230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-4.8

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-60-4.8 - Complaint Records

The complaint records required to be maintained under R.I. Gen. Laws § 27-29-4(13) shall include a complaint log or register, or grievance log or register for health insurers, in addition to the actual written complaints. The complaint log or register shall show clearly the total number of complaints for the current year plus the immediately preceding four (4) years, the classification of each complaint by line of insurance and by complainant (i.e. insured, Division of Insurance, third party, etc.), the nature of each complaint, the insurer's disposition of each complaint, and the complaint number assigned by the Division of Insurance, if applicable. If the insurer maintains the file in a computer format, the reference in the complaint log or register for locating the documentation shall be an identifier such as the policy number or other code. The codes shall be provided to the examiners at the time of an examination.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-4.8