250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-51.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-51.7 - Emissions Limitations
A. Except as provided in § 51.6(C) of this Part, the owner or operator of a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility subject to this Regulation shall limit VOC emissions from molding operations, by use of one (1) or more of the control options in §§ 51.7(B) through (E) of this Part;
B. Low monomer VOC content option
1. The total monomer VOC content limits used for any open molding resin and gel coat operations subject to this Regulation, shall not exceed the monomer VOC limits established in § 51.7(B)(2) of this Part.
2. Table 1 Total Monomer VOC Limits for Open Molding Resin and Gel Coat Operations


Application Method

Monomer VOC Content Limits (weight percent)

Production resin

Atomized (spray)


Production resin



Pigmented gel coat

Any Method


Clear gel coat

Any method


Tooling resin



Tooling resin



Tooling gel coat

Any method


3. Alternatively, the weighted average monomer VOC contents for a specific application method may be used to meet the monomer VOC content limits in § 51.7(B)(2) of this Part, on a twelve (12)-month rolling average basis, as calculated using Equation 1:

Equation 1

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Evoc = the weighted average monomer VOC content

Mi = mass of each open molding resin or gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months in an operation, in megagrams.

VOCi = total monomer VOC content, by weight percent, of each open molding resin or gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months in an operation.

n = number of different open molding resins or gel coats used in the past twelve (12) months in an operation.

4. In addition to complying with the monomer VOC limits in § 51.7(B)(2) of this Part, the non-monomer VOC content of each resin and gel coat shall not contain more than five percent (5%) by weight of the resin or gel coat. If the non-monomer VOC content of a resin or gel coat exceeds five percent (5%), then the excess non-monomer VOC over five percent (5%) must be added to the monomer VOC content for that resin or gel coat to calculate the weighted average monomer VOC content in § 51.7(B)(3) of this Part.
C. Emissions averaging option
1. In lieu of complying with the monomer VOC content limits established in § 51.7(B)(2) of this Part, the owner or operator of a facility subject to this Regulation may comply by using Equation 2 to establish a facility-specific monomer VOC mass emission limit on a twelve (12)-month rolling average basis:

Equation 2

Monomer VOC Limit = 46(MR) + 159(MPG) + 291(MCG) + 54(MTR) + 214(MTG)


Monomer VOC Limit = total allowable monomer VOC that can be emitted from the open molding operations included in the average, in kilograms per twelve (12)-month period.

MR = mass of production resin used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

MPG = mass of pigmented gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

MCG = mass of clear gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

MTR = mass of tooling resin used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

MTG = mass of tooling gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

Note: The numerical coefficients associated with each term on the right side of Equation 2 are the allowable monomer VOC emission rates for that materials in units of kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of material used.

2. Equation 3 shall be used to demonstrate that that the monomer VOC mass emissions from the operations included in the average do not exceed the emission limit calculated using Equation 2 in § 51.7(C)(1) of this Part for the same period. This demonstration shall be conducted at the end of the first twelve (12)-month averaging period and at the end of every subsequent month for only those operations and materials included in the average.

Equation 3

Monomer VOC emissions = (PVR)(MR) + (PVPG)(MPG) + (PVCG)(MCG) + (PVTR)(MTR) + (PVTG)(MTG)


Monomer VOC emissions = monomer VOC emissions from open molding operations included in the average, in kilograms per twelve (12)-month period.

PVR = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for production resin used in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms per megagram.

MR = mass of production resin used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

PVPG = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for pigmented gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms per megagram.

MPG = mass of pigmented gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any material that are exempt, in megagrams.

PVCG = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for clear gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms per megagram.

MCG = mass of clear gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

PVTR = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for tooling resin used in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms per megagram.

MTR = mass of tooling resin used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

PVTG = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for tooling gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms per megagram.

MTG = mass of tooling gel coat used in the past twelve (12) months, excluding any materials that are exempt, in megagrams.

3. Equation 4 shall be used to compute the weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for the previous twelve (12) months for each open molding resin and gel coat operation included in the average for use in Equation 3 in § 51.7(C)(2) of this Part:

Equation 4

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PVOP = weighted-average monomer VOC emission rate for each open molding operation (PVR, PVPG, PVCG, PVTR, and PVTG) included in the average, in kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of material applied.

Mi= mass of resin or gel coat used within an operation in the past twelve (12) months, in megagrams.

