division annually;4. The permittee provides the sub-permittee with written instruction concerning caging, dietary requirements, personal protection, and any other assistance the permittee deems necessary;5. The sub-permittee follows the written instruction provided by the permittee;6. The permittee inspects the facilities of the sub-permittee prior to the sub-permittee receiving any wildlife and the permittee provides the Division with an inspection report for the sub-permittee's facilities;7. All wildlife is admitted through a permittee, the sub-permittee may not accept or obtain wildlife from any other source;8. The sub-permittee does not possess any category of wildlife that the permittee is not authorized to rehabilitate;9. The sub-permittee at no time possesses raptors or RVS;10. The sub-permittee conducts wildlife rehabilitation activities within Rhode Island.B. Sub-permittees may not euthanize animals.C. Sub-permittees are restricted to pre-fledged songbirds, pre-fledged waterfowl, reptiles, amphibians, and pre-weaned, small mammals excluding RVS.D. A permittee may terminate his or her relationship with a sub-permittee at any time. The Division must be notified of termination of said relationship within five (5) days of termination. A sub-permittee's permit becomes invalid upon termination of relationship with a permittee.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-60-00-1.12
Amended effective 12/26/2018
Amended effective 7/12/2021
Amended effective 8/7/2024