Section 216-RICR-20-10-4.15 - Speech/Language Screening4.15.1General Speech/Language RequirementsA. Every elementary school student who has not been previously screened for speech/language impairments must be screened for speech and language impairments by a trained and qualified person as described in § 4.15.2 of this Part. Any student may be screened on an "as needed" basis. 1. For those students who have been previously screened, results of said screening must be transferred to each new school in accordance with the requirements of § 4.18.2 of this Part.B. Any student who has never been previously enrolled in a Rhode Island school who provides documentation from a parent that a speech screening has been performed by a certified and/or licensed speech language pathologist must be exempt from this screening requirement.1. In the absence of this documentation from the parent, the school must make provisions for the screening.C. A speech/language screening must consist of an assessment of the following: 2. Voice characteristics;3. Fluency (e.g., stuttering) and;4. Receptive/expressive language skills.4.15.2Personnel RequirementsA. A certified speech language pathologist certified by RIDE in accordance with 200-RICR- 20-20-1, Regulations Governing the Certification of Educators in Rhode Island is responsible for implementing the requirements of § 4.15.1 of this Part.B. Any support personnel (e.g., a speech/language pathology assistant) utilized by a speech/language pathologist must meet the training and supervision requirements outlined in Part 40-05-33 of this Title, Speech Pathologists and Audiologists.4.15.3InstrumentsA. A school's speech screening program may be conducted utilizing commercially available kindergarten/elementary school level screening instruments.B. In developing techniques for screening students ages eight (8) and above, informal items may be adapted from available tests. This informal screening would not provide standardized procedures but would yield an acceptable method of screening to determine the need for further testing.4.15.4Follow-up and Documentation RequirementsA. A student who does not pass the speech/language screening must be referred immediately for a comprehensive speech/language evaluation. The parent of any student who does not pass the speech screening must be notified of the findings, in accordance with the requirements of § 4.19 of this Part.B. The speech language pathologist or the school nurse must enter the results into the student's school health record. 1. The following components must be noted in the record:a. Date screening completed;b. Screening results (i.e., pass/fail); andc. Follow-up plan for a student who does not pass.216 R.I. Code R. 216-RICR-20-10-4.15
Amended effective 4/11/2022