Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-30-25-1.5 - Means of DisclosureA. All retail establishments subject to this Part shall disclose to consumers the price per measure of consumer commodities in the following manner: 1. Attachment of an orange stamp, tag, or label on the item itself, or directly under or over the item on the shelf on which the item is displayed, and conspicuously visible to the consumer, such orange stamp, tag or label carrying the following data and no other: a. The words "Unit Price" as a heading.b. The designation of the price per measure shall be expressed in terms of dollars or cents, as applicable, carried to three (3) digits. If the price is over $1.00, it may be expressed to the nearest full cent, provided that said price is rounded off from .005 and over to the next higher cent, and if .004 or less down to the next lower cent, but that if it is expressed in cents, it be carried to three (3) digits. Example: "25.3¢ per pound; $1.67 per quart."c. The description of the consumer commodity by item and size of unit being sold may also be included thereon at the option of the retail establishment.d. For items such as paper products, which are manufactured in numbers of folds which number is shown in addition to other information as may be required hereunder, the applicable "ply" count or thicknesses, customarily designated as "ply" by such consumer commodities.e. The retail establishment shall not be required to comply with the provisions of § 1.5(A)(1) of this Part as to color and § 1.5(A)(3) of this Part as to size of type, where the product or commodity carries a pre-printed retail price on its package, provided, that the unit price appears thereon in a size no smaller than that used for the retail price.2. When the consumer commodity is not conspicuously visible to the consumer, a list of the price per measure conspicuously placed near the point of purchase, or a sign or list of price per measure posted at or near the point of display, or by stamping or affixing the price per measure on the consumer commodity itself, provided that the data, color code and size requirements of § 1.5(A)(1) and (3) of this Part are met.3. The size of the print of the legend required under the provisions of § 1.5(A)(1) and (2) of this Part and in any other place within the retail establishment, where the price of commodities regulated hereunder is displayed, the price per measure shall be displayed in type no smaller than that used for the price of the item, but in no event shall such price per measure appear in a size less than 6/16" in height; provided, that, if any retail establishment is unable to meet the minimum size requirements, set forth herein, such retail establishment may apply to the Director for permission to use a size and type no less than pica size for such periods of time as the Director may deem to be reasonable.4. When the retail establishment uses display material and the retail price appears thereon in sizes larger than 6/16", the unit price required hereunder may appear in a size no less than 6/16" or 1/4 the size used for the retail price, whichever is greater.5. When the display space used for the consumer commodity is inadequate to set forth separate price legends as required hereunder, and/or where price designations are not customarily used for the commodities, the retailer may set forth such legends as are required hereunder on display cards or other material used for the display of prices for such commodities. The display of unit price shall appear on an orange background, be conspicuously visible, and the size of type used for the legend shall be no less than the size of the type used for the price of such packaged commodity.230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-30-25-1.5