250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-40-15-2.25

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-40-15-2.25 - Transportation of Pesticides
A. General Requirements: Accidental spills of pesticides may occur during their transportation because damage to containers most often occurs during times of loading and transport. In order to reduce the risk of such incidents, the following minimum safety precautions must be used at all times:
1. Vehicles transporting pesticides shall comply with United States Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations for the transportation of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes, 49 C.F.R. § 171 (2017), at all times.
2. Transport from storage and/or mixing areas only the quantity and amounts of pesticides or tank mixes which may be commonly used during the day's operations. Left over or unused pesticides shall be kept secured and locked at all times or returned to storage facilities at the end of each day.
3. Pesticides shall be transported in truck beds, trailers, or vehicle compartments, which are isolated from drivers and passengers.
4. Pesticides shall be transported in their original containers, with the EPA registered label intact, except that service containers or application equipment are exempt from this provision. Service containers must be transported as outlined in § 2.25(A)(7) of this Part.
5. During transportation, pesticides and their mixes, shall be stored in tightly closed containers, secured to prevent tipping over or shifting. Pesticides shall not be transported in open containers.
6. Pesticides must not be transported in the same cargo area as food, animal feeds and food, clothing, or potable water.
7. No person shall transport or otherwise possess any pesticide in any service container, except when in application equipment, unless the service container has attached to it a readable label with the following information:
a. Brand or Trade Name;
b. EPA Registration Number;
c. Name and Percentage of Active Ingredient(s) in the service container; if a concentrate, or if the service container contains a dilution, a statement identifying it as a diluted pesticide and the percentage of the Active Ingredient.
d. Appropriate signal word as stated on the EPA registered label; that is, Danger-Poison, Warning, or Caution; and
e. Name, address, and phone number of the pest control company and/or its owner.
8. No person shall place or keep any pesticide in any container commonly used for food, drink, or household products.
B. Spill Containment During Transportation:
1. Pesticide Applicators shall secure pesticides during transportation to prevent spillage.
2. Each vehicle used to transport pesticides and tank mixes shall have spill containment materials such as absorptive clay, sand, sawdust or other similar materials and tools to absorb, remove and clean up spills and leaks. If not required or stated on the label, any person cleaning up spills shall wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent direct exposure.
3. Spilled materials and/or contamination mitigation materials must be properly contained and secured during transport and must be disposed of in accordance with the pesticide label and/or Federal and State hazardous wastes disposal regulations.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-40-15-2.25