220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-80-05-1.5

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 220-RICR-80-05-1.5 - Services and Admission Compliance Standards
A. Application - All private licensed health care facilities in the state must comply with the following Services and Admission Standards.
B. Notice - Have an effective and ongoing notification mechanism informing clients/patients that the health care services are available in a nondiscriminatory manner and without regard to one's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, or disability.
C. Grievance - Have an effective and ongoing grievance procedure mechanism that a client/patient can clearly follow if they feel they have been denied a service, admittance, or treated differently because they are a member of a protected class.
D. Filing - The last step in the grievance procedure must include that the charging party can file with the SEOO, 1 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908 or call (401) 222-3090 within ten (10) days of the knowledge of the alleged discrimination.
E. Planning - The health care facility should be able to verify its efforts or accomplishments in utilizing and consulting with members from,
1. Minority groups, and
2. Disability groups for planning the delivery of services/programs.
F. Outreach - Have an effective and ongoing means of communicating, advertising, and outreach to the non-English speaking persons who reside in the facility's geographical service area.
G. Written Information - Have all written pertinent information, such as notices, patient instructions; translated and printed in a variety of languages for the non-English reading persons who reside in the area that the health care facility resides.
H. Interpreters Verbal - Have an effective and ongoing means of interpreting and verbally communicating with non-English speaking persons who reside in the facility's geographical service area. This may be accomplished by,
1. The availability of a bilingual person, or
2. A formal agreement with an agency who provides interpreter services.
I. Physical Accessibility - Have an effective and ongoing plan of making the health care facility and its programs physically accessible to people with disabilities. To include,
1. Short and long-term plans to restructure the facility,
2. Move or offer the program or service to an accessible area,
3. Identifying another agency that is accessible which offers the same or equal service/program, and refer the client/patient.
J. Visually, Hearing-Impaired - Have an effective and ongoing means in which to communicate with the visually and hearing impaired client/patient to,
1. Disseminate and avail your services,
2. Provide treatment and,
3. Provide patient instructions and procedures.
K. Age - The health care service/program must be made available to all persons regardless of their age unless,
1. The funds for the program/service has been identified as being provided for a specific age group,
2. The consideration of one's age is one of the many factors identified to determine a person's eligibility of the service.
L. Segregation - No health care facility may discriminate or practice any type of assignment system that has the effect of segregation towards the client's/patient's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, or disability.
M. Contractual Agreements - The health care facility must no knowingly contract, to deliver its services with any agency, facility, or organization that has a history of discrimination.

220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-80-05-1.5