250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-46.14

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-46.14 - Recordkeeping and Reporting
46.14.1 General requirements

The CO2 authorized account representative shall comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this section, the applicable record keeping and reporting requirements under 40 C.F.R. § 75.73 incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part and with the requirements of §46.9.1(E) of this Part.

46.14.2Monitoring plans

The owner or operator of a CO2 budget unit shall submit a monitoring plan in the manner prescribed in of 40 C.F.R. § 75.62 incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part.

46.14.3Certification applications

The CO2 authorized account representative shall submit an application to the Department or its agent within forty-five (45) days after completing all CO2 monitoring system initial certification or recertification tests required under §46.13.3 of this Part, including the information required under 40 C.F.R. § 75.63 and 40 C.F.R. § 75.53 (g and (h), incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part.

46.14.4Quarterly reports
A. The CO2 authorized account representative shall submit quarterly reports, as follows:
1. The CO2 authorized account representative shall report the CO2 mass emissions data for the CO2 budget unit, in an electronic format prescribed by the Administrator, unless otherwise prescribed by the Department, for each calendar quarter beginning with:
a. For a unit that commences commercial operation before July 1, 2008, the calendar quarter covering January 1, 2009, through March 31, 2009; or
b. For a unit commencing commercial operation on or after July 1, 2008, the calendar quarter corresponding to the earlier of the date of provisional certification or the applicable deadline for initial certification under §46.13.2(B) of this Part or, unless that quarter is the third or fourth quarter of 2008, in which case reporting shall commence in the quarter covering January 1, 2009, through March 31, 2009.
2. The CO2 authorized account representative shall submit each quarterly report to the Department or its agent within thirty (30) days following the end of the calendar quarter covered by the report. Quarterly reports shall be submitted in the manner specified in 40 C.F.R. § 75 Subpart H incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part, and 40 C.F.R. § 75.64 incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part. Quarterly reports shall be submitted for each CO2 budget unit (or group of units using a common stack) and shall include all of the data and information required in 40 C.F.R. § 75, Subpart G, incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part, except for opacity, NOx and SO2 provisions.
3. Compliance certification - The CO2 authorized account representative shall submit, to the Department or its agent, a compliance certification in support of each quarterly report based on reasonable inquiry of those persons with primary responsibility for ensuring that all of the unit's emissions are correctly and fully monitored. The certification shall state that:
a. The monitoring data submitted were recorded in accordance with the applicable requirements of §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part and 40 C.F.R. § 75 incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part, including the quality assurance procedures and specifications;
b. For a unit with add-on CO2 emissions controls and for all hours where data are substituted in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 75.34(a) (1) incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part, the add-on emissions controls were operating within the range of parameters listed in the quality assurance/quality control program under 40 C.F.R. § 75, Appendix B incorporated in § 46.4(A) of this Part and the substitute values do not systematically underestimate CO2 emissions; and c. The CO2 concentration values substituted for missing data under 40 C.F.R. § 75, Subpart D do not systematically underestimate CO2 emissions.
A. Except as provided in §46.14.5(C) of this Part, the CO2 authorized account representative of a CO2 budget unit that is subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the Administrator under 40 C.F.R. § 75.66 and to the Department requesting approval to apply an alternative to any requirement of 40 C.F.R. § 75. Application of an alternative to any requirement of 40 C.F.R. § 75 is in accordance with §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part only to the extent that the petition is approved in writing by the Administrator and subsequently approved in writing by the Department or its agent.
B. Petitions for a CO2 budget unit that is not subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation.
1. The CO2 authorized account representative of a CO2 budget unit that is not subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the Administrator under 40 C.F.R. § 75.66 and to the Department or its agent requesting approval to apply an alternative to any requirement of 40 C.F.R. § 75. Application of an alternative to any requirement of 40 C.F.R. § 75 is in accordance with §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part, only to the extent that the petition is approved in writing by the Administrator and subsequently approved in writing by the Department or its agent.
2. In the event that the Administrator declines to review a petition under §46.14.5(B)(1) of this Part, the CO2 authorized account representative of a CO2 budget unit that is not subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the Department or its agent requesting approval to apply an alternative to any requirement in §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part. That petition shall contain all the relevant information specified in 40 C.F.R. § 75.66. Application of an alternative to any requirement in §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part, is in accordance with §§ 46.13 and 46.14 of this Part, only to the extent that the petition is approved in writing by the Department or its agent.
C. The CO2 authorized account representative of a CO2 budget unit that is subject to an Acid Rain emissions limitation may submit a petition to the Administrator under 40 C.F.R. § 75.66 and to the Department or its agent requesting approval to apply an alternative to a requirement concerning any additional CEMS required under the common stack provisions of 40 C.F.R. § 75.72 or a CO2 concentration CEMS used under 40 C.F.R. § 75.71(a)(2). Application of an alternative to any such requirement is in accordance with §§ 46.14 and 46.15 of this Part, only to the extent the petition is approved in writing by the Administrator, and subsequently approved in writing by the Department or its agent.
46.14.6CO2 budget units that co-fire eligible biomass
A. The CO2 authorized account representative of a CO2 budget unit that co-fires eligible biomass as a compliance mechanism under this regulation, shall report the following information to the Department or its agent for each calendar quarter:
1. For each shipment of solid eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel input, on an as-fired basis, in pounds.
2. For each shipment of solid eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the moisture content, on an as-fired basis, as a fraction by weight.
3. For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, on an as-fired basis, in pounds per standard cubic foot.
4. For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the moisture content of the biogas, as a fraction by total weight.
5. For each distinct type of gaseous eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel input, in standard cubic feet.
6. For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the dry basis carbon content of the fuel type, as a fraction by dry weight.
7. For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the dry basis higher heating value, in MMBtu per dry pound.
8. For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total dry basis eligible biomass fuel input, in pounds, calculated in accordance with §46.14.6(B) of this Part.
9. The total amount of CO2 emitted from the CO2 budget unit due to firing eligible biomass fuel, in tons, calculated in accordance with §46.14.6(C) of this Part.
10. For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, the total eligible biomass fuel heat input in MMBtu, calculated in accordance with §46.14.6(D)(1) of this Part.
11. The total amount of heat input to the CO2 budget unit due to firing eligible biomass fuel in MMBtu, calculated in accordance with §46.14.6(D)(2) of this Part.
12. Description and documentation of monitoring technology employed, and description and documentation of fuel sampling methodology employed, including sampling frequency; and
13. For each distinct type of eligible biomass fuel fired at the CO2 budget unit, chemical analysis, including heating value and carbon content.
B. An owner or operator of a CO2 budget unit shall calculate and submit, to the Department or its agent, on a quarterly basis, the total dry weight for each distinct type of eligible biomass fired by the CO2 budget unit during the reporting quarter. The total dry weight shall be determined for each fuel type as follows:
1. For solid fuel types:

