250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-05-8.11

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-140-05-8.11 - Mixed Solid Waste Composting Operating Standards
A. General Operating Standards

The facility shall meet all regulations set forth in this rule and its sub-sections and shall comply with the provisions and limitations of all other pertinent regulations of the Department, including the General Operating Standards in § 1.5 of this Subchapter.

B. Public Access Hours
1. Public access to the facility shall be limited to hours in which authorized operating personnel are on duty;
2. Public access to the facility shall be prohibited when the facility is closed.
C. Fencing and Gate Operation

Gates shall be locked, and all access points shall be secured when the facility is closed and when no authorized personnel are on site.

D. Signs
1. There shall be a sign erected at the entrance to the facility, which is clearly legible and visible, and which shall contain at least the following information:
a. Name of facility and operator,
b. Emergency phone number,
c. Restricted (prohibited) materials,
d. Operating hours and days open;
2. There shall be adequate directional signs at the entrance and within the grounds of the facility to direct drivers to the appropriate loading area, assist in traffic flow, and regulate speed on facility property.
E. Traffic Flow
1. The facility operator shall employ procedures, controls, and operating schedules to promote even traffic flow, to prevent traffic back-ups, and to keep open the access way for emergency vehicles;
2. The facility operator shall ensure that refuse vehicles unload waste promptly in loading areas.
F. Waste Screening and Inspection Operations
1. The operator shall implement waste receiving area control measures that provide for the screening and inspection of the incoming waste stream to prevent the acceptance of prohibited or unauthorized waste types and to remove unsuitable material, including household hazardous wastes, prior to the initiation of processing.
2. All wastes received by the facility shall be subject to the screening and inspection procedures, per § 8.11(F)(1) of this Part.
3. Prohibited wastes shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, regulated hazardous waste, regulated medical waste, loads identified as unprocessed or unsegregated construction and demolition debris, and loads mostly consisting of non-organic wastes.
4. With respect to recyclable materials (if any) in the incoming waste loads, the facility shall be operated in compliance with all State of Rhode Island requirements regarding source segregation of recyclable materials and, correspondingly, the maximum allowable recyclable materials content in the incoming loads of solid waste, in compliance with the Rules and Regulations for Reduction and Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste, Subchapter 20 Part 2 of this Chapter and the Rules and Regulations for Reduction and Recycling of Commercial and Non-Municipal Residential Solid Waste, Subchapter 20 Part 1 of this Chapter.
5. Relative to composting, unsuitable wastes shall include wastes, that if put through the composting process will adversely affect compost quality. These wastes include, but are not necessarily limited to, household hazardous waste, used motor oil, asbestos, lead-acid batteries, white goods and other bulky waste. These wastes (if any) shall be removed during initial inspection and separation of such wastes or during pre-processing (if any) of the waste stream, prior to composting of the remaining waste stream.
6. Hazards to processing equipment (if any) shall be identified and removed prior to processing. These include explosives, gas canisters that can explode, oversized materials, etc.
7. Bags of municipal solid waste (MSW) shall be manually or mechanically opened to expose all content for inspection and sorting or processing.
G. Characterization of Wastes

The facility owner or operator shall immediately notify the Department if incoming waste analyses indicate there is a significant change in quality or make-up of the incoming waste stream.

H. Restrictions on Co-Composting Wastes (Sewage Sludge, Septage, and Other Amendments)
1. If the facility co-composts sewage or septage, as a source of nitrogen, then testing and analyses of these uncomposted material(s) shall be as described below. If the facility proposes to co-compost other material(s) as a source of nitrogen or if any other amendments will be made to the incoming waste stream, such as addition of bulking agents then the Department shall be notified, prior to the use of the proposed composting material and the Department shall determine whether or not such amendment will be allowed and will provide the details of testing required, if any.
2. If sewage sludge or septage is to be co-composted, then this uncomposted waste shall be tested initially, prior to co-composting, and thereafter at least annually for the complete TCLP set of parameters and the lab test results from each test shall be submitted to the Department to verify that this uncomposted waste is not a hazardous waste.
3. If sewage sludge or septage is to be co-composted, then additional characterization of this waste shall be done initially, prior to co-composting and thereafter at least annually. This characterization shall include analyses for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, total phosphorus, total potassium, pH, total solids, total volatile solids, cadmium, copper, total chromium, mercury, nickel, lead, arsenic, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc.
I. Incoming Mixed Solid Waste Storage and Schedule for Processing
1. All incoming waste that is not immediately processed shall be confined to the designated storage area for such waste, until processing occurs;
2. Incoming waste shall be processed within three (3) days or disposed of in a manner acceptable to the Department, unless an alternate option is approved by the Department;
3. If the composting facility (including, but not limited to up-front processing operations and/or composting operations) is out of service for a longer period of time than the storage capacity of the site will allow, than additional solid waste shall not be received at this facility during the outage period.
J. Substitute Disposal Provisions
1. The facility must have an alternate method of disposal, in writing, with another in-state or out-of-state licensed solid waste management facility for by-passing of incoming solid waste in the event of equipment failure or forced shut-down or other reason which prevents the facility from receiving or processing a part or all of its normal solid waste input or maintaining acceptable operating conditions and environmental controls.
2. If, for any reason, the facility becomes inoperable, the owner or operator shall notify the Department within 48 hours and implement this contingency disposal plan immediately.
K. Bulky Waste, Special Waste, and Prohibited Waste Handling Procedures and Removal

