Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-140-25-1.11 - New and Replacement UST System RequirementsA. Applicability 1. This Section shall apply to all new or replacement USTs and product piping under these regulations with the exception of those tank systems to be used to store heating oil consumed on-site solely for heating purposes, which are exempt from §§ 1.11(F), (G), (N), (O), and (P) of this Part.B. Prohibitions 1. The installation of new USTs wherein the groundwater is designated as a wellhead protection area for a community water system, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-13.1, is prohibited. However, USTs that have been registered prior to the effective date of these regulations and have not been abandoned or removed from the ground for more than 180 days shall be permitted to be replaced with a tank(s) of equivalent size or less and substance stored, and in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.2. In accordance with the RIDOH Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Public Drinking Water, 216-RICR- 50-05-1, the installation of a UST within 200 feet of a public drilled (rock), driven, or dug well or within 400 feet of a gravel-packed or gravel-developed well is prohibited.3. USTs are to be installed as far away as possible from private wells.4. The installation of bare steel or metal USTs and product piping without corrosion protection is prohibited.5. No person shall commence construction of a new tank system or replacement tank system, and no modification (including product piping replacement) may be made to any UST facility for which an application for a certificate of registration is required, without prior written notification to, and approval by, the Director.C. General Requirements 1. Prior to the installation or replacement of any USTs or product piping, the owner is required to submit at minimum the following:a. A completed Underground Storage Tank Registration Form;b. A completed Equipment List Addendum;c. A completed UST Installation/Modification/Upgrade Supplemental Information form;d. A site plan including all of the information listed in § 1.7(D)(1)(a) ((3)) of this Part; For new and replacement UST installations, the site plan must be reviewed and stamped by a registered Professional Engineere. Specifications or a diagram indicating depth of excavation, bedding, and backfill, supports and anchorage used, distance between tanks, and dimensions (including thickness) of traffic pad.f. The appropriate registration fees in accordance with §§ 1.7(I) and (J) of this Part.2. The granting of a letter of approval from the Director authorizing the installation of new/replacement UST systems or modification of an existing UST system does not exempt the owner from the obligation to obtain any necessary permits from other Federal, state, or local agencies.3. Letters of approval are valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance. Approvals may be extended by the Director upon written request by the owner.4. In accordance with § 1.12(D)(1)(d) of this Part, an on-site environmental consultant shall be present for all modifications involving the excavation of soils.5. All USTs shall be maintained and operated in compliance with § 1.10 of this Part.6. All USTs equipped with cathodic protection shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the requirements outlined in § 1.10(E) of this Part.7. All secondary containment systems shall be designed, constructed and installed to: a. Contain regulated substances released from the tank system until they are detected and removed,b. Prevent the release of regulated substances to the environment at any time during the operational life of the underground storage tank system, andc. Be checked for evidence of a release at least every 30 days.D. Compatibility 1. All new or replacement tank and/or piping systems shall be made of materials that are compatible with the substance(s) stored. The owner/operator shall not introduce, or allow to be introduced, any material into a UST system that is incompatible with the UST system. The owner/operator must demonstrate that the contents of the UST system is compatible when greater than 10% ethanol or 20% biodiesel is being stored by submitting written documentation in accordance with § 1.10(B) (4)(b) of this Part.E. Design and Manufacturing Standards 1. All new USTs installed in Rhode Island shall provide for secondary containment of the tank and associated piping and shall be constructed in accordance with applicable national codes of practice, including but not limited to: "Standard for Underground Steel Tanks", incorporated above at § 1.3(GG) of this Part; "Standard for Nonmetallic Piping For Flammable Liquids", incorporated above at § 1.3(J) of this Part; "Standard for Metallic Underground Fuel Pipe" incorporated above at § 1.3(K) of this Part; "Standard for