A. Pricing All pricing offered or extended to the State is considered to be firm and fixed unless expressly provided for to the contrary in the Purchase Order or Purchase Agreement.
B. Cost of Preparation All costs associated with the preparation, development and submission of bids or proposals and/or protests arising therefrom, in response to solicitations issued on behalf of the State, shall be the Vendor's sole responsibility. The State will not reimburse any Vendor for such costs.
C. Selection 1. Vendor bids and proposals shall be evaluated and Purchase Orders or Purchase Agreement issued with reasonable promptness and by written notice to the successful Vendor (only); bids and proposals are considered to be irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days following the opening date unless expressly provided for to the contrary in the solicitation document, and may not be withdrawn during the specified period without the express written permission of the State Purchasing Agent.2. The State reserves the right, before making an award, to initiate investigations as to whether or not the materials, equipment, supplies, services, qualifications, integrity, capability, capacity, and/or facilities offered by the Vendor meet the requirements set forth in the solicitation and are ample and sufficient to ensure the proper performance of the Contract in the event of award. Failure to pay subcontractors on previous Vendor Contracts may be considered (also see § 13.5 of this Part herein). If upon such examination it is found that the conditions of the solicitation are not complied with, and/or that the goods or services proposed to be furnished do not meet the requirements called for in the solicitation, and/or that the services, qualifications, integrity, capability, capacity and/or facilities of the Vendor are not satisfactory, then the State may reject Vendor's bid or proposal at the State's sole discretion. Nothing in the foregoing shall mean or imply that it is obligatory upon the State to make any examinations before issuance of a Purchase Order or Purchase Agreement. If such examination is made, it in no way relieves the Vendor from fulfilling all requirements and conditions of the Contract.3. Qualified or conditional offers which impose limitations of the Vendor's liability or modify the requirements of the solicitation, offers for alternate specifications, or offers which are made subject to different terms and conditions, including form contracts, other than those specified by the State may be, at the sole discretion of the State Purchasing Agent:a. Rejected as being non-responsive; or,b. Set aside in favor of the requirements set forth in the solicitation (with the consent of the Vendor); or,c. Accepted, if the State Purchasing Agent determines in writing that such acceptance is in the best interest of the State.d. Acceptance or rejection of alternates or counter-offers by the State Purchasing Agent shall not constitute a precedent and shall not be considered to be binding on successive solicitations or procurements.4. Vendor bids and proposals must bear an authorized signature or certification in a form approved by the State Purchasing Agent. Vendor bids and proposals which do not bear the required signature or certification may be deemed to be non-responsive to the solicitation. Bids submitted in pencil will not be accepted.5. Vendor bids and proposals must utilize the unit of measure specified in the solicitation. In the event of any discrepancy between unit prices and their extensions, the unit price will govern.6. The State Purchasing Agent reserves the right to determine whether a Vendor's bid or proposal is Responsive to a solicitation and whether a Vendor is Responsible.7. The State Purchasing Agent reserves the right to reject any and all bids or proposals in whole or in part, to waive technical defects, irregularities, and omissions, to give consideration to a Vendor's past performance where, in the State Purchasing Agent's judgment, the best interest of the State will be served, to require additional competitive negotiations and/or to issue a request for best and final offers.8. The State Purchasing Agent reserves the right to make awards by items, group of items or on the total low bid for all the items specified as indicated in the solicitation, unless the Vendor expressly indicates otherwise in its bid or proposal that doing so is not acceptable.9. Preferences may be given as authorized by law or regulation, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Preference may be given to bids for products raised or manufactured in Rhode Island, in the event that all other things are equal. Contracts funded entirely by State funds, when all factors are equal, a Vendor or service provider whose headquarters or primary place of business is located within the State, or in the event of a joint venture with a Vendor or service provider whose headquarters or primary place of business is within the State, shall receive preference.b. