250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-27.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-120-05-27.7 - Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Plan Requirements
A. Any stationary source subject to the provisions of § 27.8 of this Part shall, by six (6) months after becoming a potential fifty (50) ton per year NOx stationary source, submit to the Director a RACT proposal for approval which includes all information specified in §§ 27.7(B) or (C) of this Part.
B. All RACT proposals submitted to comply with §§27.8.1, 27.8.2, or 27.8.3 of this Part shall include the following information:
1. An inventory of all NOx-emitting equipment with a heat input capacity greater than or equal to one million Btu per hour at the stationary source.
2. The maximum capacity, in millions of Btu per hour, of each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
3. The type of fuel or fuels combusted in each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
4. The maximum NOx emission rate for each piece of NOx-emitting equipment in lbs per million Btu for each fuel burned.
5. The actual amount of NOx emitted for the previous three calendar years, from each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
6. A summary of the applicable emission limits and requirements of this regulation and how the stationary source will comply.
7. A schedule for the implementation of RACT, including dates for each of the following where applicable: completion of engineering, awarding of contracts, initiation of construction, completion of construction and final compliance with RACT.
8. Any additional information requested by the Director.
C. All RACT proposals submitted to comply with §§27.8.4 or 27.8.7 of this Part shall include the following information:
1. An inventory of all NOx-emitting equipment with a heat input capacity greater than or equal to one million Btu per hour at the stationary source.
2. The maximum capacity, in millions of Btu per hour, of each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
3. The type of fuel or fuels combusted in each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
4. The maximum NOx emission rate for each piece of NOx-emitting equipment, in lbs per million Btu, for each fuel burned.
5. The actual amount of NOx emitted for the previous three calendar year, from each piece of NOx-emitting equipment.
6. An examination of the technical and economic feasibility of available NOx control techniques for each piece of NOx-emitting equipment with the potential to emit ten (10) tons or more of NOx per year.
7. The control option or combination of control options selected as RACT, including emission limits and the test methods to be used to demonstrate compliance.
8. The amount of reduction in NOx emissions that will be associated with implementing the selected control option(s).
9. A schedule for the implementation of RACT, including dates for each of the following where applicable: completion of engineering, awarding of contracts, initiation of construction, completion of construction and final compliance with RACT.
10. The testing, monitoring, record keeping and reporting procedures to be used to demonstrate continuous compliance.
11. Any additional information requested by the Director that is deemed necessary to determine RACT.
D. After reviewing a RACT proposal submitted to comply with §§27.8.1, 27.8.2 or 27.8.3 of this Part the Director will issue a final approval or disapproval of the proposal.
E. After reviewing a RACT proposal submitted to comply with §27.8.4 of this Part, the Director, in consultation with the EPA, shall prepare a proposed enforceable document specifying RACT for the stationary source. The enforceable document shall be subject to a thirty-day public comment period. A public hearing for interested persons to appear and to submit written or oral comments on the enforceable document shall be held upon request. The Director may also hold a hearing at their discretion, whenever they believe there is a significant degree of public interest in the proposed action. If held, a hearing shall take place no earlier than thirty (30) days nor later than sixty (60) days following initial public notice.

Comments from the stationary source and/or any interested persons shall be recorded at the public hearing. Written comments, to be considered part of the record, must be submitted during the public comment period. The public comment period shall commence on the date of initial public notice. The public comment period shall close thirty (30) days later, if no public hearing is held. If a public hearing is held, the public comment period shall close at the close of the public hearing or on a later date set by the Director. The final enforceable document shall be submitted to the EPA for approval as a source specific revision to the State Implementation Plan.

250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-120-05-27.7

Amended effective 12/26/2018