Glass-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Underground Storage Tanks for Petroleum Products, Alcohols, and Alcohol-Gasoline Mixtures", incorporated above at § 1.3(L) of this Part; and "Standard for Underground Reinforced Plastic Tanks", incorporated above at § 1.3(FF) of this Part;, and the requirements listed below: a. All new and replacement USTs shall be of double-walled construction.b. All USTs constructed of steel shall be cathodically protected and shall comply with one of the following national codes:(1) "External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids" incorporated above at § 1.3(HH) of this Part, and "Isolating Bushings for Steel Underground Tanks Protected with Coatings and Galvanic Systems" incorporated above at § 1.3(II) of this Part.(2) "External Corrosion Control of Underground Storage Tank Systems by Cathodic Protection" incorporated above at § 1.3(P) of this Part and "Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids" incorporated above at § 1.3(I) of this Part.(3) "STI-P3 Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks" incorporated above at § 1.3(E) of this Part and "Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids" incorporated above at § 1.3(I) of this Part.c. Steel-fiberglass reinforced plastic composite UST systems, steel-high density polyethylene (HDPE) UST systems, and steel-polyurethane UST systems shall comply with the "Standard for External Corrosion Protection Systems for Steel Underground Tanks" incorporated above at § 1.3(M) of this Part, "Standard for Steel Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids" incorporated above at § 1.3(I) of this Part, and one of the following codes: (1) "ACT-100 Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel USTs" incorporated above at § 1.3(F) of this Part,(2) "Specification for Permatank" incorporated above at § 1.3(H) of this Part, or(3) "ACT-100-U Specification for External Corrosion Protection of FRP Composite Steel Underground Storage Tanks" incorporated above at § 1.3(G) of this Part.F. Wear Plates 1. All new and replacement USTs shall have steel wear plates, on the inside bottom of the tanks, centered under all openings with minimum dimensions of at least 9 inches wide and at least one square foot in area and at least 1/4" thick.G. Submerged Fill Tube 1. All new and replacement USTs shall have a submerged fill tube.H. Fill Pipe Labeling 1. All fill pipes and/or fill box covers shall be permanently labeled, or otherwise permanently marked, so that the product inside the tank is identified. Standards set forth in "Using the API Color- Symbol System to Mark Equipment and Vehicles for Product Identification at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities and Distribution Terminals, 3rd Edition" incorporated above at § 1.3(V) of this Part may be used to satisfy this requirement.I. Installation Standard 1. All tanks, piping, and other related facility components shall be installed in accordance with a code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory, including but not limited to "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems" incorporated above at § 1.3(A) of this Part; "Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment", incorporated above at § 1.3(B) of this Part; "Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems", incorporated above at § 1.3(C) of this Part, and "Recommended Practices for the Installation of Marina Fueling Equipment", incorporated above at § 1.3(D) of this Part; and "Installation of Underground Hazardous Substances or Petroleum Storage Systems", incorporated above at § 1.3(EE) of this Part and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.2. Installers shall be licensed as required by the RI Department of Labor, Division of Professional Regulation and certified by the UST, piping, or component manufacturer or representative trade group (See R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 28-27 regarding the installation of commercial gasoline, diesel fuel, and heating oil UST systems.)3. The local city/town building official shall be notified prior to the commencement of installation.J. Tightness Testing Upon Installation1. All new and replacement tanks and piping (primary and secondary) shall be tightness tested after all paving over the tanks and piping has been completed and before commencing regular UST operation. In accordance with § 1.10(H)(2) of this Part, the results of this initial tightness test shall be submitted to the Director within 30 calendar days of test completion or, in the event of a leak, in accordance with § 1.14 of this Part.2. Tightness tests must be capable of detecting a 0.1 gallon per hour leak rate from the entire tank system, accounting for the effects of thermal expansion or contraction of product, vapor pockets, tank deformation, evaporation, condensation, and the location of the water table. The probability of detection