218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-20-00-1.23

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 218-RICR-20-00-1.23 - Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP)
A. Under § 17(b) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (as amended through Pub. Law 117-103), the agency received Federal approval to implement an Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) demonstration project, streamlining the SNAP application, recertification and verification processes for eligible elderly and/or disabled individuals with no earned income. The ESAP demonstration project has been approved to operate beginning January 2023.
1.23.2Eligible Households
A. A household is eligible for the ESAP if it does not receive earned income and all adult members are elderly and/or disabled.
1.23.3ESAP Application Procedures
A. As part of the implementation process, a shortened and simplified paper SNAP application, the "Simple Application for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Elderly and/or Disabled Households," will be made available for ESAP households which includes only ESAP-required questions.
B. Filing the shortened and simplified application is not a requirement for participation in the ESAP. An ESAP-eligible household may apply for SNAP using any currently available application and still be determined eligible for the ESAP.
1. If a household that does not meet the ESAP criteria completes and submits the shortened and simplified ESAP application, the application will be accepted and processed and any missing information shall be acquired through the interview process and/or via requests for documentation. However, filing the ESAP application does not entitle an individual to participate in the ESAP.
1.23.4Interview Requirements
A. During the initial certification interview or the recertification interview when ESAP eligibility is first established, the household will be informed that an interview will not be required at the household's next recertification unless:
1. The household requests an interview;
2. The information supplied by the household or authorized representative is questionable, incomplete or contradictory; and
3. The household's recertification application is denied (e.g., a household's circumstances have changed and it appears to be ineligible for SNAP).
a. The worker will not deny an ESAP recertification application without first attempting to schedule a recertification interview.
(1) A recertification interview cannot be waived until after ESAP eligibility has been established.
4. The household is comprised of both SNAP/RI Works recipients who are required to complete an interview as part of RI Works eligibility (See § 2.3.2 of this Subchapter).
A. Electronic data matches will be used whenever possible to ensure that the ESAP household has no earned income and to verify gross non-exempt unearned income, non-citizen status, social security numbers, identity, child support payments, medical expenses if paying a Medicare premium, deceased status, and incarceration status.
1. If an electronic data match is not available, the information is questionable, or an unverified change has been reported by the household or received from a third party, verification must be requested from the household following existing SNAP verification processes as set forth in § 1.6 of this Part.
B. Since monthly shelter costs, utility expenses, and residency are self-attested and not verified through electronic data matches:
1. Shelter and utility costs will be verified only if they are questionable; and
2. Residency will be verified through readily available documentary evidence or collateral contacts.
C. Medical expenses can only be verified through electronic data matches if the household pays a Medicare premium.
1. If the household does not pay a Medicare premium, medical expenses are verified with documentary evidence or collateral contacts as outlined in existing SNAP verification processes (See § 1.6 of this Part).
2. If the household cannot verify medical expenses, the application will not be denied, but the medical expense deduction will not be applied.
3. ESAP households that elect to claim actual medical expenses because the expenses exceed the standard medical deduction (SMD), must re-verify medical expenses.
4. ESAP households covered by the State's SMD do not need to re-verify medical expenses over thirty-five dollars ($35.00) at recertification, unless questionable.
1.23.6Certification Period and Recertification
A. ESAP households will be assigned a thirty-six (36) month certification period and will not have a mid-certification/interim report.
B. A recertification packet will be mailed to ESAP households sixty (60) days prior to the end of their certification period for completion. When eligibility is run through the electronic data sources on these cases for a recertification and the household is determined no longer eligible, an interview will be scheduled prior to case closure.
1.23.7Reporting Requirements
A. ESAP households are considered change reporters and are required to report changes, within ten (10) days of the date the change becomes known to the household as outlined in § 1.13.1 of this Part.
1.23.8Conversion of Households
A. Regular SNAP to ESAP
1. Upon implementation, the Department will automatically convert all qualifying households from SNAP to ESAP based on established criteria.
2. Households will have their recertification periods extended to a thirty-six (36) month period based on the time remaining in their current certification period and will receive a notice informing them of their new status, reporting procedures, and responsibilities.
3. Those households, who at the time of conversion already have had their recertification packets mailed out, will be converted to ESAP at the time their recertification is processed.
a. If the Department becomes aware that a regular SNAP household is eligible for the ESAP at recertification, including households that were former ESAP participants removed from ESAP due to changes in circumstances, the Department will add these households back to ESAP and send a notice informing the households of their new status, reporting procedures, and responsibilities.
B. ESAP to regular SNAP during Recertification
1. During recertification, when an ESAP household becomes ineligible for ESAP but remains eligible for SNAP, the household will be converted to a regular SNAP Simplified reporting (SR) household.
2. The ESAP certification period will remain for the household; however, the household will no longer be covered by any waivers of ESAP, except for the thirty-six (36) month certification period.
3. The household will be sent a notice of the changes in their status and responsibilities at the time they are removed from the ESAP and converted to regular SNAP (i.e., must now have a recertification interview).
4. At the end of the thirty-six (36) month certification period, the Department will assign eligible households who complete normal SNAP recertification requirements the appropriate certification period according to SNAP policy.
1.23.9Notice of Expiration/Renewal Form
A. The Department's electronic eligibility system will generate and mail a combined expiration notice and recertification notice to ESAP households sixty (60) days prior to redetermination due date. Specialized language on the notice will inform the ESAP household of their reporting requirement (including completion of an interview for combined SNAP/RI Works recipients), and the potential termination of DHS benefits if the recertification is not completed and returned timely.
B. ESAP households will be recertified once the form is received and processed by the DHS staff. Continued ESAP eligibility will be determined using the criteria outlined in § 1.23.6 of this Part.

218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-20-00-1.23

Adopted effective 1/1/2023
Amended effective 5/14/2023
Amended effective 10/1/2023
Amended effective 12/15/2023
Amended effective 9/22/2024
Amended effective 10/1/2024
Amended effective 10/24/2024