If any or all of these categories of waste are received by the facility (in the incoming mixed waste stream) and are not immediately removed off-site for recycling or disposal, then they shall be stored in a manner and for a time period that is approved by the Department, as provided for in the approved operating plan.

L. Recyclables Handling Procedures and Removal
1. Removal and handling of waste for recycling, salvage, or utilization shall be performed in a controlled manner that does not impede the proper operation of the facility, that ensures the health and safety of all persons engaged in such activities, and prevents nuisances and vector intrusion.
2. Recyclables that are separated from the mixed waste stream and not immediately removed off-site for recycling shall be stored in a manner and for a time period that is approved by the Department, as provided for in the approved operating plan.
M. Non-Compostable Residuals Handling Procedures, Removal, and Disposal
1. Any non-compostable residuals from up-front processing or from composting operations, if not immediately removed off-site for disposal, shall be stored in a manner for a time period that is approved by the Department, as provided for in the approved operating plan.
2. Any storage of residuals (if any) shall be done in a manner that prevents nuisances and vector intrusion.
3. Disposal of residuals shall be at a licensed solid waste management facility, except if the residuals can be recycled off-site.
N. Compostable Waste Composting Procedures
1. Control of Decomposition Rates - The initial carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of the feed-stock shall be within an acceptable range such that it is low enough to provide sufficient nitrogen nutrients for vigorous composting, yet it is high enough to minimize ammonia formation and other odors. If a feedstock requires the addition of a nitrogen source to achieve the desired C:N ratio, then the operator shall avoid excessive addition that may result in ammonia dissipation.
2. Moisture Control and Moisture Monitoring
a. Percent moisture content in the composting waste shall be maintained within an acceptable range such as to sustain the desired level of microbial activity necessary for the desired rate of decomposition of the waste and to prevent over drying of the pile.
b. The owner/operator shall provide a source of water at the facility to be used for maintaining proper moisture levels in the composting piles. The quality of water shall be such that it does not contribute significant contaminants to the composting wastes. The capability to add moisture uniformly throughout the piles or bed of composting waste at any time during the composting process shall be provided.
3. Air Flow Control
a. Sufficient aeration of the composting waste shall be provided so as to:
(1) Result in aerobic biochemical decomposition of the organic material.
(2) Enable temperature control.
b. Air flow shall be properly controlled. Insufficient aeration shall be avoided to prevent elevated temperatures that retard microbial activity and to prevent anaerobic decomposition that result in foul odors and production of plant toxins. Excessive airflow shall be avoided so as to prevent over-drying and cooling of the pile or bed.
c. To Ensure Adequate Aeration
(1) Windrow Composting Method - the windrows shall be turned (aerated) as often as necessary to maintain aerobic conditions.
(2) Aerated static pile composting - piles shall be mechanically aerated as often as necessary to maintain aerobic conditions.
(3) Enclosed vessel composting - aeration of the vessel and turning of materials in the vessel shall be such as to maintain aerobic conditions.
4. Mechanical Agitation or Turning of Waste - A schedule for agitation or turning of the waste shall be implemented that provides for thorough mixing of make-up water added to the waste, enables uniform air circulation to ensure uniform microbial activity, aerobic composting, and rapid decomposition, and blends and breaks up material from top to bottom in the pile or bed to enable production of a homogeneous product. Note: This does not apply to aerated static pile composting.
5. Pathogen and Weed Seed Control - A Process to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP) is required during the composting process as follows (which will also inactivate weed seeds):
a. Windrow Composting Method - A minimum of five turnings of the windrow is required during a period of 15 consecutive days, while simultaneously maintaining the temperature of the waste mixture at not less than 55 degrees C (131 degrees F) within 6-8 inches below the surface of the pile. In turning the windrow, the exterior of the pile shall be turned into the interior to ensure that all solid waste is exposed to composting conditions.
b. Aerated static pile composting method - The pile shall be insulated (e.g. using a 6-12 " layer of sawdust, wood chips, or cured compost) and a temperature of not less than 55 degrees C (131 degrees F) must be maintained throughout the compost pile for at least three consecutive days.
c. Enclosed vessel composting - The mixture in the vessel shall be maintained at a temperature not less than 55 degrees C (131 degrees F) throughout the mixture for at least three consecutive days.
d. If other Department-approved composting methods are employed, operating practices shall reduce pathogens to the extent equivalent to the reduction achieved in any of the above methods, and such operating practices shall be approved by the Department.