shall be no less than 95% and the probability of a false alarm shall be no more than 5%.3. All persons who conduct tightness tests and all test methods used must be licensed in accordance with § 1.16 of this Part.K. Piping - Design, Construction and Installation 1. All new or replacement piping that is part of an underground storage tank system and routinely contains regulated substances, including fittings, connections, and remote fill piping, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the following: a. Fiberglass reinforced plastic piping and nonmetallic flexible piping shall be made of materials listed by Underwriters Laboratories and be equipped with secondary containment.b. All steel or metal piping which routinely contains a regulated substance, including remote fill piping, shall be equipped with secondary containment, and all such piping that is in contact with the ground shall be cathodically protected with an impressed current system. All cathodic protection systems shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the national codes of practice cited in § 1.11(E)(2) of this Part.c. The use of copper piping is restricted to No. 2 heating oil and to diesel fuel serving generators and must employ secondary containment. In all cases this piping shall be protected from damage.d. Secondary containment piping is required to be listed by UL or ULC as an underground secondary pipe for flammable liquids, with the exception that heating oil USTs used solely for on-site consumption may be allowed to use PVC piping for secondary containment (minimum schedule 40 thickness).2. Aboveground sections of all UST product piping systems also must be equipped with secondary containment, with the exception of aboveground indoor piping.3. All UST primary and secondary product piping, before being covered, enclosed, or placed in use, shall be hydrostatically or pneumatically tested in accordance with the "Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code" incorporated above at § 1.3(W) of this Part and the "Installation of Underground Petroleum Storage Systems" incorporated above at § 1.3(A) of this Part.4. Siphon (manifold) piping systems are required to meet the design and construction standards given in §§ 1.11(K)(1) and (M)(1) of this Part.5. Remote fill piping must meet the design and construction standards given in §§ 1.11(K)(1), (M)(1) and (M)(6) of this Part.6. All underground portions of vent piping shall be made of non-metallic UL-listed piping or cathodically-protected and coated steel, and shall be installed in accordance with RI DEM Office of Air Resources Air Pollution Control Regulation No. 11, "Petroleum Liquids Marketing and Storage."L. Spill and Overfill Prevention Equipment - All new and replacement UST systems shall be provided with equipment and procedures to prevent spilling and overfilling during product transfers to the tank in accordance with the following: 1. Spill prevention equipment that will prevent a release of regulated substance to the environment in the area of the fill pipe. A spill containment basin used to satisfy this requirement must meet the following specifications: a. The basin must be capable of holding a minimum of three gallons.b. The basin must be surrounded by an impervious surface.c. If the basin is made of metal, then its exterior wall must be protected from galvanic corrosion.d. The basin cover must be labeled or marked in accordance with § 1.10(P) of this Part.e. All new and replacement spill containment basins shall be double-walled and capable of periodic interstitial monitoring. Single-walled spill containment basins are prohibited from being installed as of the effective date of these regulations.f. Newly installed basins and sumps must be tested for tightness upon installation.2. USTs storing heating oil consumed on-site solely for heating purposes with above-ground fill pipes do not require spill containment basins, provided that: a. The ground surrounding the fill pipe is covered with a positive-limiting barrier constructed of a material that is impervious to the substance stored and can contain spills of < three gallons.b. The fill pipe extends a minimum of six inches above the finished grade;c. Above-ground fill pipes located in areas subject to traffic or vehicular damage shall be protected by concrete-filled bollards with a minimum diameter of two inches, and at least three feet high, three feet below grade, and spaced no more than four feet apart.3. Overfill prevention equipment designed to restrict or stop the flow of fuel during a delivery before the tank reaches full capacity as follows: a. Alert the transfer operator when the tank is no more than 90% full by restricting the flow into the tank or triggering a remote high-level alarm; or b. Automatically shut off flow into the tank when the tank is no more than 95% full; or c. Alert the operator by means of a high level