§ 1.13 of this Part shall only apply for the investigation and remediation of Source Area(s) involving only exceedances of the contaminant arsenic. All other exceedances and reportable contaminants of concern shall be addressed as required elsewhere in these regulations.
(as specified by the Department) with the Department. The report shall document:
Site Size (acres) | Minimum of Site Samples Required |
1 acre or less | 8 samples minimum |
1 to 5 acres | 8 samples + 2 per additional acre over 1st acre |
Greater than 5 acres | 16 samples + 1 per additional acre |
over 5th acre | |
*Given the statistically significant number of arsenic samples on file at the Department and evaluated to make the background determination for arsenic across the state, the requirements herein have been set to evaluate site-specific arsenic conditions against the standard, in lieu of the minimum 20 samples required per §1.9.6 of this Part. |
An Owner of a Contaminated-Site formerly jurisdictional under this Part for arsenic in soil (as the only contaminant of concern), may record on the property title a completed Release Form which can be found on the Department's Office of Land Revitalization and Sustainable Materials Management Site Remediation Program web page to certify compliance with the current arsenic standard if they meet the requirements of §1.13.3 of this Part, after forwarding said release form to the Department. This rule applies to sites where a previously approved remedy required the recording of an ELUR on the title to address arsenic in soil.
250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-30-1.13