250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-150-10-3.8

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-150-10-3.8 - Application for Order of Approval
A. This rule outlines the information that must be filed with the Department when applying for an Order of Approval to manage sludge. This rule does not apply to an applicant that proposes to only transport sludge (see § 3.14 of this Part). A registered professional engineer or land surveyor must stamp plans and submissions required below. The plans should be scaled to fit on a standard 24 x 36 inch sheet wherever possible. Larger sheets must be used when the minimum scale requirements do not permit the use of 24 x 36 inch sheets. The Director may require additional information if necessary to satisfy the requirements of these rules and regulations.
B. Application Form. The applicant shall provide information on the proposed sludge management activity on an application form obtained from the department.
C. Initial Investigation Plans. Copies of the latest U.S. Geological Topographic Map, Farm Services Agency aerial maps and the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Survey Map, with the facility or site outlined and an indication of the required setbacks shall be submitted to the Office of Water Resources prior to all other required information. This will allow initial evaluation of the plan relating to wetlands, aquifers, and soil type before large investigatory and developmental expenditures are made. A report of the evaluation shall be made to the applicant. The report shall list what submissions, from §§ 3.8(D) through (I) of this Part below and from other rules in this part specific to the proposed management activity, must be submitted to the Office of Water Resources to obtain an Order of Approval.
D. Radius Plan. A radius plan including all the information listed below shall be submitted. The radius plan must be drawn at a minimum scale of one inch to two hundred feet (1"=200') and include all areas within a one quarter (1/4) mile radius from all property lines of the site. The required information includes:
1. All buildings;
2. All water supplies (wells, etc.);
3. All surface watercourses and wetlands;
4. All roads;
5. All boring locations (where applicable);
6. Legal boundaries of facility or site;
7. North arrow;
8. Extent of one hundred (100) year flood plain (where applicable), and,
9. Local zoning and permitting requirements.
D. Soil Borings. Borings are required for all proposed areas to be filled at a land disposal site or developed as an uncovered sludge treatment facility or site. Soil borings are not required for proposed land application sites. The minimum number of borings required is listed below:

Proposed No. of Acres

No. of Borings

1 - 10


11 - 50


51 - 100


101 - 200


Over 200

24 plus 1 for every 10 acres over 200

E. Split spoon samples shall be collected at a minimum of five (5) foot intervals. A soil description shall be provided for each split spoon sample. All borings should be driven to a minimum depth of twenty (20) feet below the proposed bottom level of sludge or to refusal. The following information contained on the boring logs should be submitted:
1. Depth of the maximum elevation of the groundwater table (to be measured at a minimum of twenty four (24) hours after the boring is taken);
2. A detailed soil profile description to a depth of four (4) feet must be submitted for each soil mapping unit on the site. The required information includes:
a. Color of each horizon;
b. Texture of each horizon;
c. Depth of each horizon;
d. Depth to mottles (if any);
e. Amount of coarse fragments (if any);
f. Depth to bedrock (if encountered);
g. Consistence or relative density, and,
h. Slope.
3. Method of boring;
4. Blow counts, and,
5. Date boring was taken.
F. The boring should be located to give the best indications of subsurface conditions for the whole site that can be obtained considering the limited number of borings required. The groundwater table elevation determination shall be made when the water table is highest; this occurs usually during the months of January through April. (Specific dates may be determined on a yearly basis by the Director.) All boring holes must be maintained for future water table elevation determinations. If the Director feels it necessary, additional borings may be required.
G. Groundwater Survey. A groundwater survey showing the maximum ground water elevations, the direction of groundwater flow, and an estimation of the rate of flow (including calculations) shall be submitted.
H. Site Delineation. The following areas at the proposed site shall be marked with stakes at the time of the engineering survey. The stakes must be a minimum of two (2) feet high, clearly visible and maintained at all times. All sites shall include the following delineations:
1. Areas enclosed by legal boundaries; and,
2. Areas to be developed or filled as indicated in the Operation and Maintenance Plan.
I. Management Plan. A Management Plan shall be submitted detailing operating procedures for the facility or site.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-150-10-3.8