alarm one minute before overfilling, or shut off flow into the tanks so that none of the fittings located on the top of the tank are exposed to product due to overfilling; or d. An equivalent device pre-approved by the Director. e. The use of flow restrictors in vent lines is no longer allowed as an option to meet the overfill prevention equipment requirement for newly installed UST systems and when flow restrictors in vent lines are replaced. USTs used to store fuel oils consumed on-site solely for heating purposes, and emergency generator USTs, are allowed to be equipped with an in-line vent whistle as a method of overfill prevention. Vent whistles may be used only when tight fill, pump-off deliveries are made. The vent opening must be located adjacent to the fill (within eight feet, or if not practical then as close as possible to be readily heard by the deliverer). The vent whistle must be installed so as to alarm (stop whistling) when the tank is 90% full. Vent whistles also must be installed so as to allow annual inspection for proper operation.f. USTs that never receive more than 25 gallons at one time (e.g., waste oil USTs) are not required to have overfill protection. M. Tank Top Sumps, Transition Sumps, and Dispenser Sumps 1. All new and replacement USTs shall be equipped with a liquid-tight tank top containment sump for the purpose of providing a low-point collection area for secondary piping, siphon piping, and remote fill piping and access for periodic maintenance. All sumps shall be installed using gaskets, sealants, and fittings that are compatible with the substance stored.2. All new and replacement secondary piping systems shall terminate in a tank top sump or transition sump as described in § 1.11(M)(1) of this Part.3. All flexible underground piping runs shall be continuous whereby all connections for both the primary and secondary piping are made in accessible sumps as described in § 1.11(M)(1) of this Part unless the product piping, fittings, adhesives, and sealants are approved by the manufacturer and UL-listed for direct burial4. Facilities at which new or replacement piping for motor fuels is being installed are required to install under-dispenser containment at every dispenser connected to the UST system and/or containment sumps if not already present.5. All new and replacement UST systems subject to leak detection requirements must be equipped with liquid-tight under-dispenser containment at every dispenser connected to the UST system if not already present. Replacement or removal of the dispenser, replacement or repair of the product pipeline, UST, as well as the equipment necessary to connect the dispenser to the UST system, including, check valves, shear valves, swing joints, flexible connectors, or other transitional components beneath the dispenser and connect the dispenser to the underground piping, shall also require installation of liquid-tight under-dispenser containment at every dispenser if not already present. Such containment must allow for visual inspection and access to the components in the containment system and/or be monitored.6. All sumps described in §§ 1.11(M)(1) through (3) of this Part shall be continuously monitored in accordance with § 1.11(O)(4) of this Part. In addition, "loop" piping systems shall be continuously monitored at each fueling dispenser or be equipped with "jumpers" connecting the secondary containment piping and making a continuous loop back to the tank top sump. Fueling dispensers that are low-point (at a lower elevation than the tank top) also shall be continuously monitored as described above.7. All newly installed or replacement sumps and under dispenser containment shall be tested for liquid tightness upon installation in order to determine that all joints, seals, and couplings are watertight.N. Leak Detection for New and Replacement Underground Storage Tanks 1. A continuous monitoring system shall be installed and continuously operated for all new USTs.2. The interstitial space in all double-walled USTs shall be continuously monitored for the presence of both the regulated substance and water. A discriminating sensor for the regulated substance and water is not required. Double-walled USTs with a brine solution or other inert liquid in the interstitial space shall be continuously monitored for a change in fluid level in the reservoir and interstice.O. Leak Detection for New and Replacement Underground Piping Systems 1. All new and replacement pressurized piping systems shall employ a UL-approved line leak detector capable of detecting a line leakage rate of three gallons per hour at 10 pounds per square inch of line pressure. If a leak is detected, said leak detection system shall shut-off or restrict product flow and otherwise notify the operator of the detection of a leak.2. All new or replacement suction piping systems shall be equipped with a check valve located directly