230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-2.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-30-2.3 - Definitions
A. As used in this Regulation:
1. "Applicant" means a Person filing an application or a renewal application for a license.
2. "Application" means any of the applications referred to in this Part and available on the Department's website.
3. "Concessionaire" means any Person operating a concession at any Gaming Facility.
4. "Department" means the Department of Business Regulation.
5. "Director" means the Director of the Department.
6. "Gaming Facility" means any building, enclosure, or premises at which pari-mutuel, simulcast, slot operations, and/or table games are conducted.
7. "Key Employee" means any individual employed at a Gaming Facility in a supervisory capacity, any individual empowered to make decisions concerning the operation of a Gaming Facility, and any individual with an ownership interest in a Gaming Facility. This includes all individuals involved in the management of the Gaming Facility.
8. "License" means that license issued by the Department to any Person employed at a Gaming Facility, or any Person engaged in Concessionaire or Vendor operations at a Gaming Facility.
9. "Licensee" means a Person holding a License.
10. "Non-employee" means any individual employed by a Licensed Vendor rather than by the Gaming Facility, or any individual employed by a construction contractor with access to any area of a Gaming Facility.
11. "Operations Employee" means any individual, other than management, employed by a Gaming Facility to handle money used in the pari-mutuel, simulcast, slot operations, and/or table games at the facility.
12. "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, or any other legal entity, however formed.
13. "Service Employee" means any individual employed by a Gaming Facility, other than management personnel and those involved pari-mutuel, simulcast, slot operations, and/or table games.
14. "Vendor" means any Person engaged in a vending operation at any Gaming Facility

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-30-2.3