Current through December 26, 2024
Section 218-RICR-20-00-2.23 - Redeterminations2.23.1Purpose In addition to the change reporting requirements outlined in §2.21.2 of this Part for all recipients, a redetermination of eligibility is completed whenever a significant change is expected to occur that may affect a family's eligibility and at least once every twelve (12) months to ensure that eligibility for assistance continues and that the payment is correct. 2.23.2ProcessA. The eligibility system stores the next redetermination date for each active case. One (1) month before the month in which the case is due to be reviewed. a redetermination report is distributed to the field. B. The agency sends out the Redetermination packet which consists of the following: 1. Redetermination Appointment Letter,2. Application for Assistance, and3. Other informational material, as appropriate.2.23.3Required AppointmentA. The agency representative responds to any request from the recipient for assistance in completing the redetermination of eligibility. This help may be given by telephone or may be completed during the scheduled office or home visit, whichever is most appropriate. The redetermination should be completed by the recipient. The Redetermination Appointment Letter indicates the time and location of the appointment, location can be in person or telephonically. The letter refers the recipient to the application for a list of documents that should be brought to the appointment.B. An interview is required with each client filing the application in order to review it with him/her and to determine continuing eligibility for assistance. The telephonic interview process may be utilized to assist in the completion of the interview. See §2.3.1 of this Part for further instruction.C. The same process for reviewing the original application and determining initial eligibility is followed in any application(s) or redetermination.D. The information on the Family Violence Option sheet should be reviewed with the recipient so that s/he is re-informed that s/he may be excused from certain RI Works requirements under this option if meeting these requirements puts the applicant or her/his children at risk of domestic violence.E. Information on the original application which was previously documented and not subject to change, such as birth certificates, marriage and divorce documents, should not be re-documented unless there is a discrepancy noted between the redetermination application being reviewed and the original application(s) previously filed.F. Bankbooks, wage stubs, verification of residence, and all other information subject to change must be verified again through documents at each redetermination, and the source of verification entered in the shaded area of the application next to the item.2.23.4Required Appointment Not KeptA. If the recipient does not keep the redetermination appointment or call to reschedule, s/he is notified that the payment will be discontinued. A notice of discontinuance is issued through the eligibility system stating: 1. That the assistance payment is being discontinued because of failure to keep the redetermination interview appointment;2. That the filing of the application is necessary in order to determine continued eligibility; and3. The effective date of discontinuance.B. A copy of the notice is stored in the eligibility system. The action is noted in the electronic case record.2.23.5Completion of RedeterminationA. The DHS worker updates appropriate information into the recipient's case in the eligibility system. S/he approves any subsequent versions of eligibility. The eligibility system issues an adequate and timely notice to the recipient, as appropriate. Any changes in circumstances or anticipated changes are noted in the electronic case record.B. If a potential resource is expected in the future, the DHS worker sets up a reminder of the anticipated change so that proper activity about the resource can be initiated and completed on time.C. A RI Works program cash payment must be discontinued whenever it is determined that need no longer exists. A notice of discontinuance is issued through the eligibility system at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of discontinuance.218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-20-00-2.23
Adopted effective 1/6/2019
Amended effective 2/16/2020
Amended effective 2/27/2022
Amended effective 11/11/2022
Amended effective 8/26/2023
Amended effective 11/4/2023