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Fj = Total eligible biomass fuel input (lbs) for fuel type j;

Fi = Eligible biomass fuel input (lbs) for fired shipment I;

Mi = Moisture content (fraction) for fired shipment I;

i - fired fuel shipment;

j = fuel type; and,

m = number of shipments.

2. For gaseous fuel types:

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Fj = Total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input (lbs) for fuel type j;

D = Density of biogas (lbs/scf) for fuel type j;

V = Total volume (scf) for fuel type j;

Mj = Moisture content (fraction) for fuel type j,

J = fuel type

C. CO2 emissions due to firing of eligible biomass shall be determined as follows:
1. For any full calendar quarter during which no fuel other than eligible biomass combusted at the CO2 budget unit, as measured and recorded in accordance with this section and § 46.13 of this Part; or
2. For any full calendar quarter during which fuels, other than eligible biomass, are combusted at the CO2 budget unit, as determined using the following equation:

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CO2 tons = CO2 emissions due to firing of eligible biomass for the reporting quarter;

Fj = Total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input (lbs) for fuel type j, as calculated in §46.14.6(B);

Cj = carbon fraction (dry basis) for fuel type j;

Oj = Oxidation factor for eligible biomass fuel type j, derived for solid fuels based on the ash content of the eligible biomass fired and the carbon content of this ash, as determined pursuant to §46.14.6(A)(12); for gaseous eligible biomass fuels, a default oxidation factor of 0.995 may be used;

44/12 = the number of short tons which is equal to one pound;

j = fuel type; and

n = number of distinct fuel types.