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES - Pursuant to the provisions of R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 37-14.1 reserves the right to apply additional consideration to offers, and to direct awards to bidders other than the responsive bid representing the lowest price where: (1) The offer is fully responsive to the terms and conditions of the Request;(2) The price offer is determined to be within a competitive range (not to exceed 5% higher than the lowest responsive price offer) for the product or service;(3) The firm making the offer has been certified by the R.I. Department of Administration, Office of Diversity Equity and Opportunity to be a small business concern meeting the criteria established to be considered a Minority Business Enterprise. A minimum of ten percent [10%] of the dollar value of the work performed against contracts shall be performed by certified Minority Business Enterprises where it has been determined that subcontract and/or supply opportunities exist, and where certified Minority Business Enterprises are available. A vendor may count 60% of its expenditures for materials and supplies required under a contract and obtained from an MBE certified as a regular dealer or supplier, and 100% of such expenditures when obtained from an MBE certified as a manufacturer, towards the MBE participation requirement under R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-14.1-6. For materials or supplies obtained from firms certified as a broker or manufacturer's rep, vendors may receive MBE participation credit only for the fees and commissions charged for the procurement of the goods and materials, but not the cost of the materials themselves. Awards of this type shall be subject to approval, by the Director of Administration, of a Subcontracting Plan submitted by the bidder receiving the award.10. The State Purchasing Agent reserves the right to act in the State's best interest regarding awards caused by clerical errors or omissions by the Division.11. Any Contract issued by the Division is subject to the resolution of any timely bid protest.12. Any objections to specifications or requirements in a solicitation must be received by the Chief Purchasing Officer in accordance with State Procurement Regulation (§ 1.6 of this Subchapter).D. Public Records Vendors are advised that all records submitted to the Division may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the Rhode Island Access to Public Records Act, R.I. Gen. Laws § 38-2-1, et seq. and/or in the course of litigation through discovery. Any records submitted which a Vendor believes are of a privileged or confidential nature or are not subject to disclosure in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 38-2-2 or other applicable laws, should be clearly marked. The Vendor should provide a brief explanation as to why each portion of information marked as confidential or privileged should be withheld from public disclosure and cite the specific provision of R.I. Gen. Laws § 38-2-2. In the event the Vendor makes a reasonable assertion of confidentiality or privilege, the Division and/or agency and/or public institution of higher education will use reasonable efforts to honor the Vendor's request.
E. Product Evaluation In all solicitations, the words "or equal" shall be understood to apply to each article when a manufacturer's name or catalog are referenced unless the solicitation specifically states "no substitutions." When submitting a bid or proposal which includes items other than those specified in the solicitation, the Vendor must, in every instance, give the trade designation of the article, manufacturer's name and detailed specifications of the item the Vendor proposes to furnish; otherwise, the bid or proposal shall be construed as being submitted for the identical commodity described in the solicitation. The State Purchasing Agent reserves the right to determine whether or not the substitute item(s) offered by the Vendor is an approved equal to the item(s) specified in the solicitation.
1. All standards are minimum standards except as otherwise provided for in the solicitation.2. Samples must be submitted to the Division of Purchases in accordance with the solicitation. Samples must be furnished free of charge with the understanding that they shall not be returned to the Vendor.3. All samples submitted by Vendors may be subject to examination or testing by any laboratory the State Purchasing Agent may designate.F. COLLUSION - Vendor warrants that it has not, directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement or participated in any collusion or otherwise taken any action in restraint of full competitive bidding.G. PROHIBITION AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES AND GRATUITIES - Vendor warrants that it has not paid, and agrees not to pay, any bonus, commission, fee, or gratuity to any employee or official of the State for the purpose of obtaining any contract or award issued by the State. Vendor further warrants that no commission or other payment has been or will be received from or paid to any third-party contingent on the award of any contract by the State, except as shall have been expressly communicated to the State Purchasing Agent in writing prior to acceptance of the contract or award in question. Subsequent discovery by the State of non-compliance with these provisions shall constitute sufficient cause for immediate termination of all outstanding contracts and suspension or debarment of the bidder(s) or contractor(s) involved.220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-30-00-13.3
Adopted effective 1/1/2019