250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-40-05-2.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-40-05-2.4 - Definitions
A. As used in these rules and regulations, the following terms shall, where the context permits, be construed as follows:
1. "Animal control officer" or "ACO" means any person(s) employed by a city or town as a canine control officer, a dog or animal warden or a police officer responsible for animal control delegated authority by the Rhode Island Rabies Control Board.
2. "Attacking animal" means the animal that caused potential exposure to the rabies virus with exposure as defined in § 2.4(A)(10) of this Part. An animal may be classified as both an attacking animal and victim animal as defined in § 2.4(A)(19) of this Part, in certain circumstance, including but not limited to fights between animals.
3. "Cat" means any member of Felis catus (excluding hybrids with wild felines).
4. "Currently vaccinated" means administration of a vaccine that has been properly stored and subsequently injected by or under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian with a rabies vaccine licensed for use in that species by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and satisfying the following criteria:
a. For dogs, cats and ferrets:
(1) The manufacturer's protocol with regards to minimum age of animal as well as frequency and intervals of vaccination(s) was followed; and
(2) At least thirty (30) days have elapsed since the initial vaccination; and
(3) Not more than twelve (12) months have elapsed since the last vaccination if last vaccination was the initial vaccination or the animal is a ferret, or if the vaccine has an annual booster recommendation. Dogs, cats, and ferrets shall be considered currently vaccinated if the last booster was administered within the time frame specified by the "Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control" incorporated above at § 2.3(A) of this Part regarding frequency and interval of vaccination for the particular product used and for the specific species for which the product was used.
(4) For dogs, cats, and ferrets that were previously vaccinated but are not considered currently vaccinated, either one of the following must apply:
(AA) Dogs, cats, and ferrets presented for vaccination that are overdue at the time of booster vaccination by any timeframe for a booster on a one-year certificate, or if overdue by more than six-months on a three-year or longer duration certificate, are required to receive a booster vaccination with the resultant vaccination certificate having an expiration date no greater than one year from the date of administration of the booster.
(BB) Dogs, cats, and ferrets presented for vaccination that are overdue at the time of vaccination by less than six months as determined by the expiration date on a three-year or longer duration certificate, may be issued a certificate up to the duration of immunity stated on the product label upon vaccination.
(5) Vaccine status will be determined from the dates on the most recent rabies vaccination certificate. It will be the responsibility of the animal owner to maintain and produce that document as proof of vaccine status.
b. For all other species for which there exists an unconditionally licensed rabies vaccine, the animals must be vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the "Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control" incorporated above at § 2.3(A) of this Part.
c. Failure or inability by the owner/keeper of a dog, cat or ferret to present or make available a rabies certificate or a copy thereof to an ACO investigating a possible rabies exposure shall result in classification of the animal in question as not currently vaccinated against rabies.
5. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Environmental Management or his/her duly authorized designee.
6. "Dog" means any member of Canis familiaris, excluding hybrids with wild canids.
7. "Domestic animal" means animals which, through extremely long association with humans, have been bred to a degree which has resulted in genetic changes affecting the temperament, color, conformation or other attributes of the species to the extent that makes them unique and distinguishable from wild individuals of their species. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Domestic dog (Canis familiaris);
b. Domestic cat (Felis catus);
c. Domestic horse (Equus caballus);
d. Domestic cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus);
e. Domestic sheep (Ovis aries)
8. "Environmental Police Officer" means any commissioned environmental police officer for the Department of Environmental Management, Division of Law Enforcement.
9. "Euthanasia" means the humane destruction of an animal accomplished by a method that involves nearly instantaneous loss of consciousness followed immediately by death or by a method that involves anesthesia produced by an agent which causes painless and rapid loss of consciousness and death during that period of unconsciousness. All methods of euthanasia must comply with Rhode Island General Laws and with the most current AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals incorporated above at § 2.3(B) of this Part.
10. "Exposure" means the possible exposure to the rabies virus via a direct bite or scratch, which results in a break in the skin of the victim, or contact between infectious material such as saliva or central nervous system tissue and fluid with mucosa of the eye, nose or mouth, or a via pre-existing break in the skin.
11. "Ferret" means any member of the family Mustela putorius or Common European Ferret.
12. "Guardian" means a person(s) having the same rights and responsibilities as an owner, and the terms may be used interchangeably. A guardian shall also mean a person who possesses, has title to or an interest in, harbors or has control, custody or possession of an animal and who is responsible for an animal's safety and well-being.
13. "Manual" means the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Manual for Rabies Management and Protocols Guidance Document.
14. "Owner" means any person or agency keeping, harboring or having charge or control of or responsibility for control of an animal or any person or agency which permits any dog, cat, ferret, or domestic animal to habitually be fed within that person's yard or premises. This term shall not apply to veterinary facilities, any licensed boarding kennel, municipal pound, pet shop, or animal shelter See R.I. Gen. Laws § 4-13-1.2.
15. "Person(s)" means an individual, firm, joint stock company, partnership, association, private or municipal corporation, trust, estate, state, commission, political subdivision, any interstate body, the federal government or any agency or subdivision of the federal government, other government entity, or other legal entity.
16. "Quarantine" means the act of holding an animal for the purpose of prevention of spread of rabies, for a definite period of time and in a manner that prevents contact of that animal with other animals, or the public, at an escape-proof facility that has been approved for this use by the State Veterinarian. For livestock only, quarantine may be carried out at the farm where the animal is usually kept provided that access by the public can be restricted and the animal can be kept isolated from other susceptible species.
17. "Quarantine facility" means a facility that has been approved by an authorized representative of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management for the purpose of quarantine (as defined above).
18. "Strict confinement" means:
a. For attacking animals - The act of confining an animal at the home of the animal in a manner that the animal is not allowed to run free and is not allowed to have contact with any person or animal that does not reside at that location. This type of action may be ordered in lieu of quarantine at the discretion of the Animal Control Officer and only when the animal being held in strict confinement is currently vaccinated against rabies (as defined above) and is not considered at high risk of escaping, and the owner of the animal is considered by the Animal Control Officer to be certain to adhere to the order for strict confinement.
b. For animals that are the victims of wounds of unknown origin or are victim animals - The act of confining an animal at the home of the animal in a manner that the animal is not allowed to run free and is not allowed to have contact with any person or animal that does not reside at that location. This type of action may be ordered in lieu of quarantine at the discretion of the Animal Control Officer and only when the animal is not considered a high risk of escaping and the owner of the animal is considered by the Animal Control Officer to be certain to adhere to the order for Strict Confinement.
19. "Victim animal" means the animal that was potentially exposed to the rabies virus in accordance with exposure as defined in § 2.4(A)(10) of this Part. An animal may be classified as both a victim animal and an attacking animal in certain circumstance, including but not limited to fights between animals.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-40-05-2.4