D. Heat input due to firing of eligible biomass for each quarter shall be determined as follows:
1. For each distinct fuel type:

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Hj = Heat input (MMBtu) for fuel type j;

Fj = Total eligible biomass dry basis fuel input (lbs) for fuel type j, as calculated in §46.14.6(B);

HHVj = Higher heating value (MMBtu/lb), dry basis, for fuel type j, as determined through chemical analysis;

J = fuel type.

2. For all fuel types:

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Hj = Heat input (MMBtu) for fuel type j:

j = fuel type; and

n = number of distinct fuel types.

E. Fuel sampling methods and fuel sampling technology shall be consistent with the New York State Renewable Portfolio Standard Biomass Guidebook, September 2011 incorporated in § 46.4(B) of this Part.
46.14.7Additional requirements to provide output data
A. A CO2 budget source shall submit to the Department or its agent a method for quantification of net electrical output.
B. CO2 budget sources selling steam should use billing meters to determine net steam output. A CO2 budget source whose steam output is not measured by billing meters or whose steam output is combined with output from a unit that is not a CO2 budget unit prior to measurement by the billing meter shall propose, to the Department or its agent, an alternative method for quantification of net steam output. If data for steam output is not available, the CO2 budget source may report heat input providing useful steam output as a surrogate for steam output.
C. Monitoring - The owner or operator of each CO2 budget unit shall submit an output monitoring plan. The output monitoring plan must include a description and diagram as stated below:
1. Submit a diagram of the electrical and/or steam system for which output is being monitored, specifically including the following:
a. If the CO2 budget unit monitors net electric output, the diagram should contain all CO2 budget unit and all generators served by each CO2 budget units and generators. If a generator served by a CO2 budget unit is also served by a unit that is not a CO2 budget unit, the unit that is not a CO2 budget unit and its relationship to each generator should be indicated on the diagram as well. The diagram should indicate where the net electric output is measured and should include all electrical inputs and outputs to and from the plant. If net electric output is determined using a billing meter, the diagram should show each billing meter used to determine net sales of electricity and should show that all electricity measured at the point of sale is generated by the CO2 budget units.
b. If the CO2 budget unit monitors net thermal output, the diagram should include all steam or hot water coming into the net steam system, including steam from CO2 budget units and units that are not CO2 budget units, and all exit points of steam or hot water from the net steam system. In addition, each input and output stream will have an estimated temperature, pressure and phase indicator, and an enthalpy in Btu/lb. The diagram of the net steam system should identify all useful loads, house loads, parasitic loads, any other steam loads and all boiler feedwater returns. The diagram will represent all energy losses in the system as either usable or unusable losses. The diagram will also indicate all flow meters, temperature or pressure sensors or other equipment used to calculate gross thermal output. If a sales agreement is used to determine net thermal output, the diagram should show the monitoring equipment used to determine the sales of steam.
2. Submit a description of each output monitoring system. The description of the output monitoring system should include a written description of the output system and the equations used to calculate output. For net thermal energy systems descriptions and justifications of each useful load should be included.
3. Submit a detailed description of all quality assurance/quality control activities that will be performed to maintain the output system in accordance with §46.14.7(E) of this Part.
4. Submit documentation supporting any output value(s) to be used as a missing data value should there be periods of invalid output data. The missing data output value must be either zero or an output value that is likely to be lower than a measured value and that is approved as part of the monitoring plan required under this subsection.
D. Initial certification - A certification statement must be submitted by the CO2 authorized account representative stating that either the output monitoring system consists entirely of billing meters or that the output monitoring system meets one of the accuracy requirements for non-billing meters in §46.14.7(D)(2) of this Part. This statement may be submitted with the certification application required under §46.14.3 of this Part.
1. Billing meters - The billing meter shall record the electric or thermal output. Any electric or thermal output values that the facility reports must be the same as the values used in billing for the output. Any output measurement equipment used as a billing meter in commercial transactions requires no additional certification or testing.
