218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-10-00-1.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 218-RICR-10-00-1.7 - Complaints and Appeals Process
A. Expressions of dissatisfaction may arise in the administration of DHS programs. The agency provides a method for receiving:
1. Complaints from certain applicants/recipients or their designated representatives questioning the application of policy with respect to such applicants/recipients;
2. Appeals by an applicant/recipient or his/her designated representatives concerning:
a. A decision or delay in a decision rendered by an agency representative;
b. How agency services have been delivered; and/or,
c. Some aspect of the financial, medical, social services, or food assistance programs.
3. Requests for a hearing by an individual claimant or a group, relating to more general issues of agency policy and/or the adequacy of agency standards.
B. The agency has interpreters available for individuals needing such services.
1.7.1The Complaint Process
A. Complaints received from an applicant/recipient or his/her designated representative, either in the field or at Central Office, are referred to the appropriate agency representative for review.
B. If the complaint involves a question of eligibility or need, or relates to social services:
1. The complaint is referred to the appropriate agency representative;
2. The agency representative has the responsibility to contact the individual to discuss with him/her the details of the complaint.
C. When the issue cannot be resolved by the agency representative, the claimant is informed of his/her right to:
1. Discuss the issue with the agency representative;
2. Have an adjustment conference;
3. Request a hearing.
D. If the complaint relates to Child Support Services:
1. The complaint is referred by the agency representative to the appropriate child support agency representative.
2. The child support agency representative contacts the individual to discuss the complaint.
E. If further information/documentation is required concerning the situation from alternate sources, the claimant may obtain the necessary information or may request the agency representative to obtain this information.

218 R.I. Code R. 218-RICR-10-00-1.7