Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-60-4.3 - DefinitionsA. All definitions contained in R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 27-13.1-2 and 27-29-2 are hereby incorporated by reference. In addition, for purposes of this Part: 1. "Application and accompanying records" means any written or electronic application form, any enrollment form, any document or record thereof, used to add coverage under any existing policy, questionnaire, telephone interview form, paramedical interview form or any other document used to question or underwrite an applicant for any policy issued by an insurer or for any declination of coverage by an insurer.2. "Claim file and accompanying records" means the file maintained so as to show clearly the inception, handling and disposition of each claim. The claim file shall be sufficiently clear and specific so that pertinent events and dates of these events can be reconstructed.3. "Commissioner" means the Director of the Department of Business Regulation or his or her designee.4. "Complaint" means a written communication primarily expressing a grievance.5. "Declination" or "Declined underwriting file" means all written or electronic records concerning coverage for which an application has been completed and submitted to the insurer or its producer but the insurer has made a determination not to issue a policy or not to add additional coverage when requested.6. "Examiner" means a market conduct examiner or any other examiner authorized or designated by the commissioner to conduct an examination pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 27-13.1.7. "Grievance" for health insurance purposes, means a written complaint submitted by or on behalf of a covered person regarding the: a. Claims payment, handling or reimbursement for health care services; orb. Matters pertaining to the contractual relationship between a covered person and a health carrier.8. "Inquiry" means a specific question, criticism or request made in writing to an insurer by an examiner.9. "Related entity" means a person authorized to act on behalf of the insurer in connection with the business of insurance.230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-4.3