2. Non-billing meters - For non-billing meters, the output monitoring system shall either meet an accuracy of within ten percent (10%) of the reference value, or each component monitor for the output system must meet an accuracy of within three percent (3%) of the full-scale value, whichever is less stringent.
a. System approach to accuracy.
(1) The system approach to accuracy must include a determination of how the system accuracy of ten percent (10%) is achieved using the individual components in the system and should include data loggers and any wattmeters used to calculate the final net electric output data and/or any flowmeters for steam or condensate, temperature measurement devices, absolute pressure measurement devices, and differential pressure devices used for measuring thermal energy.
b. Component approach to accuracy.
(1) If testing a piece of output measurement equipment shows that the output readings are not accurate to within three percent (3.0%) of the full-scale value, then the equipment should be repaired or replaced to meet that requirement. Data shall remain invalid until the output measurement equipment passes an accuracy test or is replaced with another piece of equipment that passes the accuracy test.
E. Ongoing QA/QC. The following ongoing quality assurance/quality control activities must be performed in order to maintain the output system:
1. Billing meters.
a. In the case where billing meters are used to determine output, no QA/QC activities beyond what are already performed are required.
2. Non-billing meters.
a. Certain types of equipment such as potential transformers, current transformers, nozzle and venturi type meters, and the primary element of an orifice plate only require an initial certification of calibration and do not require periodic recalibration unless the equipment is physically changed. However, the pressure and temperature transmitters accompanying an orifice plate will require periodic retesting. For such pressure and temperature transmitters, and other types of equipment, either recalibrate or re-verify the meter accuracy at least once every two (2) years (i.e., every eight (8) calendar quarters), unless a consensus standard allows for less frequent calibrations or accuracy tests. For non-billing meters, the output monitoring system must either meet an accuracy of within ten percent (10%) of the reference value, or each component monitor for the output system must meet an accuracy of within three percent (3%) of the full-scale value, whichever is less stringent. If testing a piece of output measurement equipment shows that the output readings are not accurate to within three percent (3%) of the full-scale value, then the equipment should be repaired or replaced to meet that requirement.
3. Out-of-control periods.
a. If testing a piece of output measurement equipment shows that the output readings are not accurate to the certification value, data remain invalid until the output measurement equipment passes an accuracy test or is replaced with another piece of equipment that passes the accuracy test. All invalid data shall be replaced by either zero or an output value that is likely to be lower than a measured value and that is approved as part of the monitoring plan required under §46.14.7(C) of this Part.
F. Recordkeeping and reporting
1. General provisions.
a. The CO2 authorized account representative shall comply with all recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this section and with the requirements of §§ 46.7(C) and 46.9.1(E) of this Part.
2. Recordkeeping.
a. The owner or operator of a CO2 budget unit shall retain data used to monitor, determine, or calculate net generation for ten (10) years from the date reported.
3. Annual reports.
a. The CO2 authorized account representative shall submit annual output reports, as follows. The data must be sent both electronically and in hardcopy by March 1 for the immediately preceding calendar year to the Department or its agent. The annual report shall include the annual total unit level MWh, the annual total useful thermal energy and a certification statement from the CO2 authorized account representative stating the following:
(1) "I am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the owners and operators of the CO2 budget sources or CO2 budget units for which the submission is made. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements and information submitted in this document and all its attachments. Based on my inquiry of those individuals with primary responsibility for obtaining the information, I certify that the statements and information are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false statements and information or omitting required statements and information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment."

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-46.14

Amended effective 12/25/2018