6. Temperature Monitoring
a. Monitoring of the temperature of the waste during the composting period must be performed to ensure proper temperature ranges to destroy pathogens and inactivate weed seeds as well as to maintain proper conditions for microbial activity necessary for decomposition of the waste.
b. During the period when conditions necessary to achieve PFRP are being maintained, the following temperature monitoring requirements shall be employed (during PFRP verification):
(1) Windrow composting -Daily temperature readings shall be taken, at equally spaced intervals, for at least (no greater than) every thirty feet of windrow length, but in no case shall there be less than two sets of readings for each windrow. Monitoring shall be at 6-8 inches and 18-24 inches below the pile surface.
(2) Aerated static pile composting - Daily temperature readings will be taken, at equally spaced intervals for at least (no greater than) every 20 feet of pile length, but in no case shall there be less than two sets of readings for each pile. Monitoring shall be at 6-8 inches and 18-24 inches from the outlet of the aeration pipe and at 6-8 inches, 18-24 inches below the pile surface at locations that are not adjacent to an aeration pipe.
(3) Enclosed Vessel Composting - Daily temperature reading shall be taken, monitoring 6-8 inches and 18-24 inches inside the vessel wall and 6-8 inches from the aeration piping when operating in the positive pressure mode. As an option (due to variability of design among vessel options), the temperature-monitoring plan shall be system specific and must prove to the Department's satisfaction that it will be adequate to determine if PFRP conditions are being met.
(4) Temperature readings shall be taken in the same locations each day and an arithmetic average shall be calculated for each day's readings.
c. Throughout the entire composting process the temperatures of the waste being composted must be monitored and recorded at least once each working day. The details of the daily monitoring program shall be provided to the Department, in the facility's operating plan, and shall be reviewed for adequacy on a case specific basis.
7. Compost Curing Considerations
a. Compost curing shall be performed in static piles or windrows.
b. Proper moisture levels shall be maintained in the curing piles, in order to sustain microbial activity.
c. Aerobic biochemical decomposition conditions shall be sustained in the piles or windrows, throughout the curing phase.
8. Compost Residence Time - Active composting and curing shall be sufficient time to satisfy and comply with PFRP and produce a stable, non-odorous product.
O. Odor Control
1. The operator shall prevent and eliminate conditions that create odors.
2. The facility shall be operated to control any odors that are created.
3. The facility shall not discharge air pollutants which cause objectionable odors off-site (beyond the facility's property line). Odor evaluations shall be conducted by Department personnel to determine if an odor is objectionable by taking into account its nature, concentration, location, duration and source.
4. The composting facility must establish an odor complaint hot line. The facility must have the ability to receive calls on a twenty-four (24) hour per day basis. (An answering machine may be used for this purpose.) Complaints received during normal operating hours must be investigated and responded to immediately. Complaints received during times when the facility is closed must be investigated and responded to within twelve (12) hours from when the complaint is received. All complaints received by the facility and actions taken in response to the complaints must be reported to the Department within twenty-four (24) hours from when the complaint was received. The facility operating plan must indicate how the odor complaint hot line will be established and what actions will be taken when odor complaints are received. Odor complaint forms must be created and maintained by the facility.
P. Vector Control
1. The facility shall not operate unless any on-site vector population is minimized by appropriate techniques to protect public health as follows:
2. Conditions shall be maintained that are sanitary and therefore unfavorable for the harboring, feeding, and breeding of vectors.
3. Control of insects and rodents, when needed, shall be effected by means of a program directed by a professional exterminator utilizing insecticides and/or rodenticides or other means approved by the Department. Use of such pesticides shall be performed with care, such that composting waste and finished compost is not contaminated by these agents.
4. The operator shall inspect the facility daily to detect any vectors and promptly take corrective action.
Q. Litter Control
1. The operator shall not allow solid waste, composting waste, finished compost, or other materials or wastes to be blown or otherwise undesirably deposited off-site.
2. The operator shall inspect the facility's property daily to detect litter and promptly take any necessary and corrective actions.
R. Dust Control
1. The operator shall prevent and eliminate conditions that create dust.
2. The operator shall use suitable methods and take appropriate actions at all times to control dust at the facility, also including access roads to and from the facility and other areas related to facility operation.
3. The operator shall inspect the facility daily to detect any dust accumulation and promptly take corrective action.
S. Hot Spot Monitoring and Control

