216-40-05 R.I. Code R. § 5.7

Current through June 20, 2024
Section 216-RICR-40-05-5.7 - Issuance and Renewal of License/Fee
A. Upon completion of the aforementioned requirements, a license shall be issued by the Board to an applicant found to have satisfactorily met all the requirements of this Part and upon payment of a licensing fee as set forth in the Fee Structure for Licensing, Laboratory and Administrative Services Provided by the Department of Health (Part 10-05-2 of this Title). Said license unless sooner suspended or revoked shall expire on the thirtieth (30th) day of June of the next odd numbered year following the date of issuance of the license.
B. On or before the 30th day of April of each odd numbered year, the Department shall mail an application for renewal of license to every person to whom a license has been issued or renewed during the current licensure period. Every person so licensed who desires to renew his or her license shall file with the Department such renewal fee as set forth in the Fee Structure for Licensing, Laboratory and Administrative Services Provided by the Department of Health (Part 10-05-2 of this Title) on or before the thirtieth day of May of each odd year.
C. Upon receipt of such renewal application and payments of said fee, the accuracy of the application shall be verified, and the Board shall grant a renewal license effective the first day of July and expiring on the 30th day of June of the next odd year unless sooner suspended or revoked.
D. Any person who allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew it on or before the 30th day of May of the next odd year, as provided above, may be reinstated on payment of the current renewal fee plus an additional late fee as set forth in the Fee Structure for Licensing, Laboratory and Administrative Services Provided by the Department of Health (Part 10-05-2 of this Title).
E. Each licensed athletic trainer who wishes to continue licensure as an athletic trainer shall present satisfactory evidence to the Board that he or she has completed the continuing education requirements established by the Board and contained in § 5.9 of this Part.

216 R.I. Code R. § 216-RICR-40-05-5.7