PVi = the monomer VOC emission rate for resin or gel coat used within an operation in the past twelve (12) months, in kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of material applied. The equations in § 51.7(C)(4) of this Part shall be used to compute PVi

4. Table 2: Monomer VOC Emission Rate Formulas for Open Molding Resin and Gel Coat


Application Method

Formula to Calculate the Monomer VOC Emission Rate or PVi

Production resin, tooling resin


0.014 x (Resin VOC%)2.425

Atomized, plus vacuum bagging with roll-out

0.01185 x (Resin VOC%)2.425

Atomized, plus vacuum bagging without roll-out

0.00945 x (Resin VOC%)2.425


0.014 x (Resin VOC%)2.275

Non-atomized, plus vacuum bagging with rollout

0.011 x (Resin VOC%)2.275

Non-atomized, plus vacuum bagging without roll-out

0.0076 x (Resin VOC%)2.275

Pigmented gel coat, clear gel coat, tooling gel coat

All methods

0.445 x (Gel Coat VOC%)1.675

5. The monomer VOC content of each open molding resin or gel coat material included in the emissions averaging option includes the amount of non-monomer VOC content that exceeds five percent (5%) by weight of the resin or gel coat material.
D. The owner or operator of any facility with molding resin and gel coat operations choosing to use add-on emission controls instead of complying with the requirements of §§ 51.7(B) and (C) of this Part shall:
1. Install control equipment to meet the VOC emission limit determined by Equation 2 in § 51.7(C)(1) of this Part, except that instead of using the mass of each material used over the past consecutive twelve (12)-month period, the facility shall use the mass of each material used during the air pollution control device performance test;
2. Use resin and gel coat with a non-monomer VOC content of no more than five percent (5%) by weight of the resin or gel coat. If the non-monomer VOC content of a resin or gel coat exceeds five percent (5%), then the excess non-monomer VOC over five percent (5%) must be added to the monomer VOC content.
3. Monitor and record relevant control device and capture system operating parameters during the control device performance test and use the recorded values to establish operating limits for those parameters; and
4. Monitor the operating parameters for the control device and emissions capture system and maintain the parameters within the established limits.
E. Requirements for filled resins
1. The owner or operator of a facility subject to this regulation that uses resins to which fillers are added shall use Equation 5 to adjust the emission rate for filled resins under all options specified in §§ 51.7(B) through (D) of this Part:

Equation 5

PVF = PVU x (100 - %Filler)/100

PVF = The as-applied monomer VOC emission rate for the filled production resin or tooling resin, in kilograms monomer VOC per megagram of filled material.

PVU = The monomer VOC emission rate for the neat (unfilled) resin before filler is added, as calculated using the formulas in § 51.7(C)(4) of this Part.

%Filler = The weight percent of filler in the as-applied filled resin system.

2. For filled resin used as a production resin the value of PVF calculated by Equation 5 in § 51.7(E)(1) of this Part shall not exceed forty-six (46) kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of filled resin applied;
3. For filled resin used as a tooling resin the value of PVF calculated by Equation 5 in § 51.7(E)(1) of this Part shall not exceed fifty-four (54) kilograms of monomer VOC per megagram of filled resin applied;
4. For filled resin included in the emissions averaging procedure then the facility shall use the value of PVF calculated by Equation 5 in § 51.7(E)(1) of this Part for the value of PVi in Equation 4 in § 51.7(C)(3) of this Part.
5. The monomer VOC content of each, as applied, filled resin includes the amount of non-monomer VOC content that exceeds five percent (5%) by weight of the unfilled resin material.
F. Alternative RACT
1. The owner of operator of a subject facility may apply for alternative RACT if the facility submits for approval by the Director and EPA:
a. Economic and/or technical documentation to the satisfaction of the Department and EPA that the applicable emission limitations set forth in §§51.7.1(A) through (E) of this Part cannot feasibly be met, and,
b. A proposal to set applicable emission limitations different from those of §§ 51.7(A) through (E) of this Part that will represent an Alternative Reasonably Available Control Technology; and,
c. A schedule for attaining the Alternative Reasonably Available Control Technology emission limitations within two (2) years of it being approved.
2. All compliance date and emission limitations approved under § 51.7(F)(1) of this Part will not be final until approved by EPA as a SIP revision.
3. Alternative RACT will be approved only if the facility can demonstrate that economically, technically or both that neither reformulation nor the installation of a control system is feasible.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-51.7

Adopted effective 8/7/2019
Amended effective 5/13/2021