The operators shall inspect the facility daily to detect hot spots in a storage or composting area and promptly take corrective action, when necessary.

T. Open Burning Prohibition

Open burning of any type shall be prohibited at a facility.

U. Air Standards
1. The operator shall prevent fugitive air contaminants to a level acceptable to the Department, and otherwise prevent and control air pollution.
2. With respect to air standards, the facility shall not violate state implementation plans approved or promulgated pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 23-23, the Rules and Regulations adopted to implement such chapter, and the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq. (2017).
V. Surface Water Pollution

The facility shall not cause pollution of the surface waters of the United States so as to violate the R.I. Water Pollution Act, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 46-12, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq. (2017) (Section 402 of the Clean Water Act), nor shall the facility cause a discharge of dredged material or fill in violation of 33 U.S.C. § 1344 (2017) (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act).

W. Groundwater Pollution

The facility shall not cause pollution of any groundwater. In addition, the facility shall comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq. (2017) (Section 402 of the Clean Water Act), and the regulations adopted pursuant to the Act, specifically 40 C.F.R. § 257.3-4 (2017).

X. Surface Water/Stormwater Control and Erosion Control
1. Surface water and stormwater shall be diverted away from the operating area, to include all areas where waste is received, stored, processed, and composted, and cured, as well as the finished compost storage area and any waste residual storage area.
2. Surface water, stormwater, and any other water that comes in contact with wastes stored for composting, waste being processed or composted or cured, compost waste residue, or processed material which does not meet the specifications for finished compost shall be considered leachate and shall be diverted to the collection area for proper disposal or shall be reused in waste processing or composting.
3. The facility owner and/or operator shall employ procedures to prevent and minimize erosion and sedimentation during construction, operation, and after closure.
Y. Leachate and Wastewater Control
1. All leachate must be managed by a Department approved method and treated, if necessary, to meet any applicable requirements.
2. The facility shall contain, collect, recycle, or properly dispose any and all liquid waste received or generated at the facility.
3. Any wastewater and liquid waste that is not recycled, but instead disposed, shall be disposed in a manner that does not pollute any source of private or public water supply, any waters of the state, or groundwater.
Z. Operational Records Requirements
1. The owner or operator shall record and shall maintain (for at least three (3) years) the following information regarding daily facility activities. Records shall be available for inspection by Department personnel during normal business hours. Daily records and logs shall include the date of the event.
a. Source, description and quantity of all wastes received at the facility, as well as additives, seed material, bulking agents, or other materials to be used in the composting process, recorded on a daily basis, on their day of receipt;
(1) The "source" shall include the name and address of the generator or point of origin of such waste, additive, seed material, bulking agent, or other material used in the composting process,
(2) "Wastes" shall include both compostable and non-compostable wastes and shall be recorded individually and separately, whenever such wastes are received in segregated forms,
(3) "Quantity" shall be the weight or volume of waste, additives, seed material, bulking agents or other materials received and the quantity of each type of material shall be recorded individually and separately.
2. Description and quantity, by weight or volume, of prohibited or non-processible wastes transported from the facility and destination of such waste, recorded on a daily basis. These wastes shall include, but not be limited to, any hazardous, non-permitted, bulky, or other special wastes in the incoming waste stream, which have been separated out.
3. Description and quantity, by weight or volume, for each category of recyclable, salvaged, or recovered material transported from the facility and destination of such waste, recorded on a daily basis.
4. Description and quantity, by weight or volume, of compost residues, or other processed non-compostable residue or foreign matter transported from the facility for disposal and destination of such solid waste, recorded on a daily basis.
5. Description and quantity by weight or volume, of any waste by-passed by the facility in the event of equipment failure or forced outage or other reason which prevents the facility from receiving or processing this waste. This daily record shall indicate that this is by-passed waste and shall indicate the reason for bypassing the waste and the destination of such waste.
6. Quantity of non-marketable composted material, by weight or volume, transported from the facility for disposal and destination of such material, recorded on a daily basis. This record shall indicate that the material is non-marketable and the record shall indicate the reason (lack of market, does not meet market specifications, does not meet product quality standards for Class "A", "B", or "C" compost or other reason).
