220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-30-00-1.4

Current through December 26, 2024
A. Purchase Reports
1. The Department of Administration/Division of Purchases shall maintain records of all purchases and sales made under its authority and shall make periodic summary reports of all transactions to the Chief Purchasing Officer, the Governor, and the General Assembly. Cf. R.l. Gen. Laws §37-2-54(i).
2. The Chief Purchasing Officer shall report trends in costs and prices, including savings realized through improved practices, to the Governor and General Assembly. Cf. R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-54(i).
3. The Purchasing Agent shall compile annually within ninety (90) days following the close of the fiscal year an annual summary report of procurement actions for sole source, emergency, and small purchase contracts made during the preceding fiscal year. The summary shall:
a. name each contractor, and
b. state the amount and type of each contract.
4. All documentation of contracts made for such procurements shall be made available for public inspection in accordance with the APRA and retained in accordance with the approved records retention schedule.
B. Sufficient information, including but not limited to copies of written and signed determinations, shall be maintained in purchasing files to document procurement activities, reasons for selection of the supplier's product/service and justification of price. Every determination required by the State Purchases Act and these Regulations shall be written and based upon written findings of fact by the public official making the determination. These determinations and written findings shall be retained in an official contract file in the Department of Administration/Division of Purchases or in the office of the using agency or public agency administering the contract.
1. At a minimum, documentation shall include adequate justification of source selection and pricing.
2. The extent of documentation may vary with user agency needs and requirements and the value and complexity of the purchase.
3. Procurement officials shall be required to provide an "audit trail" for every purchase. Such documentation shall be recorded and maintained in accordance with procedures established by the Purchasing Agent. Purchasing personnel shall document and maintain records of all actions with respect to a purchase for the purpose of:
a. providing background information to assure that informed decisions are made at each step in a procurement;
b. rationale for action taken;
c. providing information for reviews and audits conducted by purchasing management and audit agencies; and d. furnishing facts in the event of litigation.
C. Purchasing documentation shall be signed or initialed (as appropriate) by duly authorized officials. This shall constitute certification by the official that the action documented meets the administrative requirements for which he/she is responsible.
1. The Director/Chief Executive of each user agency shall submit to the Chief Purchasing Officer for approval, a list of agency officials who shall have the authority to act on behalf of the agency. The approved list shall be placed on file at the Department of Administration's Division of Purchases, Office of Accounts and Control and Budget Office.
a. All procurement authorizations shall be specific as to:
(1) maximum levels of expenditure commitment, program account; and
(2) persons authorized to call Division of Purchases personnel to obtain information or provide clarification regarding procurements; and
(3) agency officials who have the authority to decide whether a situation requires an emergency procurement action and who are responsible for following emergency procurement procedures.
b. The Chief Purchasing Officer shall have the right to reject for cause the authorization of any official to represent an agency in procurement transactions.
2. State Purchase Orders shall require the original signature of either the Chief Purchasing Officer, the Purchasing Agent or their respective designee.
3. Requisitions shall require the signature of an official designated by the user agency Director/Chief Executive as a agent authorized to act on his behalf for procurement transactions.
4. Requisitions submitted to the Division of Purchases shall require the signature of an official designated by the Budget Officer as responsible for certifying the availability of funds for purchasing actions.
D. Documentation records may be maintained as paper copies, microfilms, electronic or digital computer files or other means permitted in accordance with procedures established and published by the Chief Purchasing Officer, or shall be original documents as required by law or the State Controller.
E. Audit of contractors records.
1. The Chief Purchasing Officer may authorize an audit of books and records of any contractor or vendor who submitted cost or pricing data for certain negotiated contracts or change orders at any time until the period of record retention as set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-34(c) shall have expired. Audits conducted hereunder shall only be limited to those books and records reasonably related to cost or pricing data submitted to the state in accordance with RI. Gen. Laws § 37-2-28. Audits may be conducted by the Bureau of Audits, the Auditor General, or by an independent audit firm. Cf. RI. Gen. Laws § 37-2-34.
2. Books and records relating to state contracts shall be made available by the contractor or vendor for review and copying by the state auditor immediately upon receipt of notice from the Chief Purchasing Officer. Failure by a contractor or vendor to make its books and records available for audit shall result in immediate contract suspension and/or debarment of the contractor or vendor.
F. All documents relating to any procurement in which collusion or fraud is suspected shall be made available upon request to the Attorney General or his designee and shall be retained until the Attorney General gives notice that they may be released Cf. R.I. Gen. Laws § 37-2-36.
G. Reserved.
H. "Bid Abstract" means a summary tabulation which identifies each bidder and the dollar amount of each bid received and opened in response to a public solicitation; provided, however, that bid abstracts for requests for proposals requiring submission of separate technical and cost proposals shall be limited to bidder identification until such time as the Purchasing Agent renders a contract award determination.
1. Records exempted from public disclosure by APRA need not be publicly disclosed, except as otherwise authorized.
2. Public inspection of procurement records shall be permitted by appointment only and shall be conducted under the supervision of an Division of Purchases official, except as otherwise provided for pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 37-2-18(a) through (h)"Competitive Sealed Bidding" and these regulations.
3. No original procurement records shall be removed for public inspection from the Division of Purchases.

220 R.I. Code R. 220-RICR-30-00-1.4

Amended effective 11/29/2018