230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-50-2.9

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 230-RICR-20-50-2.9 - Compliance
A. Any person licensed pursuant to this title and not exempt under section 5 of this Part shall comply with all of the terms and requirements of this chapter.
B. Up to twelve (12) excess continuing education credits accumulated during a biennial license cycle may be carried forward through the end of the next renewal period. Ethics credits will be carried forward as general credits so that the required three (3) ethics credit must be obtained during the biennial license cycle.
C. Although Providers are required to submit completion of course credits electronically, residents are required to maintain proof of the continuing education courses taken. Copies of these certificates need be submitted only if requested by the Department. Producers have the burden of showing compliance with continuing education requirements.
D. The Director, for good cause shown, may grant an extension of time during which the requirements of this chapter may be completed. Unless the Director finds extraordinary circumstances that extension of time shall not exceed the period of one year.
E. If requested by the Department, every person subject to the provisions of this chapter shall furnish, in a form satisfactory to the Director, written certification as to the courses, programs, or seminars of instruction taken and successfully completed by that person. The certification shall be executed by or on behalf of the sponsoring organization.

230 R.I. Code R. 230-RICR-20-50-2.9