7. For both bagged and bulk compost, the quantity by weight or volume, of finished, marketed compost, transported from the facility, and the planned location and proposed use of the compost, for each compost procurer or buyer of greater than ten (10) cubic yards of compost, recorded on a daily basis. The name and address of each procurer or buyer shall be recorded and if bulk compost is being procured, the compost batch I.D., (see § 8.11(Z)(10) of this Part below) shall be recorded. Also, signatures of the facility's representative and the user shall be recorded.
8. A daily temperature log, for each monitoring point in compost piles, windrows, or beds, which at least includes the monitoring point I.D., (including identification of particular composting pile, windrow or bed and location within the pile, windrow or bed), age of the pile, windrow or bed at the particular monitoring point (i.e., number of days since composting commenced), date, time, temperature reading, data collection method and name of person collecting data.
9. A daily moisture log, which describes composting pile, windrow or bed inspections and any actions taken to maintain proper moisture, including addition of water as necessary.
10. For windrow method of composting, a daily log to be kept for each windrow, which includes windrow I.D., date composting commences, and dates of turning of the windrow (to aerate and mix pile). For other methods of composting, a daily log to be kept, which includes pile or bed I.D., date composting commences and dates of aeration of the pile or bed.
11. A composting time retention log, which identifies, for each pile, windrow, or bed being composted, the total number of days elapsed from commencement of composting to completion of the entire composting processing [including high-rate decomposition, stabilization, curing and refining, (if applicable)].
12. If sewage sludge or septage is co-composted, all lab analyses of all tests performed on representative samples, shall be retained. If the Department requires sampling and testing of any other wastes, additives, bulking agents, or other materials, than those lab analyses shall also be retained.
13. Relative to sampling and testing, and classification of finished compost:
a. A sampling log shall be kept with an entry for each batch of finished compost to be sampled and tested, per the approved sampling plan, to include the compost batch I.D., the date and time of sampling, the sampling method and location, the name of the person performing the sampling, and the lab to which samples were sent.
b. All lab analyses of all tests performed on samples of finished compost shall be retained.
c. A compost classification log shall be kept, which includes, for each batch of finished compost, the compost batch I.D., the classification assigned to that batch, and supporting information used by the facility's owner/operator to justify assigning that classification.
14. A record of actions log, which provides a summary of corrective actions taken by the facility owner/operator, relative to any deficiencies noted in Department inspection reports and relative to any deficiencies or violations issued by the Department in letters of deficiency or notices of violations.
15. Summary of all maintenance procedures on processes, equipment, or monitoring and control systems, and site inspection records.
16. Personnel Training Records - Training records that document the type and amount of training received by current facility personnel shall be maintained at the facility in accordance with the operating plan.
17. Any other records to be kept, as required by the Department or as provided in the approved operating plan.
AA. Operational Reports to DEM

The facility owner and/or operator shall provide periodic written reports of operation, if required by DEM per the approved license. The details and frequency of reporting shall be provided in the approved operating plan or as license conditions.

BB. Facility Equipment Requirements
1. The operator shall maintain on-site equipment necessary for facility operation in accordance with the license. The equipment shall be maintained in an operable condition.
2. Replacement equipment and parts for equipment, which is subject to excess wear or frequent breakdown, due to the nature of operation shall be stored on-site or at a place where it can be available within twenty-four hours, to provide expedient repair.
3. If a breakdown of operator's equipment occurs, standby equipment shall be utilized as necessary to comply with any license condition.
CC. Facility Inspection and Maintenance
1. The operator of the facility shall maintain all facility components, systems, and equipment in a manner that facilitates proper operation and minimizes downtime.
2. Immediately following the initiation of facility operation, facility personnel shall begin routine inspection for operating effectiveness and equipment/component/system deterioration or malfunction.
3. A planned maintenance and overhaul schedule for major equipment shall be established and executed during facility operation.
DD. Health and Safety
1. The facility shall be designed, operated, and maintained in such a manner so as to protect the health and safety of users of the facility and personnel associated with facility operation, and persons in close proximity to the facility.
2. First aid facilities and supplies shall be available at the facility.
EE. Fire Prevention and Protection
1. The facility shall be maintained and operated to prevent and minimize the potential for fire or explosion.
2. The facility shall have a suitable quantity of water at sufficient pressures suitable for firefighting purposes and approved by the local fire authority.
3. Portable fire extinguishers and fire control equipment shall be available and in proper working condition, at the operating area of the facility.
FF. Emergency Support Services

