230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-1.6

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-60-1.6 - Credit Life Insurance Rates
A. Premium Rate. Subject to the conditions and requirements in §§ 1.6(B) and 1.11 of this Part, the prima facie rates shown below are considered to meet the requirements of § 1.4 of this Part, and may be used without filing additional actuarial support.
1. Monthly outstanding balance basis: Sixty six cents ($.66) per month per one thousand ($1,000) of outstanding insured debt on single life and one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per month per $1,000 of outstanding insured debt on joint life if premiums are payable on a monthly outstanding balance basis.
2. Single premium basis: If the premium is charged on a single premium basis, the rate shall be computed according to the following formula or according to a formula approved by the commissioner which produces rates substantially the same as those produced by the following formula:

n Op It

Sp = N-ARY SUMATION ( _____ x _____ x (vt - 1 ))

t = 1 10 Ii


v = -----------

1 + (dis)

Sp = Single Premium per $100 of initial consumer credit life insurance coverage.

Op = $0.66 or $1.05, the prima facie consumer credit life insurance premium rate for monthly outstanding balance coverage from § 1.6(A)(1) of this Part.

It = The scheduled amount of insurance for month t.

Ii = Initial amount of insurance. For a net insurance policy, Ii equals the initial principal balance of the loan.

dis = .0020, representing an annual discount rate of 1.924percent for interest plus 0.4 percent for mortality.

n = The number of months in the term of the insurance.

3. If the benefits provided are other than those described in the introduction to this subsection, premium rates for such benefits shall be actuarially consistent with the rates provided in §§ 1.6(A)(1) and (2) of this Part.
B. The premium rate in § 1.6(A) of this Part shall apply to contracts providing credit life insurance that are offered to all eligible debtors, that do not require evidence of individual insurability, from any eligible debtor electing to purchase coverage within thirty (30) days of the date the debtor becomes eligible and that contain the provisions below:
1. Coverage for death by whatever means caused, except that coverage may exclude death resulting from:
a. War or any act of war;
b. Suicide within six (6) months after the effective date of the coverage; or,
c. Subject to the provisions of § 1.6(B)(1) of this Part, a preexisting condition or conditions.
2. For the purpose of § 1.6(B)(1)(c) of this Part:
a. Preexisting condition means any condition for which the debtor received medical advice or treatment within six (6) months preceding the effective date of coverage;
b. No preexisting condition exclusion shall apply unless death is caused by or substantially contributed to by the preexisting condition and unless death occurs within six (6) months following the effective date of coverage; and,
c. A preexisting condition exclusion shall apply only if and to the extent that the amount of coverage to which it would otherwise apply (in the absence of this limitation) exceeds $1,000.
3. For the exclusions listed in §§ 1.6(B)(1) and (2) of this Part, the effective date of coverage for each part of the insurance attributable to a different advance or a charge to the plan account is the date on which the advance or charge occurs.
4. At the option of the insurer and in lieu of a preexisting condition exclusion on insurance written in connection with open-ended consumer credit, a provision may be included to limit the amount of insurance payable on death due to natural causes to the balance as it existed six (6) months prior to the date of death if there has been one or more increases in the outstanding balance during the six-month period and if evidence of individual insurability has not been required in the six-month period prior to the date of death. This provision applies only if and to the extent that the amount of coverage to which it would otherwise apply (in the absence of this limitation) exceeds $1,000.
5. An age restriction providing that no insurance will become effective on debtors on or after the attainment of age sixty-six (66) and that all insurance will terminate upon attainment by the debtor of age sixty-six (66).
C. Application of Rates:
1. If the insurer, its agent, or the application form for credit life insurance does not request or require that the debtor provide evidence of insurability, then the premium rates deemed reasonable will be the prima facie rates in § 1.6(A) of this Part.
2. Except as provided in § 1.6(C)(3) of this Part, if the insurer, its agent, or the application form for credit life insurance requests or requires that the debtor provide evidence of insurability and the initial amount of insurance is $15,000 or less, then the premium rates deemed reasonable will be the rates in § 1.6(A) of this Part multiplied by 90 percent (.90).
3. If the insurer, its agent, or the application form for credit life insurance requests or requires that the debtor provide evidence of insurability and the initial amount of insurance is above $15,000 or the applicant elects to purchase coverage more than thirty (30) days after the date the debtor became eligible under a group plan of insurance, then the premium rates deemed reasonable will be the prima facie rates in § 1.6(A) of this Part. For policies insuring open lines of credit, the insurer may require evidence of insurability for advances which increase the outstanding debt above $15,000.
D. Insurers may use the same application forms for credit life insurance whether or not underwriting questions are asked pursuant to § 1.6(C) of this Part). The commissioner will presume that any application form for which all relevant underwriting questions have been left unanswered represents a policy which has not been underwritten and for which prima facie rates are permissible. A form for which any relevant underwriting questions have been answered or filled in represents a policy for which premium decreases pursuant to § 1.6(C) of this Part are required. Insurers should maintain in their files their rules for those circumstances where underwriting questions shall be asked. Those rules shall be communicated to and followed by the insurer's agents or other producers.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-60-1.6