Current through December 26, 2024
Section 250-RICR-110-00-1.3 - Allocation of FundingA. Funding under the 2000 Environmental Management Bonds shall be allocated as follows: 1. State Projects - the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management shall administer Twelve Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($12,100,000.00) in FY 2002 - FY 2006 for land acquisition programs. a. State Land Acquisition - Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5,800,000.00) shall be allocated for land acquisition protection which is consistent with the "Greenways, Greenspace" element of the State Guide Plan and the Department of Environmental Management "Land Protection Plan". The Department of Environmental Management's Land Acquisition Committee and the State Properties Committee shall approve projects funded under this section.b. Agricultural Acquisition - Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) shall be allocated to the Agricultural Land Preservation Commission, established pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-82-1, et.seq. Said funds shall be expended by the Rhode Island Agricultural Land Preservation Commission for the purchase of development rights to land having high agricultural value as defined herein. The Agricultural Land Preservation Commission shall choose eligible farms under their Operating Procedures adopted June 1983, as amended.c. Public Drinking Water Protection Acquisition - One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,300,000.00) shall be allocated to the Rhode Island Water Resources Board for the purchase of fee title, development rights and/or conservation easements to land for the protection of public drinking water supplies.2. Local Projects - the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management shall administer Eleven Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($11,400,000.00) in FY 2002 - FY 2006 for local land acquisition grants. a. Open Space Grants - Eight Million Dollars ($8,000,000.00) shall be allocated to municipal agencies, local land trusts, conservation commissions, watershed councils and non-profit environmental organizations to provide matching funds for fee simple acquisition and/or conservation easements to land that is consistent with the "Greenways, Greenspace" element of the State Guide Plan, Local Comprehensive Plan or a locally adopted land acquisition plan. The Director shall announce Grant rounds. The Rhode Island Natural Heritage Preservation Commission shall set the maximum amount award for a single grant awarded during each round. The Rhode Island Natural Heritage Preservation Commission Advisory Committee will review each application according to the procedures and evaluation criteria outlined in the "Rules and Regulations" of the Natural Heritage Commission of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations as amended and shall submit to the Rhode Island Natural Heritage Preservation Commission in order of priority its recommendations for grant awards.b. Recreation Land Acquisition Grants - Three Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,400,000.00) shall be allocated to municipal agencies to provide matching funds for recreation acquisition grants. Land acquired under this program must have a master plan for the development of the acquired property. The Director shall announce Grant rounds. The Rhode Island Recreation Resource Review Committee shall set the maximum amount award for a single grant. The Rhode Island Recreation Resources Review Committee will review each application according to its eligibility criteria set forth in the Open Project Selection Process of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan adopted as Element 152 of the State Guide Plan by the State Planning Council on January 11, 1990 as amended June 11, 1992 under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-11-1, et. seq, and shall submit to the Director in order of priority its recommendations for grant awards.3. Allocation of Bonds Proceeds - Recreational Development $9,000,000.00 a. State Projects - Up to Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) in FY 2002 - FY 2006 shall be available for the development and/or renovation of state public recreational facilities.b. Local Projects - Up to Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000.00) in FY 2002 - FY 2006 shall be available to municipalities to provide grants on a matching basis as set forth herein. (1) Distressed Community Grants - One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall be allocated to financially restricted communities for recreation development grants for up to 75% of the project cost and up to 100% of the cost for parkland acquisition. The Director shall announce Grant rounds. The Rhode Island Recreation Resource Review Committee shall set the maximum amount award for a single grant. The Rhode Island Recreation Resources Review Committee will review each application according to its eligibility criteria set forth in its Open Project Selection Process of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan adopted as Element 152 of the State Guide Plan by the State Planning Council on January 11, 1990 as amended June 11, 1992 under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-11-1, et. seq, and shall submit to the Director in order of priority its recommendations for grant awards.(2) Recreation Development Grants - Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) shall be allocated to municipalities for recreation development grants for up to 50% of the project cost. The Director shall announce Grant rounds. The Rhode Island Recreation Resource Review Committee shall set the maximum amount award for a single grant. The Rhode Island Recreation Resources Review Committee will review each application according to its eligibility criteria set forth in its Open Project Selection Process of the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan adopted as Element 152 of the State Guide Plan by the State Planning Council on January 11, 1990 as amended June 11, 1992 under R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-11-1, et. seq. and shall submit to the Director in order of priority its recommendations for grant awards.4. Roger Williams Park - One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) shall be allocated for improvements and renovations at Roger Williams Park in Providence as approved by the Director.5. Reallocation - All funds allocated under § 1.3 of this Part must be obligated no later than June 30, 2005. All funds authorized but not obligated on June 30, 2005 shall revert to the control of the Director for reallocation in accordance with any section of the Bond Authorization.250 R.I. Code R. 250-RICR-110-00-1.3