250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-05-4.5

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-140-05-4.5 - Incinerator Ash Operating Standards
A. Ash Sampling and Testing: Facility ash residues shall be tested for hazardous characteristics. Sampling and testing will be in accordance with whatever techniques are acceptable to RIDEM and that, at minimum, satisfy the Code of Federal Regulations and/or U.S. EPA requirements. The procedures shall apply to either the combined or separate fly ash and bottom ash, dependent upon the EPA interpretation of the hazardous waste "mixing rule" at the concurrent time of incinerator start-up, shakedown, or during normal operation after the shakedown period.
B. Unless otherwise directed by RIDEM or unless the applicant proposes an alternate sampling and testing plan acceptable to RIDEM, the following guideline shall be used for ash sampling and testing:
1. Sampling will be performed in triplicate, i.e. each sampling will require the collection of three representative samples. The EPA interpretation of the hazardous waste "mixing rule" will determine the makeup of the three representative samples, i.e., three samples of combined ash or three samples each of the fly ash and bottom ash. Each representative sample will be taken in accordance with RIDEM approved sampling methods.
2. Ash shall be tested daily for TCLP metals and weekly (starting with the first sample) for complete TCLP toxicity and 2,3,7,8 - TCDD during the period of facility start-up and shakedown, and for six months thereafter. For an additional period of one year thereafter, daily testing for TCLP metals shall be employed, while the frequency of testing for complete TCLP toxicity and 2,3,7,8-TCDD will be reduced to once per month. RIDEM shall determine when shakedown has been completed and shall define the frequency and substance of testing that be required after this additional one year period. Complete TCLP toxicity includes testing for eight (8) metals, six (6) pesticides and herbicides, and twenty-five (25) other organic chemicals and any additional constituents required by revisions of the TC rule (if any).
C. Ash Characterization: Ash that is generated the day of sampling takes place and ash that is generated on subsequent day(s) until the next sampling will be determined to be hazardous waste or non-hazardous waste, based on the lab analysis of that sampling.
D. Hazardous Ash Management: Ash that is determined by testing to be hazardous waste shall be managed as hazardous waste to include storage, transportation, and disposal of the ash.
E. Ash Disposal: The facility must have an agreement in writing with at least one licensed solid waste management facility for the disposal of ash determined by testing to be nonhazardous waste. The facility must also have an agreement in writing with:
1. At least one licensed hazardous waste landfill for the permanent disposal of ash determined by testing to be hazardous waste or which the facility elects to dispose as hazardous waste; or
2. At least one licensed hazardous waste storage facility for the temporary storage of ash determined by testing to be hazardous waste or which the facility elects to dispose of as hazardous waste, pending a contract with a licensed hazardous waste landfill for permanent disposal.
F. Hazardous Ash Removal: Any ash residue determined by testing to be hazardous waste shall be removed from the site within forty-eight (48) hours by the operator's licensed hazardous waste hauler to a licensed hazardous waste temporary storage facility or to a licensed hazardous waste landfill for permanent disposal.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-140-05-4.5