Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-27.9 - Compliance Testing and Emission Monitoring RequirementsA. Compliance with §§27.8.1 and 27.8.7 of this Part shall be demonstrated by installation calibration, maintenance and operation of a continuous emission monitoring system for NOx and O2 or CO2.B. Compliance with §§27.8.2(A) and (B), 27.8.3, 27.8.4, and 27.8.6 of this Part shall be demonstrated either by emission testing or by installation calibration, maintenance and operation of a continuous emission monitoring system for NOx and O2 or CO2.C. Compliance with §27.8.2(C) of this Part shall be demonstrated by record keeping as specified in § 27.10(H) of this Part.D. Compliance with the emission limitations in §27.8.1 of this Part shall be based on 24-average concentrations.E. Compliance with the emission limitations in §§27.8.2 and 27.8.3 of this Part shall be based on one-hour average concentrations. Emission testing shall consist of three (3), one-hour test runs. Compliance with the emission limitation must be demonstrated utilizing the arithmetic mean of the three (3) test runs.F. Continuous emission monitoring systems shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Performance specification, monitor location, calibration and operating procedures, quality assurance procedures for each monitor and a sample calculation showing how the concentrations from the NOx CEMs will be converted in to the applicable units and averaging time of the emission limit must be submitted to the Office of Air Resources for review and approval at least one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to expected installation.2. All emission data shall be continuously monitored and recorded.3. The continuous emission monitors must satisfy the requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix B, Performance Specification 2, incorporated in § 27.4(A) of this Part.4. The continuous emission monitors must satisfy the quality assurance requirements of 40 C.F.R. § 60, Appendix F, incorporated in § 27.4(A) of this Part.5. The continuous emission monitoring system will be used to determine compliance with the applicable allowable NOx emission rates.6. The stationary source shall have the capability of transmitting all of the collected continuous emission monitoring data to the Office of Air Resources via a telemetry system.7. Each continuous emission monitoring system shall be operated at all times except for periods of CEMs calibration checks, zero and span adjustment and preventative maintenance. Notwithstanding such exceptions, in all cases valid CEMs data shall be obtained for at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the hours per day, seventy-five (75%) of the days of the month and ninety percent (90%) of the hours per quarter that the stationary source is operating.G. Emissions testing shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Emissions testing shall be conducted upon start-up and at least once every five (5) years thereafter to demonstrate compliance with the applicable NOx emission limitation.2. An emissions testing protocol shall be submitted to the Office of Air Resources for review a minimum of sixty days (60) prior to the performance of any tests. The Office of Air Resources shall be notified at least sixty (60) days prior to any emissions test.3. All test procedures used for emissions testing shall be in accordance with the methods set forth in 40 C.F.R. § 60 Appendix A, incorporated in § 27.4(A) of this Part, or another method approved by the Director and the EPA.4. The owner or operator of the stationary source shall install any and all test ports or platforms necessary to conduct the required emissions testing, provide safe access to any platforms and provide the necessary utilities for sampling and testing equipment.5. All testing shall be conducted under operating conditions deemed acceptable and representative for the purpose of assessing compliance with the applicable emission limitation.6. All emissions testing must be observed by a representative of the Office of Air Resources to be considered acceptable, unless the Office of Air Resources provides prior written authorization to the owner or operator to conduct the testing without an observer present.7. A final report of the results of emissions testing shall be submitted to the Office of Air Resources no later than sixty (60) days following completion of the testing.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-27.9
Amended effective 12/26/2018