below and as close as practical to the inlet of the suction pump.3. The interstitial space of double-walled piping or the annular space between the primary piping and secondary containment system shall be continuously monitored to detect water and the regulated substance. A leak sensor employed as described in § 1.11(O)(4) of this Part shall also satisfy this requirement.4. All piping collection sumps, transition sumps, and submersible pump head containment structures shall employ a leak monitor (sensor) activated by water and the regulated substance and secured a maximum of 1" above the lowest point in the sump.5. All secondary piping shall allow for any leakage in the piping to flow into the sump area unobstructed.6. All dispensers of motor fuels under pressure from a remote pumping system shall be equipped with an emergency shut-off valve (e.g., "shear" or "crash" valve) on each pressurized line which enters a dispenser. Each valve must be securely anchored below grade and below the shear point of the valve. This valve shall be designed to close automatically in the event that the dispenser is accidentally dislodged from the inlet pipe.7. Dispensers which are "low point" (at a lower elevation than the tank top or sump) shall be continuously monitored as described in § 1.11(O)(4) of this Part.8. Dispensers used in "loop" piping systems shall be continuously monitored as described in § 1.11(O)(4) of this Part or be equipped with "jumpers" connecting the secondary containment piping and making a continuous loop back to the tank top sump.9. Anti-Siphon Valves: Where a tank is located at an elevation that produces a gravity head on the dispensing unit (or pump outlet, for heating oil USTs), the tank outlet shall be equipped with a device that will prevent gravity flow from the tank to the dispenser/pump. This device shall be positioned, installed, and adjusted so that liquid cannot flow by gravity from the tank to the dispenser/pump, in the event of failure of the piping or hose when the system is not in use.P. Operation of Leak Monitoring Equipment 1. Leak monitoring devices shall be installed, calibrated, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, including routine maintenance and service checks for operability or running conditions. All leak monitoring devices shall be inspected, calibrated, and tested upon installation and annually thereafter to insure proper operation. Such testing shall be performed by trained, qualified persons. All records pertaining to the equipment manufacturer, warranties, maintenance requirements, repairs, maintenance, and testing shall be maintained on-site for the life of the system or at an alternate location approved by the Director in writing.2. Leak monitoring devices shall not be shut off or deactivated at any time except for repair. Any malfunction shall be repaired within 15 working days of its first occurrence. If the device(s) cannot be repaired within 15 days, the affected UST system(s) shall be temporarily closed in accordance with § 1.15(C) of this Part until satisfactory repairs are made. Any deactivation of a monitoring device shall be immediately reported to the Department by the owner/operator.3. Leak monitoring devices shall employ an audible alarm and a visual indicator, which shall be so located as to be readily heard and seen by the owner/operator or other personnel during normal working hours.4. All monitoring devices shall be conspicuously marked or labeled as being monitoring devices and shall be secured against vandalism, incidental damage and improper deactivation.5. All continuous monitoring systems shall be tested by the owner/operator on a monthly basis to ensure that they are operating effectively. Records of such tests shall be maintained in accordance with §§ 1.11(P)(1) and 1.13 of this Part.6. All leak-monitoring devices shall be inspected, calibrated and tested annually to ensure proper operation. Testing must be performed by trained, qualified persons. Records of such tests shall be maintained in accordance with §§ 1.10(M)(9) and 1.13(B)(1)(a) of this Part.Q. Monitoring Wells and UST Pad Observation Wells 1. As a condition of approval for new or replacement UST systems located in environmentally sensitive areas, the Director may require the installation of one or more groundwater monitoring wells. The well or wells shall be located so as to be likely to detect any release from the UST systems. The location of the well and/or the requirement of additional wells are subject to the approval of the Director.2. Monitoring wells and tank pad observations wells, if installed, shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the RIDEM "Groundwater Quality Rules" and § 1.10(Q) of this Part.3. Upon request, the owner/operator shall provide access to the monitoring wells to the Director.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-25-1.11
Amanded effective 11/20/2018