The facility shall have arrangements, in writing, from nearby fire department, police department, rescue service, medical service, hazardous waste emergency response company, and hazardous waste transporter to provide emergency services in case of facility fires, explosions, hazardous waste incidents or other similar emergencies.

GG. Personnel Staffing Requirements
1. There must be at least one trained attendant (trained in the operation of the facility) on site during any and all operating hours that the facility is open to receive waste.
2. The facility shall maintain sufficient types of quantity and personnel during each operating shift to assure the proper and orderly operation of all components and systems, along with the ability to handle all routine maintenance requirements. Such personnel shall have sufficient educational background, employment experience, and/or training to enable them to perform their duties in a safe and competent manner.
HH. Facility Management

Each operating shift shall have a designated shift supervisor or equivalent to direct and implement operational decisions during that shift. The operation of the facility shall be under supervision and control of qualified individual(s) during all operating hours.

II. Personnel Training Programs
1. There shall be a comprehensive training program for all employees covering normal job responsibilities and procedures, emergency situations and procedures, and safety issues.
2. Employees involved with operation and/or maintenance of the facility shall receive training at least annually.
3. Facility specific training manual(s) shall be used for training facility personnel. The manual(s) shall be kept up-to-date, with any necessary revisions made at least annually. The manual(s) shall be kept in a readily accessible location and shall be available for inspection by the Department.
4. Operating and maintenance personnel shall receive their initial training prior to assumption of operational/maintenance activities.
JJ. Emergency Contingency Plans

Contingency plans and procedures to handle fires, explosions, hazardous waste incidents and similar emergencies shall be developed for facility personnel and in conjunction with local authorities (police, rescue, fire, medical groups, hazardous waste response companies and transporters), prior to facility operation.

KK. Operation and Maintenance Manual

An operation manual of policies and procedures specific to the facility shall be prepared and updated as needed and available at the facility for inspection by the Department. It shall include general design information, and detailed operational information and instructions that enable supervisory and operating personnel to determine sequence of operations, and routine maintenance procedures with schedules to be followed. Also, it shall include, safety requirements and procedures, emergency shutdown procedures and troubleshooting procedures.

LL. Finished Compost Storage and Removal
1. The amount of finished compost stored at the facility shall not exceed the designed finished compost storage capacity.
2. Storage of finished compost on site is limited to twelve months. Any finished compost that is not used or sold within twelve months shall be removed from the site.
3. Processed material, which does not meet specifications for compost, shall be managed by the facility as residual waste and shall be disposed of off-site in a manner and schedule consistent with testing, approved by the Department.
4. Incoming solid waste shall not be mixed with finished compost. In order to discourage re-introduction of contaminants, pathogens, and weed seeds, finished compost shall not have any such unprocessed waste mixed in.
5. Finished compost shall not be stored where continuous or intermittent contact can occur between compost and groundwater.
6. Finished compost shall be stored in a manner, which does not create a dust or odor nuisance for off-site receptors.
MM. Facility Closure Plan
1. The facility's owner/operator shall notify the Department at least three months prior to the anticipated date that closure operations are to begin.
2. The facility must implement the approved closure plan.
3. Requests for deviations from the previously approved closure plan shall be in writing, including an updated final closure plan, if appropriate, and written approval from the Department must be obtained prior to implementation.
4. After the closure plan has been fully implemented, the Department shall be notified so that an inspection may be made by Department personnel. A list of deficiencies, if any, will be returned to the owner of the facility. A final Department inspection will be required after all deficiencies are corrected.
5. A professional engineer registered in the State of Rhode Island must certify that the facility is properly closed in conjunction with its approved closure plan.
NN. Transportation Requirements Any incoming sewage sludge or septage (if any) shall be transported to the facility in vehicles which are properly sealed, watertight and covered while in transit so as to prevent any leakage or dropping of such waste.
OO. Compost Distribution Compost product offered for distribution shall meet the requirements of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 2-22 "Rhode Island Soil Amendment Law" and those parameters outlined in § 8.12 of this Part.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-05-8.11

Amended effective4/22/2020