220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-30-00-7.9

Current through December 26, 2024
A. Independent Auditing
1. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-59(3) independent auditing shall be subject to the provision of R.I. Gen. Laws § 22-13-6,which requires that the Auditor General shall review and approve the proposed scope of services for an independent audit and the firm selected to conduct the audit.
2. Requisitions for independent audit services shall be submitted to the Office of Purchases with written verification of the Auditor General's approval of the proposed purchase of services. Copies of correspondence from the Auditor General to the Agency shall be considered sufficient authorization to proceed.
3. Contract amendments which increase the original approved scope of work shall also require the Auditor General's authorization.
B. Legal, Medical and Dental Services
1. In accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-69 and R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-71, prior to procuring the services of an attorney, physician or dentist user agencies must provide to the Chief Purchasing Officer the following:
a. Justifications for need - which may include, but need not be limited to, consideration of:
(1) legal mandates/court orders or consent decrees,
(2) licensing/certification requirements,
(3) health and safety concerns,
(4) minimum standards of service and
(5) union workload agreements.
b. Presentations shall include copies of relevant laws, standards or other citations used for justification.
c. The scope of services shall describe the time period for the proposed contract and services or outcomes (tasks, reports, or other products).
d. Presentations shall indicate whether the proposed contracted work involves supplemental functions or is for temporary staff coverage.
e. If such services are proposed to be provided on a supplemental basis by employees of the same or other state entities, the presentation shall indicate whether the services are in addition to, or an extension of, the employees' normal duties.
2. Demonstration to the satisfaction of the Chief Purchasing Officer that professionals meet minimum requirements may be accomplished using the following:
a. User agencies may obtain annual verification of the status of an attorney(s) from the Supreme Court listing of members of the Rhode Island Bar.
b. User agencies may obtain annual verification of the status of medical doctors and medical professionals from the Department of Health.
c. The Chief Purchasing Officer may delegate authority to determine the appropriateness of qualifications to agency chief executives subject to the following:
(1) such delegation shall be at the request of and justified by the chief executive of the agency,
(2) a complete description of the evaluation procedure is provided,
(3) and the names, qualifications and official capacity of the persons participating in the evaluation process or as members of professional review boards are provided.
3. Under R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-70, Professional services -- Legal -- State.-- Before a state department procures the services of an attorney, it shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the chief purchasing officer the following:
a. The need for the services required including the scope of the services to be performed;
b. That no legal personnel employed by the state on a full-time basis is available to perform such services;
c. That funding is available, indicating from which sources such funding is to be provided;
d. That attorneys to be engaged meeting the following minimum requirements:
(a) appropriate professional licensing and,
(b) competence to perform such services as reflected by formal training and education, general experience and experience in providing the required services and the qualifications and competence of persons who would be assigned to perform the services, and
(c) ability to perform the services as reflected by workload and availability of adequate personnel, equipment and facilities to perform the services expeditiously.
4. The attorney shall enter into a letter of engagement with the state. The letter of engagement shall state the rate of compensation, the scope of the services to be performed for the compensation and provision for the payment of expenses incurred in connection with legal services. The letter of engagement shall certify that the rate of compensation does not exceed the rate of compensation charged by counsel to his/her preferred public or private clients. A letter of engagement shall not be for more than one (1) year.
5. Under R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-72, Professional services -- Medical and dental services. -- Before a state department, board or commission or a public agency procures the services of a physician or dentist, it shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the chief purchasing officer the following:
a. For Medical/Dental Consultant Services:
(1) The need for the services required including the scope of the services to be performed:
(2) That no medical/dental personnel employed by the state on a full-time basis is available to perform such services:
(3) That funding is available, indicating from which sources such funding is to be provided;
(4) That medical/dental consultants to be engaged meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) appropriate professional license or certification and
(b) competence to perform such services as reflected by formal training and education, general experience and experience in providing the required services.
b. For medical/dental services where such services are readily defined and the required services are clearly defined:
(1) The need for such services, including the detailed scope of work, to be performed;
(2) That no full-time state employee(s) is/are available to perform such services;
(3) That funding is available, indicating from which sources such] funding is to be provided;
(4) That such medical/dental service providers meet the following minimum requirements:
(a) possess appropriate professional Rhode Island licenses and certifications and
(b) competence to perform such services as reflected by formal training and education, general experience and expertise in providing the required services
c. For medical/dental services, or for temporary services, generally definable over a definite period of time but on an as needed basis to provide coverage for full-time state employees (doctors, dentists, nurses, etc.) during their absence. Such procurements for those services shall be obtained through the use of a blanket-type contract arrangement. Requesting agencies shall provide to Purchasing Division fully authorized, funded and described requirement via a blanket-type purchase requisition. Requesting agencies shall provide to the satisfaction of the chief purchasing officer or his designee the following:
(1) Rationale that such services are required; and
(2) certification that medical/dental personnel to be employed possess the appropriate state license or certification, competence to perform such services as reflected by formal training, education and experience in providing the required service.
d. Nothing in this law shall prohibit nor shall anything in this law be interpreted to prohibit appropriate action by the director or his designee to provide needed medical services whether on a regular or emergency basis.

220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-30-00-7.9